
3 Home Renovations with The Investment


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Making your home an oasis is something personal to each and every person. While you want to make changes that invest in the value of the property and enhance its resale value should the time come to sell, you also want to create a home that is uniquely yours and gives you everything you want and need from the space so you can maximize your enjoyment living there.

Fortunately, home improvements and adaptations offer the perfect opportunity to marry these two goals. You can find the ideal balance to increase your home's value while also personalizing the property and infusing it with your personality, creating a space that truly reflects who you are and what you love.

But what can you do to make your home perfect? These suggestions are ideal ways to renovate your home and add value and smart investments that can significantly enhance your home's worth, providing a solid return on your investment.

Add A Sunroom

A sunroom is described as a room with large windows that let in a lot of light. Typically, there is between 75 and 90% glazing to flood the space with sunlight, blending the home to your outdoor space to allow you to take in the surrounding area without going outdoors. Modern sunrooms can be incredibly energy efficient and designed to complement a range of houses, even those with more unique stylings and shapes. Your sunroom will be attached to the house and can be the perfect place to spend sunny days, those winter months, and every day in between. Estimates suggest you can recoup up to 50% of the cost of adding a sunroom to your home upon selling in some areas, especially if you're looking at Custom Designed Sunrooms to complement the building and the landscape.


If you love to spend time outdoors instead of cooped up inside a building, one of the best investments you can make is to do your landscaping. Again, this is an area that you can customize to meet your exact requirements. According to The American Society of Landscape Architects, a well-landscaped yard can be your haven for peace and tranquillity or fun and excitement as per your wishes and give you a 15 to 25% ROI on your investment. At the same time, other sources suggest you can recoup up to 400%. Of course, the more you invest, the quality of design and finish, as well as maintenance and compatibility with the design of the house, can impact the value landscaping can add. Still, it's a worthwhile investment for your enjoyment, too.

Basement or Attic Conversion

Maximizing the internal square footage of your home by renovating unused areas has always been a popular endeavor carried out by homeowners worldwide. If you want to boost your home's value and get the most from the building, then looking at renovating your basement or attic, if you have one or both, can be the perfect way to do so. Renovating these areas can give you decent returns, 86% on basement work and 75% for attic projects, and are dependent on the quality and the scope of the work. This means ensuring you cover aspects of the renovation, such as making the basement watertight, adding in electrics and plumbing if required, increasing natural light sources, or mimicking natural light with interior lighting issues. You need to pay attention to the heat in the attic for renovating the top of your house as this space can get warm, so an extra HVAC unit could be required or added insulation; you could also need to add windows and electrics, and plumbing up there too if your space is going to include bathroom features or an ensuite. The versatility of these spaces allows for multiple uses, making this project an exciting opportunity to enhance your home's value and functionality.


Tips for a Low-Maintenance Garden

 If you want your garden to look great then you have come to the right place. This guide will show you what steps you can take to try and improve your garden, so you can create a space that serves you well for years to come.

Ditch the Lawn

One of the first things you need to do is ditch the lawn. If you have a very small garden and you don’t have kids then ditching the lawn could well be the right thing to do. You also don’t have to worry about losing out on valuable shed space either, because if you don’t need to store a lawn mower, you can probably get rid of it entirely. Remember, that there are lots of things you can do to try and source up your garden even if you lose the lawn, such as adding paving. If you do this then you will soon find that your garden becomes a lot easier to manage.

Source: Pexels

The Right Plants

You also need to make sure that you choose the right plants and that you put them in the right place. Take the time to pick plants that are suited to your soil as well as your site conditions. If you have a very sunny garden and you have plenty of dry soil then this is great. With that being said, if you plant flowers that need very wet soil or shade then you may struggle to get the result you need. One way for you to work around that would be for you to use an online selector so you can always choose the right things for you.

