
Things I'm Learning During Covid 19 Quarantine

1. I spend a lot more time being present. This weekend my husband, daughter and I spent time coloring, making puzzles, playing games.    

2. I'm so grateful for technology. I think I just took it for granted in the past. But, how amazing is it that we can watch pretty much any TV show or movie we want from any time ever from the comfort of our own couch? Being stuck inside isn't all that bad.

3. My home is a filthy place. Seriously. I am so bored here we're doing deep, and I do mean DEEP clean.  Spring cleaning is now done.

4.Your mindset matters most. There are two kinds of people going through 'self isolation' right now. People who will sleep in all day, eat what they want and take a vacation from their health. And, then there are people who are going to use this time to become a better version of themselves. They'll eat right, exercise now that they have the time, etc. Your mindset matters. After all of this is over, come out of it being a better person.

5. I'm never going to complain about going to a family function again. Seriously, I don't care how far away it is, how unimportant the event is, etc. I'm not missing another family event again if I can help it.

6. A lot more time cooking- although last night we did support a local restaurant and got take out,( it was completely safe so hold the nasty comments) 

What are you learning during this season? 


Let's go shopping

We are now going into Prom and wedding season as well as Easter.  When I was growing up Easter was special in our house, where mom always made sure we had new dresses for church on Sunday and I do the same with my daughter. 

I found a website that have great dresses for all occasions… now that the whole world is in Quarantine no one is able to go out and shop so I can bring the shopping right to your computer… 

If you are looking for a short formal dresses, a rehearsal dinner dress, a mother of the bride dress, an evening dress, we have casual midi dress for every occasion you can want. 

Next year my daughter will be graduating and we are looking at dresses, there are so many here that I can get lost in them, but the website is very organized.  Also, all new arrivals are 50% off.
Not just dresses but shirts, swim wear, bottoms etc, they have great selections and i love how they show the dresses with matching shoes, purse etc.
They also have a plus size sections, so there is something for everyone.

My favourite part of the website may be vacation dresses- we all will want to go on a vacation when this is over, we all will want to get away from our homes, and we will all deserve a vacation. So the Vacation dresses really caught my eye, I know some weddings got cancelled or postponed so they all need a nice dress or multiple for that honeymoon once we can all leave our homes again.  plus, every girl needs multiple nice dresses and price of these dresses are great, most are below $100, so we can all do that once this is over and we all want to socialize. 


Caring For Your Kids and Your Parents: Finding Balance

You are now at an age where you find yourself taking care of both your children and your aging parents. All of a sudden you are under a lot of pressure to keep several households ticking over seamlessly. Your main goal is to keep everybody happy, but you need to consider your own health as a priority too. You want your family to lead happy and healthy lives without risking your personal life and creating an overwhelming amount of work for yourself. You can strike a balance between caring for all of the important people in your life; you just need a few simple strategies to help you through this time of change.

Seek Out Advice and Support

Although your parents would prefer you to personally help you, there are other ways in which you can support them during this time. You don’t need to spend everyday at their house cooking dinner and caring for their health. With family home health they can offer in home nursing care and medical management so you don’t have to worry. Taking on this burden when you don’t have any professional experience is a huge ask, so make sure you seek out advice and support. Of course you can go and help your parents with cleaning or make them a cup of tea, but you don’t have to do it all. 

Be Present With Your Children

Although your mind might be everywhere right now, it is so important to be present with your children in every way you can. The precious time you get to spend with your little ones will fly by so quickly, so you need to treasure every moment you have with them. Put down your phone, switch off the television and enjoy each other's company as much as possible.

Be Kind to Yourself and Check in With Your Own Health

When you allow yourself time and space to breathe, you are giving yourself freedom. Being kind to yourself isn’t always easy when you have so much on your plate, but you need to make this a priority. Checking in with your own health is also extremely important as this will ensure that you aren’t overworking yourself during this time. Although you always strive to put other people before yourself, right now is the time to look after number one. Once your needs are taken care of, everything else will happen with ease.

Hopefully these ideas resonate with you and you can find a way to confidently and calmly take care of the people closest to you. Now more than ever your vulnerable family members need you, but it is important to take note of your own wellbeing first and foremost. If your health isn’t in check you won’t have the energy or ability to look after your children and the rest of your family. Give yourself plenty of time to relax whenever you can and you will soon be able to strike the perfect balance of caring for those you love.

How Can You Spruce up Your Home in Time For Spring and Summer?'

