
Happy 13th Birthday Brooke Lynn

Happy 13th Birthday to my baby girl 

 As my baby I loved dressing you up, caring for you, holding you close.  I so wanted to do everything right, yet it was all so new.  You were such a compliant child.  You took great joy in helping me wherever you could.  You were born a thinker.  You loved to help me bake in the kitchen... donning the cutest little aprons that were way too big on you. Now you take over my the kitchen....

You loved to play dress up and wore your way-too-big princess shoes all around the house... clanking away, dancing and singing songs.

Somehow... I'm not exactly sure when... or how... you grew up.  I look at you now.  You're 13.  Those princess shoes couldn't even fit on your hands now.  I'm a bit weepy today... and yet so happy.  I'm thinking of how the years have flown by.  I always heard they would... yet in the midst of it, that's hard to believe. They really do.  I won't walk into your room and catch you using bright blue kid's toothpaste as lotion all over your body.  Now you wear perfume and do your own hair.  The mismatched outfits that you were so proud of as a little girl have been replaced with carefully thought out ensambles in which you look beautiful in.  You don't hide behind a chair in my room to go to the bathroom or color with a sharpie all over my carpet floor.  You don't cut up my curtains with your kid's scissors or dump out all of the toys in the toy chest so you can lay down in it.  You don't say "bye bye poo poo...  as you flush the potty anymore.  Little girl...you've grown up.  

I remember being 13.  I remember the excitement of growing up yet being so frustrated in my own skin.  I remember my body changing and not liking it.   I remember not being able to sort out my emotions which were on the fiercest of roller coasters... so happy then so sad or mad a few minutes later.  I see some of the same battles going on inside of you.  Life is hard.  You're a perfectionist and feel "less than" if you can't get things just right.  Although it's a wonderful thing to try your best, you'll need to learn that your best IS good enough.  Do your best, give glory to God and learn what you can when you fall down or mess something up.  Get up, try again.  You've got this girl.  I'm so proud of you.  I always will be.

You are a people pleaser.  You love people.  You see the best in them.  You want to be looked up to and admired.  You have an amazing God-given gift.  People, even those you don't know, are drawn to you. I love how you put people at ease.  You're compassionate and sympathize with others.  You feel... deep.  All of this sets the perfect stage, though, for falling hard when someone hurts you.  Oh little one... you'll be hurt in this life.  It's inevitable.  I hate seeing you hurting.  A Momma will never find joy in their child's hurting heart.  I so want to walk through these hurts with you.  I am here for you to talk to.  About anything... I think you know that.  I love our open communication and how we do talk about so many different things with ease.  Yet I know you may not always want to talk to me.  We're starting to discover that even now.  I pray you'll have people in your life that will be honest with you... that you'll have a heart to hear things that will be hard to hear.  I want you to have mentors and encouragers in your life and that His voice will be the one you hear above all.  I pray that you'll be able to discipher between what's truth and what's a lie.  That you'll understand and speak truth with authority.  I pray that your feet will remain on the solid rock and that you'll come to know Jesus in deeper and deeper ways.  I love your heart, little one.  I love the way you're navigating the disappointments and joys in life.  I love how you desire to read your Bible and want to know all you can.  I love how you want answers to life's questions and how you're not afraid to ask them.  You're making so many right choices.  You've got a good head on your shoulders.

You are kind.  You are creative.   You're in inventor.  You're a scientist.  You're full of love and place a lot of value on people and relationships.  You want to help the less fortunate and your heart breaks for hurting people.  You wish you had more resources to help every ministry or organization you hear about.  You're a rescuer. You can't understand why anyone could hurt another person in the terrible ways they do nowadays. You're growing up in such a beautiful way.  Watching you walk in this world that's unfolding before you has been a real blessing... bringing me so much joy.  You are growing up so quickly and already speak of university but  I'm in no hurry for that to happen, but I do pray that you'll keep your feet on the path of life no matter where the Lord leads you.  I'm so proud of you, Nummers, for the grace you're giving us through the many mistakes that we make while learning to parent each new stage.  You're a treasure, Brooke Lynn. 

Happy 13th Birthday, Beauty!



Dear Leslie, 

It has been one year of you being in heaven, one year of you being an angel. 