Keep it Simple

You need to keep things simple if you can. Evergreen plants are key here. Shrubs are great as they last for a very long time and you may also find that they don’t need replacing as the years go by. Of course, you also need to make sure that you are looking into hedges if you can. Deciduous refers to plants that may lose their leaves on a seasonal basis too, especially during autumn. This is a natural process and it is triggered by shorter days. If you can keep things like this in mind then it will help you a great deal.


If you want to make your garden super easy to work with then another thing you can do is look into decking. You can find a range of patio decks by Texas and Patio Fence Co. if you want some ideas. By opting for decking, you have a low-maintenance option that will last for years. You can also feel confident knowing that you are adding value to your home, which is great, to say the least. If you want to help yourself here then make sure that you put in the effort to make sure that your decking has been protected and that rot isn’t going to be an issue. If you can do this then you will soon find that things work in your favor.

Want to Cook from Scratch More Often? Here are Some Helpful Tips

 Do you feel as though you aren’t cooking from scratch as much as you could be? If so then now is the time for you to do something about that. Cooking from scratch isn’t difficult, especially when you break down the process. Sometimes it may require a little forethought, but if you can get into a good routine, you’ll see a difference in no time.

Source: Pexels

Thawed Meat is So Important

If you want to cook more meals from scratch then the first thing you need to do is keep thawed meat in the freezer. Not having thawed meat on hand is a huge mistake and it can also lead to a lot of overwhelm. If you want to help yourself then thaw your meat the night before and make sure that you are creative in your approach. You can also store your meat in a Pyrex dish, drain the juices and then cook it right in the same bowl. By doing this, you will soon find that your life becomes a lot easier.

Use Frozen Vegetables

Another thing you need to do is try and use frozen vegetables and simple salads. They are so quick to throw in with your meal and you may also find that frozen veg is better quality as well. They have all of the freshness sealed in and this can mean that you’re getting way more nutrition overall. It’s also better than vegetables that have been left in your fridge for the better part of a week, so be mindful of that if you can. Some of the vegetables you should be focusing on include broccoli, corn, cauliflower and green beans. 

Always Have Stock

You also need to make sure that you always have stock to hand. Stock is a key ingredient when cooking from scratch and although you can use stock pots, nothing quite compares to having a fresh jug of your own. Use frozen vegetables and meat offcuts to create a flavourful combination. If you don’t have time to make your stock but want to cook then you can easily buy organic chicken bone broth online. It’s so easy to work with and a great option if you want to experiment a little.

Focus on Ingredients

Another thing you need to do is make sure that you always focus on the ingredients. You need to make sure that you have simple ingredients to hand so that when you have had a big day or when you feel as though you are struggling, you have options available. Things like this can make a major difference and you would be surprised at how much it could help you to get the result you need in the kitchen.

Another thing you need to do is use biscuits. These are so easy to use and when you use a sourdough starter you will find that you can easily get the result you need. Of course, you can also keep bread in the freezer if you want. Sliced bread defrosts very quickly but you can easily experiment if you want.


My First Birthday without you

 Today is my birthday, and I can’t shake the feeling of emptiness without you here. Each year, I looked forward to getting my first Happy Birthday text from you just after midnigt, then before I went to sleep, you always asked all about my day, but your absence is a constant reminder of how much I miss you. 

You were always there to share in the joy, to make me laugh, and to remind me of what really matters. I miss our late-night talks, your infectious laughter, and the way you made every moment feel special. I have dreaded this birthday because of you not being here and thinking you wont be here for any more.  

As I reflect on the memories we created, I’m filled with both gratitude and sadness. I cherish every moment we shared, but the ache of missing you makes it hard to fully embrace the day. You were my confidante and my cheerleader, and I wish I could feel your support and love today.

On this birthday, I’ll carry you with me in my heart. I’ll honor your memory by celebrating life as you would want me to—filled with joy, laughter, and love. I miss you deeply, and I hope you’re watching over me, celebrating alongside me in spirit. 



 60 days

1440 hours
86400 minutes

Today marks two months since you left us, and not a moment passes without the ache of your absence. My dear sister, you were more than just family; you were my confidant, my partner in mischief, and my unwavering support. The world feels dimmer without your radiant smile and infectious laughter.