Things might be more than a little crazy at the moment with the current pandemic, but the world doesn’t stop turning. Spring and summer is on the way regardless, and actually, what most of us need right now is a little sunshine in our lives, even if it’s just sitting out in the garden. One way you can give your mental health a boost is to improve your home, your surroundings affect the way you feel and when you’re going to be spending a lot of time in the house it makes sense for it to look nice. Here’s how you can go about it. 

Deep clean and declutter
At the start of every season, it’s worth having a good clean and declutter. This is where you get the jobs done that you wouldn’t normally on a day of cleaning. Things like cleaning carpets and rugs with a carpet cleaner, washing all of the windows, pulling out large furniture like beds and vacuuming behind them. It makes your house feel really fresh, and gives you a blank canvas to do any other jobs. Spend some time decluttering, throw away or donate what you no longer need. Find storage solutions for the things that you do, and make the best use of all of the space you have in your home. This could involve installing hooks to hang things, shoe racks, boxes and bins on shelves and using drawer dividers. 

Change the decor
When the season changes, it can be nice to change the overall feel of your home. It doesnt mean you need to repaint and wallpaper multiple times a year, instead just update your accessories. Change cushion covers to more spring and summery designs, such as florals and pastel colours. Add vases of colourful flowers, and dot living plants around. Fold up and store any heavy winter throws and decor that’s out of season and store it in the attic ready for the autumn later in the year. If you did want to give your home more of a makeover then painting the walls a light shade light white, magnolia or very light grey will help the light to bounce around the room making it look brighter and more spacious. 

Switch out your duvet
Everyone should have two duvets, a thicker one for the colder times of the year and a thinner one for the warmer months. We might not be quite there yet, but purchase yourself a summer duvet and have it ready to put onto your bed once you start feeling too warm and night. You could even treat yourself to some nice new bedding too, some lightweight soft cotton sheets in a spring/ summer colour or design, and a lightweight bedspread for over the top which you could sleep under by itself on very warm nights. New bedding is always a nice thing to have and is a great way to spruce up your home in time for the warmer months. Again, if you have large heavy throws, a thick duvet and cushions in more autumn/ winter designs then store them away for later in the year. Vacuum bags are good for this, they keep dust and dirt out and compact large soft furnishings into small, stackable cubes. 

Swap your wardrobe around
The best way to organise your wardrobe is to split it into warmer and colder outfits. In the summer you can take out things like big winter coats, boots, heavy jackets and jumpers that you won’t need and store them away. Replace them with skirts, shorts and dresses- when the weather changes you can switch them back again. Again, the attic is a good place to store what you’re not currently using, if you have a storage bed then this is another good option. Storage beds aren’t the most practical for taking things in and out all the time, but if it’s only items you’ll be switching over once a year it’s ideal. 

Buy some new home fragrances
What better way to finish a clean and revamped home than with some nice home fragrances? Reed diffusers, air fresheners, plug ins and more can all be used. Go with fresh, light spring fragrances like fruits and florals, keep your heavy spiced scents for closer to Christmas. When your home smells nice it can help you to enjoy and appreciate it even more. 

Protect against pests
Summer time is when you’re most likely to get pests, from ants to termites, birds, beetles and more. Go around your home and fill in any small cracks and gaps with filler to prevent them from getting in. Keeping it clean and tidy can help too, pests will still come into a clean home but you’ll spot them more quickly and can take care of the problem before it becomes a massive one. Get in a company like Mosquito Authority (or for whatever kind of pest you’re dealing with) at the first sign of pest activity. This can be things like dead insects, droppings or chewed food, wood or wires. Pick up pet food off the floor at night as this is something that will attract pests, and keep non perishable foods in glass or plastic containers rather than just in bags. 

Install fans
Finally, when the weather is warm you’ll want to keep the home as cool as possible. Order yourself some fans, these can be standing fans or ceiling fans, if you have air conditioning then you’re already set. Installing blackout blinds can be another way to keep the home cool, keep them down during the day in your bedroom and it will prevent the sun from heating it up. When you go to bed, you’ll go to a nice cool room. All shops are closed at the moment with it being a pandemic, but online retailers like Amazon are still operating, so get what you can, while you can. 

What are you doing to make your home nice ready for the spring and summer? 


How You Can Move House Without All Of The Stress

While moving house can be incredibly exciting, we all know that it is also one of the most stressful things we can ever do. Taking this into account, we often have to stop and ask ourselves why we would choose to move house, given the stress that comes along with it.

