
A Better You, Through And Through! The Skills You're Never Too Old To Learn

While we can think that we're “too old” to do things in life, this is a very defeatist attitude. Yes, when you have children to raise, and you see them going from strength to strength in their education and physical prowess it can make us feel a little bit on the ancient side. But, sometimes they can inspire us to pick up a new skill. But if you want to improve yourself, you are never too old! It is more about finding the right skills that will benefit you for the rest of your life. And there's plenty out there!

A Musical Instrument 
A musical instrument isn't something that is just for youngsters; in fact, if you want to pick up an instrument later in life you will see that it benefits you, not just in terms of playing the music you love but it's great for your brain. In fact, it can even stave off age-related cognitive decline. And the great thing is now there's plenty of guides online that can point you in the direction of the instrument that you have wanted to play for so long, but never have the time. The beginner's guide to playing piano is one of many, especially if you want to tinkle the ivories. Playing the piano can be a deeply rewarding experience, offering both mental stimulation and a creative outlet. While you may need to invest in the instrument itself, and possibly the best piano stool available on the market for optimal comfort and posture, the benefits far outweigh the costs. However if you really want to start hitting the drums instead, why don't you?! In fact, it's a perfect workout!

Learning How To Dance 
And speaking of a physical workout, if you don't like the idea of going to the gym and pumping iron for what seems like hours on end, why don't you do something fun? Learning how to dance is a fantastic workout, but it also helps to maintain your balance and is a great way to socialize. You're never too old to learn how to dance, and it's a skill that benefits you in every single area of your life. Learning how to move a little bit more is, very simply, a great way of helping you age with grace. Your body is a machine; it was built to move!

Calming Anxieties 
While it's not a skill in a traditional sense, learning to calm anxiety is something that will benefit us in every aspect of getting old. While there is more focus on holistic healing, if we can't learn to relax, or be pragmatic in terms of what's bringing us down, then we can struggle. We have to remember that with things like depression, it can stem from a tangible reason or it can be a chemical imbalance. And we can regain control over our bodies, either by taking certain medications or finding the right practice that helps us to calm down. Something like deep breathing or meditation is always useful, and learning a skill like this as we get older doesn’t just calm us down, but could give us a bit more meaning to life.

We might think that we missed the boat in terms of learning new skills, but we have to remember that life is a learning lesson all in itself. There are skills in life we are never too old to learn, and if we really want to learn something new, then we will! This is the key to developing ourselves.

The Under-Appreciated Sides Of Body Art

Looking for a way to update your look, but sick of only making changes to your wardrobe and hair? Want something that better reflects you as an individual, or goes a little further and more adventurous? Body art can be perfect for just that, and here we’re going to take a look at some kinds of body art that deserve a little more recognition.

A gorgeous, temporary, and highly popular kind of body art, especially for those who love to travel. Henna is used widely in the Middle East, India, and Southeast Asia, and is one of the most ancient kinds of body art practiced around the globe. Some even attest the Queen Cleopatra herself would decorate her body with henna. Usually, people tend to like to get it on their hands, feet, or lower legs, but you can really get it just about anywhere. The ink from the henna plant is totally natural and safe, and fades within a fortnight, too.

Permanent makeup 
When you think of tattoos, you might think mostly of gorgeous elaborate designs or simple iconography, but there are some kinds designed not to add something new to your look, but to refine what is already there. Also known as microdermabrasion, permanent makeup is a beauty treatment that can save a serious amount of time by making the effects of makeup semi-permanent. It can be done anywhere on the face, emulating the look of mascara, eyeshadow, blush and more, but some people find certain areas like the lips harder to do because those parts of the body are especially sensitive.

Body jewellery
Again, when people think of piercings, their first thoughts are likely to be rather limited to earrings and simple studs. Sometimes, the occasional bejeweled stud. However, there’s a much greater diversity of body jewellery than you might think, including shop glass plugs, bead rings, barbells, belly bars, and much more. If you’re looking for a way to add a little glitz to your body, or even a little color, then body jewellery might just the thing for you. It doesn’t have to be all that flashy either, as materials like jade and glass can add a much more natural earthy feel to it.