I think back to all our cherished moments—those late-night talks filled with dreams and secrets, the silly inside jokes that only we understood, and the countless times you lifted me up when I was down. You had a way of making the ordinary feel extraordinary, and your kindness touched everyone you met. Your compassion was a light in this world, and I see traces of it in everyone you inspired.

Each day without you is a reminder of the love we shared. I carry your spirit with me, and in those quiet moments, I can almost hear your voice urging me to keep going, to find joy even in the pain. I am learning to navigate life without you, holding onto the lessons you taught me about resilience and love.

Though you are in heaven, I know you’re watching over us, guiding us with your gentle spirit. I promise to honor you by living my life fully, embracing the beauty of each day, just as you did. I’ll share your stories, laugh at our memories, and keep your legacy alive in my heart.

Thank you for being the incredible sister you were. I miss you more than words can express, but I find comfort in knowing that our bond can never be broken. Until we meet again, I will love you always.


Life in Christ Bible MIN

I have wanted a study bible for so long, so when I was offered this one for a review, I was so excited.  I had it sitting on my table in the living room and even my husband wanted it.  It is a great study bible.

God has a purpose for your life in this moment. You have a part to play in what He is doing in the world. But knowing why you are here starts with knowing who God says you are. #LifeInChristBibleMIN invites you to embrace your identity and purpose as you:

• Discover why you matter-not because of anything you do, but because you are made in the image of God.

• Explore how the gospel of Jesus Christ makes you a new person.

• Learn how who God says you are changes how you think, speak, work, and move through the world.

Embrace your purpose as you discover why you matter, how the Gospel makes you a new person, and learn how that changes the way you think, speak, work, and move through the world.

• Order your copy of The Life in Christ Bible today

Alternative Landing Page: LINK

Many thanks to HarperCollins Christian Publishing and © 2024 Momentum. CONFIDENTIAL for providing a sample of the prod-uct for this review. Opinions are 100% my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.


Gardening Is Art, Too: How the Rainbow Brings Color To Your Backyard

 Gardening is more than simply planting plants, it is an art that allows you to bring an explosion of colors right into your own backyard. See yourself walking into your garden and being welcomed by a living rainbow, an harmonious mixture of flowers that recreate nature's most vibrant show. With enough creativity and knowledge about gardening techniques, an ordinary plot of land can become an explosion of color with ease. Let's look at how to design one so as to capture its brilliance for maximum effect in terms of design principles and bring an explosion of colors right into our outdoor spaces.

Photo by Harry Grout on Unsplash

Crafting the Canvas: Choosing Your Plants

Your rainbow garden starts by carefully selecting plants to fill its spectrum of hues. Consider perennials and annuals that cover red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet shades. Poppies and tulips can bring vibrant red hues while marigolds, daylilies and calendula add bright touches of orange and yellow. Hostas and ferns give lush green hues. Delphiniums bring vibrant blue tones to the scene. Violets add finishing touches of brilliance that completes its palette. Each plant brings something special as each adds its own brilliance, providing an array of vibrant color combinations.

Adding Calibrachoa Cabaret to Your Garden Design

This vibrant perennial is sure to add vibrancy and shine in your rainbow garden design. Owing to their many trumpet-shaped blooms, these plants boast an extensive palette of hues that can easily integrate with the color scheme of any garden. Calibrachoa Cabaret provides vibrant hues that range from deep magentas and vibrant pinks, through vibrant yellows to more subdued tones, that help complete your spectrum. "Midnight Kiss" Calibrachoa Cabaret flowers feature dramatic deep red-purple blooms that bring depth to any garden's color scheme. Not only are these beauties beautiful to look at, their low maintenance needs make them great additions for hanging baskets or containers. Calibrachoa Cabaret can add a dynamic layer to any garden design, creating a striking display of colors with elegant movement and beauty. Consider including this plant to increase aesthetic appeal while further creating the overall color story you envision for your outdoor space.