The pain this year has been hard, there have been so many times when I wished I could have messaged you, times I needed advice, times when I went to your instagram looking for a glimpse of the girls only to realize you are not able to update from heaven. Your sister in laws are posting little snippets of them for us. 

Stephen is doing a great job of raising them, you would be so proud of him. 
We miss you and the pain is still so real. 


Weekend Recap


Big Day for Andrew. After 4 years he was done at the contract that he had moved here for has been complete and he is now working from home. Proud of my man <3 

I worked til 9:30 pm and I felt like I got all the angry customers, what a rough day. Then we had a pot luck at work because we are almost done training so a little celebration. 

We were both in bed by 9:45 as Brooke is camping and we were so exhausted. 


Andrew and I both went to town, he let me out at the mall so I could grab starbucks and meet my best friend Cristie. We had planned to go to the market to grab some food at the food trucks and shop. 

It was a fun morning. It was so hot though but good food and friendship. 

I met andrew back at the mall as he hung out with his friend and then we got some groceries and came home 

I took a nap and he made dinner, I am fighting some sort of something and I feel really under the weather. 

Kim and Moses came over to hang out and eat dinner with us. 

Our Pastor is away on vacation so we had a visiting minister and we took him to East Side Marios for lunch and just hung out, Moses went with us

My kids at the restaurant, and they matched. 

Then this is is then after service, with matching sunglasses... crazy kids. 

Have a great week. 



When I said I do, I meant forever.
In sickness and in health, for better or for worst, richer or poor, I promised to love , honour and cherish him.

We have been married for 14 years and when I say it gets better every day, it really does, it gets better and sweeter every day.  I miss him when we are apart and I long to be back in his arms, he is my best friend and makes everything better.

The reason our marriage is so great is the fast that we have worked at it, 5 years ago I was stressed all the time from a crazy job I was working, I was working over time every chance I got as that's what I do when I'm stressed. This put a strain on our marriage as we never saw each other and when we were together it seemed we argued non stop about petty things like his laundry on the floor, it was because I was so exhausted and moody.

Then a new job opened up, a job where I worked 9-5 Monday to Friday with no over time available, it was a dream job, it really was, I was there for 8 months when we got a job transfer to another province ( same as State to Americans) so I had to leave my job, so sad.

Since moving here almost 4 years... our marriage has truly been the best it has ever been, we communicate, we have grown and we have matured.

Marriage isn't easy, no one ever said it was. Marriage is fun though, you get a permanent sleep over with your best friend.

That being said I want to bring back Marriage Monday's to the blog, are their any topics you would like to see...
I would also like to bring back Date Night Friday's.

Let me know the topics you are interested in reading about, I am an open book and will share any thoughts I have about any topic you wish for.



I have been thinking quite a bit since I lost my friend a few weeks ago.. 
I have been thinking a lot about heaven and death, 

Death leaves a sadness that heaven can heal. 
I am so thankful that my friend knew Jesus and she is in heaven with no more cancer, that makes me happy even though I really miss her down here, I know she would never want to come back. 

Then I think of my Grandpa how he is in heaven and rejoicing every day that he has no more illness, he is healed and free, made whole. 

There are so many family members in heaven, so many family members that I miss every day. My 2 Grandma's, 2 Grandpas, ( I miss my Gigi's), aunts, uncles, cousins, a nephew I never met, I cannot wait for heaven to meet them all and be reunited. 

Just think how exciting heaven will be when we all get there, when we are all are together for eternity. 

Heaven is a place of “no mores.” There will be no more tears, no more pain, and no more sorrow (Revelation 21:4). There will be no more separation, because death will be conquered (Revelation 20:6). The best thing about heaven is the presence of our Lord and Savior (1 John 3:2). We will be face to face with the Lamb of God who loved us and sacrificed Himself so that we can enjoy His presence in heaven for eternity.


Weekend Recap

It was a long day and I worked til 9:30 pm, so much information and I feel over loaded but its all good, once training is over ( another 2 weeks for a total of 4 weeks) it will get better, I am a more hands on person and there is a lot of support articles to help us out. 
Once home I immediately got into pjs and then had a phone date with my bestie Melissa ( dreams and color), I love our phone chats, we laugh and have fun chatting about nothing in particular. 

Brooke had a friend over and we all had a packing party, 2 weeks til moving day :D 
Watched some netflix and relaxed. 