Body paint 
This is another tradition as old as henna, tattoos, and body jewellery. In fact, body painting might be one of the oldest forms of art still surviving to this day. Back in ancient times and still common amongst some tribes dyes would be used for religious rites, ceremonies, or to denote class and position in society. Many of the vegetable dyes used back then are still used today, but nowadays, temporary body paint has exploded to include glitter, sparkles, and a huge range of colors. This is a still growing trend, so just make sure you choose body safe products when looking around.

Of course, if you’re looking for something a touch more traditional, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the tattoo or piercing approach. Do what you’re comfortable with. After all, it’s your body and your look.


How to Have a Perfect Marriage Anniversary

Photo by Lindsey Weber on Unsplash
Time flies by very fast, and it seems that it flies by even faster while you are getting older and having fun. This is why most of our marriage anniversaries come, it seems, every other month! Jokes aside, marriage anniversaries are very important and they can be a great way to keep your marriage fresh and romantic. Organizing a marriage anniversary (or a marriage anniversary party), should not come as a burden or simply just a task, but if you’re not the person to throw something big, you can always surprise your spouse with a romantic dinner or something else that they would like. But, if you have kids, where do they fit in? Take a look at some of the most important things to consider while planning a marriage anniversary.

Recreate your wedding

The first idea would be to recreate your wedding party, but of course, a bit simplified. Namely, you do not have to invite all the guests – you will need plenty of organization and money for that, but you can always turn to the same venue where you organized the biggest day of your lives. If the venue is a restaurant, make sure to book a table where you were sitting, or have a similar (or same) meals. This will definitely bring back some memories that you want to cherish forever.

The role of your children

Photo by Irina Murza on Unsplash

If you have children, this means that you simply have to include them in the organization of your marriage anniversary. They probably haven’t been born then, so this is going to be quite interesting for them. Making them an important part of the event, either with their presence or with the role that you will give them, is a great idea. They could be the gift bearers, they could state where they would like to go and thus have a dinner party there. Is there any better way to throw an anniversary for your marriage than spending it with your immediate family?

Think of a nice present

Of course, you have to think carefully about the present for your spouse. Even though presents do not matter as much as your love, this is the time to prove your love and loyalty by giving them something they will cherish – so not a simple present. If you cannot think of a present that they will like, you can think outside of the box and think of something interesting, original and symbolic. For example, you can opt for the gift of a watch that will symbolically mean that you want to spend a lot more time with them. If this is the case, make sure to pick the best and the most fashionable, so you can browse around for high-quality Japanese watches as you want something that is pretty and long-lasting. Apart from the watches, you can also choose to give them the gift of a second honeymoon, which is very romantic.

Relive your first date

Unless you really want to recreate your wedding night in a way, you can relive your first date which might be even more interesting as it is farther in the past, and thus you will remember some of the most precious moments of your life. If you want to bring your kids as well, feel free to, as that will add a dash of new to the mix. Choose the venue where you met, take the same walks, and try to remember what you were talking about. Not only is this super romantic, but it can also be quite fun. 

Indulge in a new activity

Or, you can stop taking a walk down memory lane, and opt for something new and fresh instead. Indulging in new activities is a great way to spice up your life and your marriage, and to celebrate the years together by doing something new for the first time. The best idea would be to do something together as a family – whether it’s a road trip, a trip to Disneyland, or something much more extreme, it’s up to you. If it’s only the two of you, however, this is the time to opt for bungee jumping, parachuting, or something much more dangerous that will bring you closer together. Of course, you can always choose the safe path and consider a trip to an exotic place as something new and interesting.

Ah, marriage anniversaries. You might sometimes think that it is not a date worth celebrating, but then that day comes and you actually realize that it does matter. This is why you should always know these things in advance, so that you have plenty of time to think it over.