Implementing Color Theory into Your Garden Design

In addition to choosing plants with appropriate colors, it's also important to pay attention to how these hues are distributed within your garden design. Applying basic color theory principles can help create an aesthetically pleasing layout. Here are some tips for applying this theory:

  • Start with a focal point: Select one color as the star of your garden, and add complementary hues around it to round out its effect.

  • Use a color wheel: To effectively combine colors, the color wheel can be an invaluable resource. Use analogous (those near each other on the wheel) or complementary colors (opposite each other on the wheel) combinations for a harmonious effect.

  • Explore different textures: Don't restrict yourself to flowers alone. Consider including plants with varied textures like grasses and succulents to add depth and interest to your design.

  • Consider your garden's atmosphere: Different colors can evoke different emotions, so think carefully about what overall atmosphere you want your garden to convey. Warm colors such as reds and oranges may evoke lively energy while cooler tones like blues and purples may promote relaxation and serenity.

  • Be adventurous: One of the greatest benefits of gardening is that it's always changing and evolving, so don't be shy about experimenting with various color combinations and seeing which works best in your space. You might be amazed at how certain hues complement one another in unexpected ways.

Designing with Dimension: Layering and Layout

Achieving a rainbow effect in your garden takes more than just splashes of color, it requires thoughtful layering and layout. Think of your garden as a three-dimensional canvas, taller plants such as sunflowers and hollyhocks provide the backdrop while mid-height species like coneflowers and zinnias make good midground plants, while pansies and violets fit nicely in the foreground. Careful placement ensures blooms stand out at their best, creating an arch effect similar to an arching of rainbow.

Outfitting with Accents: Hardscaping in Harmony

A rainbow garden isn't solely about its plant life, hardscape plays an important supporting role. From pathways paved with vibrant stones, colorful garden art, or painted fences, hardscaping serves to reflect and amplify its vibrant living colors while adding structural interest and visual anchors throughout. Think seating arrangements that beckon visitors into its colorful splendor as well as hardscaping's visual anchors throughout.

Photo by Man Chung on Unsplash


Constructing a rainbow garden is more than aesthetic, it's a celebration of nature's endless creative spirit. By carefully selecting plants, designing layers, adding accents and planning for year-round color, you can craft an entrancing space that dazzles in every dimension. So go ahead and add some rainbow magic into your backyard, and let nature's rainbow colors fill your days. A garden filled with vibrant colors is more than a visual treat, it soothes both mind and soul.


God's Not Dead 2

I started watching this movie on a work night and I was to late going to bed because I couldn't turn it off, it is so good. 

Amid political and spiritual turmoil, Reverend David Hill steps up to run for Congress after an incumbent's sudden death. Battling against Peter Kane, who aims to erase religion from policy, David's fight becomes a beacon of hope and optimism for people seeking moral leadership in a divided world. These compelling statistics should motivate people of faith to understand the significant influence of their collective voices and the critical importance of participating in this election year. In the past two election cycles, woke politics and cancel culture have discouraged the faith base from taking a stronger stance and voting. However, we are now starting to see this trend reverse.

We are not canceling woke; we're reclaiming OUR freedom to express OUR faith without fear of scrutiny. Our goal is simple: to reach as many unregistered Christian voters as possible to ensure our values are represented this election cycle.

God's Not Dead' is the Most Successful Faith Franchise of All Time.  This film is more crucial than ever, especially during this election year. Be part of the conversation that’s igniting hearts and minds everywhere. 

This is more than a movie; it's a movement.  Most importantly, this film that demonstrates Christians should be optimistic, excited, and hopeful about the future. Pastor Dave reminds us that we have the greatest blessing in that we are children of the Living God, and as Americans, the greatest title in the world: citizens of the United States of America. Our focus in making this film is that all of us have the same characteristics and attributes of Pastor Dave because we have the Spirit of Christ leading and guiding us to be His light in darkness.

Don't miss your chance to witness the inspirational and powerful story of "God's Not Dead: In God We Trust"! Experience the faith, hope, and triumph of this must-see film and be moved by the message to stand up and be heard in the public square.