Cleaned, organized and got ready for Brooke’s 13 Birthday Party. 
She had 4 friends over for pizza and cake. Played some games and had fun. 

My girl 

Playing a crazy game of badminton

I loved her cake, it was so pretty 

Moses and Kim got her a orchid, so special 

She had a great day.
I was in bed asleep by 9:30 because I was so exhausted.

We did the usual church thing.
I had to do greeting, and run the multimedia for worship then hubby did it and then I did nursery class.
Hubby took me out to lunch and then home for a long nap.

Have a great week you all 


Time to Confess

1) I have worked almost 80 hours in the last 2 weeks and I am exhausted

2) I am looking forward to August 2 when I'm on vacation to move into our beautiful new home

3) My house is boxes, and more boxes

4) It has been a long time since I did a Friday Confessional.. Leslie who started this has almost been in heaven for 1 year, hard to believe it... 


Weekend Recap

My schedule this week has been 1-9:30, which I like the 1 pm so I can sleep in the morning but coming home at 9:30 feels so late.. but week one is in the books:) 
Hubby brought me a starbucks frappiccino at dinner time to make me smile. :) 
Brooke and I crafted after and made some birthday party decor for her party next week. 

We had a early morning for a church work day, there was lots of work to be done, painting, organizing etc, it was tiring. I came home and crashed, our landlord came by to pick up some items so we chatted for a little bit. Then we went to town to do some shopping, I made some spicy buffalo dip for dinner, it was yummy. 

we packed some, only 3 weeks til moving day:) 
Went to visit my friends mom ( the one who just died) to say hi and to check on her, she is doing ok.

I slept in Sunday morning as I wasn't feeling well, slept most of the day but I did go Sunday PM as I was the greeter and I was doing the multimedia desk. 

All Things Bright and Beautiful - Book Review

This was a fun review. - the book is beautiful, it will catch the attention of the youngest to the oldest. 
If parents are willing to sit down with their children and read, especially starting before they are two years old, this book will help to spark the imagination of practically any child. The song couldn't make a better subject for a book.

All creatures great and small, all things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all... This is a great hymn, one of my favorites (especially the arrangement by John Rutter). 

 The story will help form the foundation for a strong moral and religious background. The pictures are bright and colourful and it will keep any kids attention. I cannot wait to read this to my 2 year old Niece. 

I recommend the book to all parents and encourage them to read it nightly, taking the time to discuss what they see in the pictures. I sincerely hope the author has more projects in the works!

Time for a giveaway. 
leave me a comment below with your favourite kids books, I will randomly select one of you to win this gorgeous book. 

"Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post. Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway.  If you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller / FlyBy Promotions in the last 30 days, you are not eligible to win.  Or if you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.”


New home Inspiration

We are 3 weeks away from moving into our new home
So I have been browsing different sites and I have so many things i would love to do to our new home.

Living Room:
I love a nice big table for entertaining

I love how this looks, not sure if it would go in the room but I do like it, and I need a matching table,this is just what I like for the dining room 
Here are some rugs I like in no particular order

We are going from 2 bathrooms to 1 1/2 bathroom



Weekend Recap

Our son Moses and Kim got engaged today, her ring is stunning, I will share more  pictures with you all when I get them, he had a photographer etc, he did well that kid...
now I'm like I get grand babies ;) They may not get married til next summer, I understand they need time to save and plan.
The other exciting thing we did was we celebrated our country and the freedom we have. 
We celebrated Canada Day by doing a whole lot of nothing, Brooke went camping on Thursday for a few days with a friend from school, hubby and I stayed in pjs til like 4 pm, then we got ready and went downtown and went to the Canada Day celebrations- we got food from a food truck and just relaxed. We then went for a walk and drove to Mcd's for a ice cream cone, came home and I fell asleep so early. 

Slept in a little bit, laid in bed and watched some netflix...
cleaned up as we had a house viewing at 4 pm.. also went to town to have some things printed that I need for work on Monday. 

I went to Summer Summit again that night, it has been going on all week since Wednesday and it has been amazing. It has been nice to see friends and family from all over. 

We only had one service because we were all going to summer summit.Moses came over for lunch.  After PM service we went to Jungle Jim's, I had pulled pork nachos, Kim and Moses came to hang out as well. 

Tomorrow I begin a new job, I will share more about it later. 

Have a blessed week 
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