Top 5 Beauty Treatments for Busy Moms

Being a mom is a full time job. Between work, house chores, homework, football/basketball/baseball
practises, paying the bills, juggling the in-laws, date nights, and doing your taxes, little time is left for
relaxation. As rewarding as family duties can be, moms deserve a treat sometimes.
If home spa days aren’t your thing and you want something extra (you deserve it!), we give you top 5
beauty treatments that are trendy, safe, won’t take too much time, but will surely give you a confidence
boost and a refreshment!

Permanent Makeup
Once the little ones come along, the once self-indulgent morning routine goes something like this: wake
‘em up, quick shower, wake ‘em up again, slap on some foundation, feed ‘em, put on the first clean
thing you get your hands on, get ‘em dressed, slap on some mascara, get ‘em into the station wagon and
No time for meticulous makeup. Luckily, salvation comes in the form of permanent makeup treatments.
This range of procedures includes permanent eyeliner, micro blading (an eyebrow styling technique),
permanent lipstick, lash lift, etc. Basically, your local permanent makeup artist can give you an entire
makeup look that will stay on for months, years even, no need to reapply. Permanent makeup goes into
the skin, so it won’t get ruined no matter what you do. It’s a great way to save time in the morning
without sacrificing your look. And no, these are not tattoos; these procedures are much less invasive
and will fade away eventually.

Leave-in Hair Color
Let’s face it, only a very small percentage of women is totally happy with their natural hair color.
However, dying your hair gets old after a few years, as constant touch ups take so much time and
energy. Moms especially don’t have the time to waste at a hair salon every six weeks.
That’s why so many of them opt for the lived-in color technique available in many salons now. This is an
innovative way of coloring that is based on your natural hair color and meticulous positioning of several
similar shades. This way, roots are barely noticeable and you get that subtle, yet effective glam look. The
best part – you need touch ups only every 6 months!

Laser Hair Removal
Body hair – the greatest enemy of the 21 st century woman. Admittedly, the body positivity wave has
liberated us a bit, but for those who still prefer the smooth look, laser hair removal is the way to go.
Every beauty centre under the sun does it now, and the prices have dropped in the past few years.
Laser hair removal is the only way to do away with shaving, waxing and plucking. This is a way to take
care of your armpits, legs, peach fuzz, arms, bikini zone. The procedure does require some commitment,
though, as you need to have several sessions and stick to the schedule, but you will save so much time in
the long run!

Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels
A chemical peel is an all-in-one solution to all your skin problems. It improves skin texture, minimizes
fine lines, and gives you an overall glow, and younger-looking skin in just one treatment. This procedure is
done by a dermatologist who adapts a cocktail of chemicals suited to your skin’s needs.
This removes the damaged top layer of the skin, revealing new, healthier, and improved skin
underneath. This is a way to prevent countless appointments and get straight into an effective solution.
It’s worth noting that choosing your dermatologist carefully is essential. By researching facial near me Elmhurst, IL (or local to you), you can explore the available services and make sure you’re getting the best treatment for your skin concerns.

Cosmetic Fillers
No more plastic surgery. It’s all cosmetic fillers now – a safer, cheaper, subtler way to enhance your
beauty and boost your confidence. Dermatologists have developed collagen and hyaluronic acid based
fillers that can be used to plump up the lips, fill in fine lines anywhere on the face, minimize the visibility
of under-eye bags, ever contour the face.
The main reason fillers have replaced botox is the fact that their origin is natural (collagen and
hyaluronic acid are already in our skin, we just need a bit more of it), and they are broken down by the
body naturally. It gives the skin fullness, yet doesn’t result in the total lack of facial expressions.


Adrienne Goodine fashion

Photo credit: Denis Duquette

Adrienne Goodine is a co worker who is crazy talented and she designs amazing things so today I wanted to show case her. Not only a designer but a wife and a mom.  Introducing Adrienne

Photo credit: Denis Duquette

1. What made you want to open your own business?

Designing and making clothing has been my dream since I was about 8 or 9 years old.  
Fashion Television played a big part. I was immediately mesmerized and knew exactly what I wanted to do when I grew up. My goal, graduate, go to fashion school and be a famous 
fashion designer. Easy peasy! It seriously started to pursue a career when the company I worked for for 11 years , What on Earth Jewellers, closed their doors. I knew it was time to take that leap. I would say that fear crippled me and that’s why I didn’t pursue it sooner. I also got comfortable with a steady income. So, I just did it, registered my business and built it up from there.