Pastor Dave reminds us that we have the greatest blessing in that we are children of the Living God, and as Americans, the greatest title in the world: citizens of the United States of America. The film is engaging with a captivating story and has a renowned cast that keeps the whole family entertained allowing families and friends to discuss how to engage in this current political climate with courage. Most importantly, this film that demonstrates Christians should be optimistic, excited, and hopeful about the future.

The film stars David A. R. White (GOD’S NOT DEAD, Evening Shade), Isaiah Washing-ton (Grey’s Anatomy) Dean Cain (Lois & Clark), Samaire Armstrong, (The O.C.), Ray Wise (ROBO COP), Scott Baio (Happy Days), Charlene Tilton (Dallas), with guest appearances by Governor Mike Huckabee and Newsboys.

#InGodWeTrustMIN: In God We Trust is in theaters Sept. 12th in association with Great American Pure Flix and Fathom

This film is uplifting and relevant just like Mr. Smith Goes to Washington was 85 years ago in that Pastor Dave approaches politics with moral courage, loves his country, stands up to corruption, and represents the principles that made America great and continue to make America great.

Trailer: LINK

Jean’s interview w/ female lead, Samaire Armstrong: Link 

• Buy tickets today to see God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust in theaters starting September 12th!


Buy Tickets

GIVEAWAY: Leave a comment and let me know if you would like to attend to win a $10 amazon gift card 


Many thanks to Pinnacle Peak Pictures and #MomentumInfluencerNetwork  for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own


The Life in Christ Bible~ Review

God has a purpose for your life in this moment. You have a part to play in what He is doing in the world. But knowing why you are here starts with knowing who God says you are. 

Embrace your purpose as you discover why you matter, how the Gospel makes you a new person, and learn how that changes the way you think, speak, work, and move through the world.

The Life in Christ Bible invites you to embrace your identity and purpose as you:

Discover why you matter-not because of anything you do, but because you are made in the image of God.

Explore how the gospel of Jesus Christ makes you a new person.Learn how who God says you are changes how you think, speak, work, and move through the world.

Order your copy of  #LifeInChristBibleMIN  

Amazon Buy Link

Alternative Landing Page: LINK

Order your copy of #LifeinChristBible, don't delay


I would love to get one of these, leave a comment below with your fav bible verse and I will randomly pick a winner. 


Many thanks to HarperCollins Christian Publishing for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.

© 2024 Momentum. CONFIDENTIAL



 Dear Rachel,

August 31,marking one month since you left us, I find myself enveloped in a deep ache.  
A month of yearning to hear your laughter,
A month of missing our heartfelt conversations,
A month of longing for your presence.

Losing you has been the most agonizing experience of my life. It shattered me into countless fragments, yet I sense that you wouldn’t want me to remain in that place of darkness and despair. I’ve resolved to honor your memory by living as you did—with fervor and purpose, embodying the kindness that defined you. Though every day brings its share of sorrow, your impact has made me a better person, teaching me lessons I never imagined.

Because of you, I understand that becoming a sister and having a sister is an unparalleled joy.

Because of you, I’ve come to see life as a precious gift, despite its challenges. I know now that I can either embrace it fully or let it slip away, and I choose to cherish every moment.

Because of you, I’ve learned that love is a rare treasure. I strive to love with the same depth and sincerity that you did.

Because of you, I hold on to our cherished memories, carrying them with me always.

Because of you, I’ve realized that nothing in life is permanent. I commit to loving deeply and fiercely.

Because of you, I’ve discovered the value of patience and gentleness.

Because of you, I’m learning to release pain to make space for peace.

Because of you, I know that love endures beyond death.

Because of you, I actively seek the good in every situation. If I can’t find it, I try to create it.

Because of you, I live from a place of greater depth.

Because of you, I strive to be fully present in my life.

Because of you, I take countless pictures and videos to capture moments that matter.

Because of you, I cherish every blessing.

Because of you, I’ve discovered strength I never knew I had.