Well, the truth seems to be that often people need to move due to a lack of space, or they may have just begun their retirement, or the most popular reason is to relocate for a better job. If you need to do any of these things often, the only option you have is to actually up and move house. You could be looking at new homes in Delaware, or wherever you plan on going to when you have finally made your decision. Whatever choice you land on, it can be a lot to take on board.

Now, we understand that most people simply make peace with the fact that moving will put pressure on them and their families and work their way through it. While this is admirable, it is far from the only option.

The truth is, when it comes to moving house, it is primarily one thing that causes the majority of the stress, and after that, it’s minor things. The biggest tip we will ever be able to give when moving house is to try not to plan too much.

Moving house will never ever go to plan, and when this happens, it often causes a great deal of stress. In the next section, we are going to be looking at a few of the smaller things that can really take the stress from moving.

Image Credit - Pexels CC0 Licence

Move With Style

If there is one mistake that many people make when it comes to moving, it’s that they tend to hire a van and take care of the loading and unloading themselves.

While this may be cost-effective, it is really going to add a lot of stress and strain to the move. A lot of the things you will be moving will no doubt be heavy and very awkward to maneuver. If you find that it comes down to you and your partner moving them alone, this is going to cause arguments.

Nowadays, you are far better suited to companies like Allied Van Lines who can remove the stress from this part of moving and really make things a lot easier for everybody involved.

Get To Know Your New Area

One of the best things you should do when moving house, especially when moving to a new area, is getting to know that area.

It can be an incredibly tasking situation when it comes to spending your first night in a new house, and suddenly you realize that you need to visit the local shop. If you haven’t become acquainted with the local area, you will soon realize that you have no clue if there even is a shop local.

By getting to know the neighborhood, the neighbors, and your local conveniences, you will be setting yourself up for success and one less argument in the long run. While it may seem so very basic, things like this can really make all the difference when it comes to easing your moving stress.


Things to do while under Quarantine...

The whole world is under this state of emergency and as my mother in law told me today we are all about to go stir crazy so why not come up with some fun things as a family or a single person we can all do

1) Listen to audio books, there are so many great ones we can listen to... audible, our public library allows you to "borrow" them, Spotify, kobo, kindle etc

2) Listen to podcasts: There are so many of them you can listen to: iTunes, Pod-bean, Stitcher, Spotify, iTunes, BeyondPod ( is my favourite and what I use)
I have included a list of my fav podcasts here ---

Marriage and Martinis - great marriage truths
Ordinary People, Ordinary Things--- She is the funniest person I know
That sounds fun- Annie F Downs is under quarantine and she is doing a podcast daily
The Happy Hour- Jaime Ivey - need encouragement, listen to Jaime
The Nothing is Wasted Podcast- You all need to listen to these heart felt stories
The Stronger Marriage Podcast: If you are married or about to be married take a listen
The Totally Worth it podcast- This couple has a special needs child so they post stories about special needs children and they are heart warming.

3) Netflix: There are to many to list but we can always find something to watch on Netflix.. some of my favourites are
a) Virgin River
b) Jane the Virgin
c) Like Arrows
d) Gilmore Girls
e) Heartland
f) When calls the heart
g) Full house
h) Good wife
I) Greys Anatomy
j) The Fosters
k) Nashville)
l) Mad Men
m) gossip girl
n) Free Rein
o) Love is Blind
p) Dolly Parton Heart Strings
q) Brooklynn 99
r) The Notebook
s) Merlin
t) Mrs Fishers Murder Mysteries
u) You've got mail
v) Self Made
w) Autumn Dreams
x) Airplane Mode
y) Greenhouse academy
z) God bless the Broken Road

4) Play board or card games : Skip bo, Rummi, Sequence, Monopoly, Phase 10, Exploding Kitten, Rummi Kub, Llamas unleashed, just desserts, Pandemic, Sheriff of Nottingham

5) Color: my daughter has spent a lot of time colouring pictures. It is a good past time
6) Scrapbook: one of my fav things to do is scrapbook
7) Sit and have a conversation 
8) Read your bible : lots of stories in there to read and live by
9) Read a good book ( refer to number 8)
10) Reach out to a friend 
11) Bake 
12) Learn new recipes 
13) Get some extra sleep 
14) Clean and organize ( storage units, closets)
15) Pray

I am sure there are a lot more to add to this list, what do you do while you are in quarantine?

Things I have realized during this pandemic...