2. How did you get your business concept?

It’s not easy figuring out what kind of business you are, especially when you are a creative. I just wanted to make things. But after a lot of thinking, research and having a 
mentor that asked questions to get me thinking, I finally figured it out. I offer custom made designs in clothing and jewellery as well as made to order. I am currently dabbling with ready to wear but the heart of my company is the former. At the moment I design and create from start to finish, all pieces of jewellery and clothing. Eventually my goal is to have people working with me to help with this process. My goal is to have an atelier where I would have a number of people working, thus creating jobs in the province.

Photo credit: Hailley Fayle, modelled by Ashley Dearing.  

3. How do you advertise your business? 

At the moment I do my advertising on social media, word of mouth and my business cards. I am however, hoping to get some adds in magazines that fit my brand. 

4.  What do you contribute to your success?

My success is a combination of things: having a dream, believing in that dream and never giving up on making that dream come true. There is persistence, determination and 
motivation. I am also blessed to have friends and family that support me as well as great mentors who see my potential. But honestly, hard work.

Photo credit: Hailley Fayle, modelled by Ashley Dearing

5. What are your future goals?

My future goals are to be doing this full time and be a true boss lady! I will have an atelier with numerous people working with me, bringing jobs to NB and expanding the fashion industry.

Next we have a design for the Cashmere bathroom tissue held in Toronto a few weeks ago where she created this dress and was also in attendance.

Tell me more about the Fashion show:

I was one of 16 designers, chosen and invited to design a couture gown out of bathroom tissue for the  Cashmere Bathroom Tissue fashion show.   This years theme was Legends of fashion.  We were to choose our favourite legends of fashion  to inspire out piece.  For me, it was Hubert de Givenchy.   My dress was inspired by his relationship with one of my favourite style icons and a muse of mine, Audrey Hepburn.  She was his muse and they had a fabulous relationship.   I drew from the understated elegance of his designs with a focus on a few of the more iconic designs he created for Hepburn.  I of course gave it a twist of modernity and my own touch.   The event itself was amazing.  I met lots of like minded people, designers, influencers, models...etc.  It gave me a clearer vision of what I want!  And holy cow, I had my design on a runway in Toronto!  That felt incredible.   I was honoured to have been chosen to take part in this wonderful event to help raise awareness and money for Breast Cancer.  There is a vote for couture for the cure going on now until October 26th, where you can vote for your favourite dress.  And for every vote, a dollar is donated to the fight against breast cancer.

Photo is by. George Pimentel.

7. Have you created something for a famous person?

 I have made something for a famous person! I made a custom blazer for Serena Ryder a few years back. She was the headliner for the Heart and Stroke Foundations, Red Dress 
Fashion Gala, an event I have been part of for many years. It was an amazing experience. She 
is an unbelievably talented, down to earth and all around cool woman.

8. What is unique about your business? 

What is unique about my business is that I design and hand make garments and jewellery. I do this all on my own, from start to finish. For me making a custom piece is so 
personal and I put my heart and soul into it. It brings me so much joy!

9. What is one piece of advice for someone just starting a business? 

One piece of advice I can offer to someone is to stay in your lane. Focus on your goals and don’t compare your self to other people. Also, slow and steady wins the race. Take your 
time and figure out what works for you. Don’t be afraid to ask and there is no better time then now to start. One thing I read the other day was to not compare your start with someone else’s middle. Just keep on believing!

10. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

 I see myself living my dream.

11. What do you do in your spare time?

Thinking of designing and creating!
Lol jk
I’m usually hanging out with my family :)
But I’m always designing.  It’s everywhere I go and look.