Because of you, I embrace life with gusto, laughter, and passion.

Because of you, our family has grown closer and stronger.

Because of you, I see that grief is love yearning for a place to go.

Because of you, I understand that living and loving are choices that infuse life with meaning.

Because of you, I believe in the possibility of joy and laughter beyond loss.

It is both an honor and a privilege to be your sister. I eagerly await the day we will be reunited. Thank you for the countless lessons you’ve imparted.

With all my love,

Your sister
Terri G


Tribute to my sister


Today, as we gather to honor and remember the world's best sister, our hearts are heavy with a profound sense of loss and gratitude. Rachel was more than just a sister; she was a guiding light, a pillar of strength, and a wellspring of love in our lives. Her presence was a source of comfort and joy, and her absence leaves a void that cannot be filled.

From the earliest days of our lives, Rachel was my constant companion, always there with a listening ear and a heart full of understanding. Her laughter was a melody that brightened even the darkest days, and her smile had the power to make everything feel just a little bit better. She had a rare gift for making everyone around her feel valued and cherished, a testament to the depth of her compassion and kindness

Some of my earliest memories was when we lived in Middle Arm, we had three bedrooms so her and I shared a room, we would fight like siblings do, many nights I'd pay her to scratch my back, she loved having money and i got my back scratched.

As a little girl Rachel couldnt prounouce her S. So any occassion that we would get a new dress, she always asked for a pair of red "twos" shoes, Rachel I hope when you entered heaven you were handed a pair of the prettiest red shoes to walk on streets of gold. I could see Pop waiting for ya, saying come on in my doll

She loved to help mom with laundry- hanging clothes on the line ( i have a pic of her in her night gown barely able to reach), she always wanted to help cook no wonder she was better then me.  we only got 38 years of being sisters on earth but my sister is now my angel.  She was Brookes first baby sitter and they had a special bond, one day while I was vacumming and the phone rang... On the other end was David introducing himself and asking if he could come and meet my sister after meeting on a chat site, i was scared but he came, the first date it took her hours to get ready, she had clothes every year, she tried on multiple shoes, should i curl my hair or what should I do...she was smitten and it wasn't long before a wedding was happening,  they were leaving to go to Colorado two days after the wedding so they didnt go far for the honeymoon... The night of her wedding she text me and said... You wont believe this.... I was scared to ask what..she said Bishop Johnson is in the next room beside us... She got laughing, they both got laughing, the johnsons were laughing, needless to say there was a lot of laughter going on. 

Rachel moved to Colorado 18 years ago and she never once regretted her decision, never ever heard her say " David, lets move back home", she found joy and happiness with her new husband and then when she told us she was expecting a baby, we were all so delighted, and it was a boy- Curtis was born in October and he was a mommas boy, she was such a good momma to him... Then Rae came 4 years later, born with some health issues, but Rachel always told me she is going to be okay, she has gone thru 8 surgeries and every one Rachel was with her for the many hospital stays and one thing was sure she Always prayed over her before every surgery, she had faith that she was going to be okay and now she is perfect and loves shoes and clothes like me and im proud of it.

4 years later along came Ms Norah Rose- the last baby, she was everyones baby until 2 years ago when Sadie came aling then Norah said she was the big girl. 

Rachel came home for Christmas with new born baby Norah that year and when my plane touched down in DL, the phone rang and said get here fast Rachel had an infection thru her body, we got to the hospital and we prayed for her, within hours she had completetly turned around, she walked out of there and enjoyed the rest of her trip. 

Norah became a diabetic, the rest of us ( mainly mom and I- the worryers) were sick with worry, Rachel telling me to calm down and have faith, she said u know Pop Budgell is with us, norah now has a diabetic pump and it is a lot of work but Rachel was always calm over it. 

Curtis graduates this coming June she was already making plans for everyone to be there, so yes sis I promise you, we will be there, giving him the graduation he deserves..

She was always the best sister.. no matter if it was a birthday, anniversary, or any day that ended in Y- she would be sure to reach out to me. 

In moments of joy and in times of sorrow, Rachel stood by us with unwavering support. Her advice was never just words; it was wisdom born of love and a genuine desire to see us happy and fulfilled. She had a way of knowing just what to say, just when we needed it most, and her presence was a balm to our souls.

The morning of my surgery on July 31 she text me, told me she loved me and talk to me after. I text her on my way home and she was still waiting for surgery, but a couple hours later they were taking her down she told me she loved me, and she would talk to me in 2 hours. Well that night Jesus took her home, we have so many questions and no answers, but all we can do is trust it was for a reason and his timing. 

As we reflect on the time we had with her, we are overwhelmed by both the beauty of her spirit and the pain of her departure. Rachel faced life's challenges with grace and courage, teaching us all the true meaning of resilience. 

Though she is no longer with us, her legacy lives on in the countless memories we hold dear. We will forever cherish the moments we shared, from the everyday routines to the extraordinary experiences that defined our time together. Her love and her light have left an indelible mark on our hearts, and we find solace in knowing that her spirit remains with us, guiding us through the days ahead.

Today, we celebrate her life well lived  but we do so with hearts full of love and gratitude for the incredible person she was. Her life was a gift, and we are better for having known her. We will carry her memory with us, honoring her by living our lives with the same love, kindness, and courage that she exemplified every day.

Rest in peace, dear Sister. i love you and  You will be deeply missed, but your spirit will forever shine brightly in our hearts.


Celebration of Life.


 This past Friday I flew to NL for my sister’s memorial and celebration of life. My brother got me at the airport, and I stayed at his house for the night. Early the next morning we drove to my parent’s house which was just over 1.5 hrs. away.  
my mom had brunch ready for us when we arrived, then Dad and I had to get things picked up that we needed for the service and make sure the flowers were here etc.

The service was beautiful, and I hope it made her proud, I had her fav singer friends there, I had her teacher speak, I did her tribute, and my brother was my support. The meal after was delicious home-made cold plates with turkey etc., it was so so good.

When we got home that evening my best friend came over who also came to the memorial with me and she is my rock, we hung out, played with my niece, and laughed, my aunt and uncle also came over to visit.

My brother and I went to visit my step nan, she is 90 years young now 

The little street I grew up on 

Entering the town where my parents live 


My little bestie 

She is the sunshine in our storm 

Flying over Moncton 

We went for a early morning walk and she was just posing for me 

Hubby must have missed me as he took me on a date when my plane landed 

The weather was perfect, I was surrounded by my family celebrating the worlds best sister.


in loving memory of my sister

Rachel Walsh- Stassen 
January 07,1986- July 31,2024

Wednesday's will forever be hard days.  Last Monday my sister went by ambulance to the ER as she had a lot of pain in her leg and couldn't walk. The Dr told her she had a huge blood clot in her leg and they would do surgery right away it got delayed til Wednesday.  

While doing scans to find out where exactly the clot was they discovered 3 in her lungs, the dr was not concerned with the lungs as he gave her a medication that could help that.  The surgery did not happen until the next day"  she says around 3 I'm heading to surgery, love you" my response - text when you can, praying for you love you"  That was the last words ever SPOKEN with her. We waited and waited for recovery but nothing, finally I hear from my brother in law via text he said I just heard- it's not good, she's dying, pray now.  ( A blood clot went into her heart and she coded twice on the table )
I called everyone to pray and we did, within an hour the dr came out and said the blood clot moved from her heart... She was stable, told David to go home and rest, she was going to ICU sedated to rest so he went home, when he woke in the morning, he was relieved over night no calls came in so she was still stable we thought. 
David gets to the hospital and finds out she had to go on life support as her body was failing, organs were failing and they had to make decisions.  David called me to update me, I got people all over the world to pray. Her kids and Family got there to see her except my parents to say good bye. I had her mother in law put the phone to her ear so I could say my good byes, I told her It was okay to go, I loved her, her kids would be taken care of and some other words.  She died within moments after, my parents flying from Canada arrived in the morning but it was already to late, my sister had gone to heaven.  I didn't get to go because I had surgery myself and couldn't travel.
I was asked to write her eulogy which I'm sharing below.  I miss her so so much and I cannot wait to see her again..
my baby sister, my best friend, the one I ran to tell everything to even the last week I've found myself picking up my phone to text you