You can find Adrienne Goodine Fashion here: 

Instagram it’s @adrienne_goodine 
Facebook is @adriennegfashion

Things To Know About Medical Supplies

Medical supplies form an integral part of medical and healthcare services. You cannot imagine a medical facility running without medical supplies. Nowadays, many people are switching to online stores for such supplies. Online stores offer competitive pricing. These supplies find application in the pathological lab, research centers, hospitals, home, healthcare units etc.

In this article, the emphasis would be on those things which are needed to look into before selecting a medical supply.


The following are the few points discussed below:



1.      Do a good research: One of the best ways to find about medical supplies is to do a thorough research on the internet. Since most of the services are available online, people can get the idea of the services very easily. Reviews can play a key role. Read through the reviews and weigh them. This will help you in understanding whether it is okay or not. One can also consult with the neighbors and use his or her social capital to know the names. In this step, we are only concerned with generating the names who can qualify.


2.      Evaluate the names: The next step is to analyze all these names. Once you have shortlisted some names of medical supply companies, you need to check their reviews and ratings. Online portals give you access to the same. You can find comprehensive details about the brands. This decision should never be made in a rush. It should always be made with a clear head. Any hesitation before finalizing, should get it cancelled.


3.      Checking the quality of services: There should be no compromise done with the quality. The services should be up to the mark. Moreover, you must also check that these companies manufacture products which are safe to use and matches the safety parameters as specified by the industry. The option that we should always choose should be the one that gives you the best quality of services. In the medical and health care department, one should never look to save his or her purse.


4.      The price factor: Price plays a key role in choosing the medical supplies. There are many online stores that will offer you competitive pricing. However, a lower price doesn’t guarantee quality products and vice-versa. You must analyses the product based on different parameters like quality, price, safety etc. You need to decide your budget first. The simplest way to decide the budget is by taking the help of the people. People who have already got it done will tell you in a better way what should be exactly done at this stage. When you take the price factor into account, then you need to know that if you are choosing an offline store , then you must choose the store which is nearby , this will save the shipping cost and if you are ordering online, check the with medical supplies provider about the shipping cost.

5.      Comfort and luxury: During the time of getting any medical supply, one thing that should be taken care of is the comfort and luxury aspect. The person should go in for any treatment with a cool and calm mindset. That is why it is important to see the comfort aspect.






For beginning with any medical supply, one needs to see a few of the valuable points. These points are to be seen before the person actually goes in. Doing good research is one of the most basic and fundamental things that one should always do. This step should never be skipped. It is always good to consider 3 to 4 names, rather than finalizing the first name that you see. Always choose the best medical supply service and spend some time researching about them, before making the final decision.



5 Signs That Indicate You Need To Hire A Bathroom Renovations Services

A home renovation project requires a lot of planning and farsightedness. Not only the current trend is kept in mind, but the aesthetic approach is also a part of it. Not every remodeling project becomes a success. This could happen mainly due to following an unplanned method. Renovation services require meticulous approach to weigh all possibilities and work on the same in advance. This approach applies to the bathroom renovations as well. Many homeowners overlook the signs that lead to major issues with the bathroom fixtures. Hence, it is good to understand the signs and come up with a good plan for renovation.

Here are the elements that you need to pay attention to and plan for bathroom renovations at the earliest:


1.      When you buy a new house:

Generally, people shifting to a new location consider renovating the house as per their comfort. But they neglect bathroom renovations. It might be due to budget issues or something else. The right way is to get it renovated or remodeled according to your needs. There might be improper functioning in the bathroom, which needs to be addressed. The house would be complete when rooms, as well as bathrooms, are remodeled uniformly in the new property.


2.      When you notice the onset of minor issues:

Whether you have a new house or an old one, keeping in mind the little wrong things in the bathroom is evident. You might not have an idea of how a minor problem can damage the entire structure. The issues serve you as warning sign signaling you get away from costly repairs in the property. The leakage in the faucet or an unnecessarily high-water bill should not be overlooked. Instead, you should get the minor problems solved immediately. You can get the guidance from a professional if you are not sure of the repairs of the hidden leakage.