There are no words to express my shock, my heart break, all the why questions. The thoughts never crossed mymind that we would be here doing this,  a truly extraordinary individual whose life has left an indelible mark on all who had the privilege of knowing her. 
My sister was an extraordinary person. She was a loving daughter, A loving wife, she adored her Husband, her three babies and her two fur babies, a cherished friend, and a remarkable sister, an aunt,a neice, and a cousin. But to me, she was not just my sibling, but my confidant, my role model, and my best friend. Her presence brought joy, laughter, and warmth into my life, and her memory will continue to do so. 

She loved God. She knew what it was to have a personal relationship with Him.  Her walk with God was evident to all who knew her: her love for others, her compassion, her grace and courage.  She inspired all who knew her. She led by example.  As a little girl she got very sick (very prone to infection) and spent time in hospital. When she got out, she wanted to go to church so papa could pray for her, he did, she was healed, she got the holy ghost and baptised that night and she has never looked back.

I remember growing up we shared a bedroom. Mom would come in so many times and tell us to quit talking and go to sleep, we would pretend to be quiet for a couple minutes then we would start talking again.   

As little girls on Christmas eve we would take turns going to the rest room to see if we could see anything. Who ever woke first Christmas morning would wake the other...then we found out about our Brother Michael arriving, we were so excited to be little mommies to our baby bro. 

Years later when I got married and had my daughter Brooke, my sister moved in with me to help me out, after my one year leave was up, she babysat Brooke and they had a very special bond. 
Then I remember one Sat morning I was vacumming the floor and a call came in with a Colorado number, I thought that is strange but I answered and it was David telling me he would like to come meet my sister, I had no idea this guy existed so she had some explaining to do.  David came to visit and the day arrived to get him at airport- she took HOURS to get ready, i knew when I saw them they were smitten, it wasnt long and they were planning their wedding, I am sorry you only got 18 years married but David she truly loved you and today she is looking down saying " babe, you can do this, i believe in you". 

Curtis,RaeAnna and Norah-  you were her babies, the lights of her life. There was nothing she wouldn't do for you.  Auntie is so deeply sorry for your loss. Losing your mom is an unimaginable pain, and my heart aches for you. I know that no words can truly ease the grief you’re feeling, but I want you to know that I am here for you, and you are not alone in this journey.
Auntie is here always.  You call me anytime of the day or night, we can tell stories, or online shopping ( wink) 

My sister was a beacon of light and warmth in our lives. Her kindness was boundless, extending to friends, family, and even strangers. She had a remarkable ability to make each person she encountered feel valued and understood. Her smile, which could brighten even the darkest of days, was a reflection of her generous spirit and compassionate heart.

Throughout her life, Rachel demonstrated an incredible strength and resilience. Whether facing personal challenges or supporting others through their own struggles, she faced everything with grace and courage. Her unwavering optimism and positive outlook were a source of inspiration to all of us. She taught us the true meaning of perseverance and the importance of embracing every moment with a hopeful heart.

Though we mourn the loss of our sister we also celebrate the incredible life she lived. The memories we shared with her will forever be a source of comfort and joy. Her legacy is one of love, kindness, and unyielding strength, and it will continue to inspire us in the years to come.

In our hearts, Rachel will always be with us, a guiding light and a source of love. Her spirit will continue to live on through the countless lives she touched and the love she so generously gave. We find solace in knowing that her memory will forever be a part of us.
Last wednesday Rachel changed her address to her heavenly home.  Hand picked  as the brand new angel in the heavenly choir. 
Rest in peace, dear sister You were a gift to all who knew you, and your presence will be deeply missed but never forgotten. I love you, I miss you and I will make sure your babies and David are always taken care of. 

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