3.      When you are changing the overall décor:

If the bathroom design does not match the home décor, would you be satisfied? Obviously, you would like to have the bathroom design that matches your choice. You should plan to include good tiles, lights, mirror, storage space, etc. to transform the bathroom that goes well with the overall home décor. 


4.      When you sell the property:

There are certain rules that homeowners need to follow when they plan to sell their house. The bathroom renovations become necessary if any interior issues are to be addressed. You cannot just handover your home with a bad functioning bathroom to the buyer. Also, the home improvement in a way will fetch you more money from the buyer and you can make a quick sale of the property.


5.      When you add safety features:
You need to install safety features as a part of bathroom renovations. This is required to protect the users from getting hurt. The addition of handlebars in the shower, railing by the toilet, etc. are some of the examples that you need to keep in mind when upgrading the bathroom area to make the home more comfortable for elders as well as kids.

Keep these minds to undertake the remodeling project. It is observed that bathroom renovations top the list of the failed home improvement project. The right way is to know the probable pitfalls and make the worth of the time, money, and energy spent on the project. Check out the ongoing projects of the professional and hire the best one for your plan to remodel the bathroom.

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Four Fun Things To Do With Your Kids

Keeping your kids entertained can often be a challenge, but it’s important that you give your children as much experience in life as possible so that they themselves can get excited about living their life as they get older. So here are four fun things to do with your kids. 

Do Something Creative
Having creativity is essential for those who would like to be successful in life. This skill offers you so much in the way of confidence and of standing out amongst the crowd. Creativity can come from a lot of things, but one way of sparking it is through something like a fun museum or baking. Letting them tap into this creative side will allow them to flourish and discover new things that they’ll enjoy and may find a further passion for in life when they get older.

Create A Boredom Jar 
A boredom jar is something you want to put together so that when it comes around to the school holidays, it’s a thing they can crack open and have fun doing whatever’s inside it. A boredom jar can be made up of lots of little activities that you can either do around the house or outdoors to relieve the boredom for perhaps a few minutes to a couple of hours. It can be like a game for the children to play when they perhaps need a distraction from doing very little. It’s great to get them involved with the making process of the jar, but you could fill up the jar with notes so that they have no idea as to what’s in there.

Ask Them To Help With House Chores
House chores are necessary for everyone in the household. When you all share a space, you want to encourage your children to play an active role, and even though it may be a boring task for them, it’s teaching them about looking after their belongings and being respectful of spaces. This will hopefully translate when it comes to them owning their own home, how they are at work, and in other people’s homes. Set a weekly rotation of tasks to do and ensure that everyone does their fair share. Even the little ones can get involved by teaching them to tidy up after themselves, putting toys away, etc. You want to teach them these rules when they’re young because they’ll easily pick it up because they do what they’re told most of the time!

Make a Fort
Ever built a fort out of blankets, pillows, duvets, and towels. Literally, any soft furnishings that you can assemble into something that resembles a fort can be super fun for children. It’s like building up a fantasy world, and it can be a great way of getting children to play and not to be using technology so much. Good old fashioned playtime is important for young children!

There are plenty of ideas that you can do to keep your children entertained, so try out as many as you can.



10 years

Oct 6 - Celebrating 10 years since I thought life was over for me, Drs kept reminding me just how risky this lung surgery was, when I was outside the OR.. my husband, parents and friends and daughter took turns hugging, and prayed with me, kissed my husband good bye and away I went... 14 hours later I was alive and in ICU where I would remain for several days... 6 days later I celebrated my 27 birthday only by the grace of God. 
Today I am free of pain related to the tumor, scars remain, yes even fear some days but God has helped me get thru this and I trust for many more years. 

Norah is 5

Today is extra sunny and extra bright because a special little girl is celebrating her birthday!Happiest of birthdays, little love.We all have been looking forward to this day so we can all celebrate the life of this young girl we dearly, dearly love. You’re growing up so fast, and there’s nothing we can do to stop it.We will just watch you grow into this beautiful girl blessed with so many talents. Happy 5th birthday to you, little love!
 You make me so very proud, my love!  Don't ever forget that I love you so much, and that I will do everything in my power to make you happy.

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