Things are just sad and scary and I go from being okay to crying to having terrible anxiety.  But I have noticed somethings - so I thought I would share those in the midst of this social distancing.

1) My facebook friends have been so great, always willing to help, checking in to see if anyone needs anything delivered etc. It is pretty amazing

2) So much kindness being passed around... my friend Riannon who is owner and florist extraordinare is doing a flower delivery called " Flowers on the fly".  This would be a great pick me up for some who is quarantined,  she will drop them on the door step, check her out. 

I also have another friend who is picking up and delivering groceries to the seniors in this city. 
We are all reaching out and checking on each other, making sure we all have what we need and we are safe. 

3) We are all in fear.. fear of what is to come as we dont know what is going to happen, we do not know how long this will last, weddings are being reacheduled, school is closed for the remainder of the schoolbyear which also means graduation is cancelled, trips are cancelled~ it is a very scary season.

4) We are all going thru it together as a world. We are all sitting in the scary place together.  It came across the entire world... think about that... but we are binding together and cheering each otber on to keep going.

5) We will make it through this.  In a couple weeks or months we will look back and we can say " we survived".

6) Social Media- This is a blessing and a curse.  I have to get off some times because it makes me anxious but on the other hand I see people giving information like what store has eggs and sharing funny memes that make us all laugh. 
 Sometimes we have to laugh to get through things and this is one of those times. It's very serious and hard - but we still need to find a way to keep laughing and living.


I survived...

the great toilet tissue shortage of 2020

No I did not go out to hoard it, in fact I actually had it on my grocery list before this started so when I put some in my cart, I felt like people wanted to pull it out and run with it.

Then I woke up with a sore throat, fever, body aches and pains, cough etc... I was thinking no I can not have this COVID 19 but I have the symptoms so I ignored them, they went away, I went to work and everything was normal.

It came back with a vengeance, it is the worst pain I have ever witnessed in my throat, I swallow and it feels like I am on fire, the only relief I get is from ice cream, so I knew I had better see my Dr when my fire went up to 101.2.  After many tests including the COVID 19, I was diagnosed with strep throat, and taken off work for some time as it is very contagious, thankfully my work closed down for 2 weeks anyway.

Here's to resting, netflix, and being with my family while we are under quarantine.


Four Ways To Lose Weight Faster

Losing weight is something we all have difficulty with in some way. It depends on what our bodies are currently at in terms of fitness levels and health. But it can also be down to genetics and how hard each person might have to work in order to lose the weight. Here are four ways to lose weight faster.

Try Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting is something that many people have tried and become converted too because it’s not something you have to cut down on food for in order to do. The fasting period is dependent on what you set it at. So you could do a twelve-hour one, where you go to bed at a certain time and to stop eating at a specific point in the evening, and then you eat twelve hours later. That’s something that you can extend more so, but it makes it a lot more doable for most of us. By doing intermittent fasting, you are extending the hours in which you would usually start eating, and therefore, your body will start utilizing your fat deposits before you feed it. It’s worth giving it a go and seeing if it’s something that works for you. It’s helpful for those who don’t like doing extreme dieting or cutting anything out.

Cut Out Carbs
Carbs are a group of foods that are part of the problem when it comes to weight gain. Too many carbs over a certain period of time, and you’re going to feel bloated. It also contributes to the amount you put on, even though it’s good for energy levels. So it’s good to be wary of carbs and perhaps cut them out at points in the day where you don’t necessarily need them. For example, you could reduce or cut them out completely for your dinner, opting to have them at breakfast or lunch. 

Try Alternatives
There are plenty of alternatives when it comes to weight loss, including weight loss clinics. There’s something out there for everyone to assist in weight loss and to do it at a healthy level, rather than trying out fad diets that only work for so long. You want something that’s going to be sustainable, and that is best doing gradually, so your body gets used to it. Look at what’s out there and try a few different things that are a little different to the traditional ways of losing weight. There’s a lot of advancements in science and technology that could end up working better for you.

Lift Weights Regularly
Lifting weights is a great way to lose weight and is one of the most effective forms of exercise in order to lose it. Start looking at different workouts you can do in the gym and at home. If you’re not experienced in lifting weights, then don’t be afraid to ask a trainer at the gym or someone who looks as though they have experience to help out.

Hopefully, with these tips, you’ll be able to lose that weight a lot faster.


5 Tough Decisions for Parents

Photo by Josh Willink from Pexels

Nobody ever said that being a parent would be easy, right? While you went through the literal pains of giving birth, there can be plenty of emotional pain over the years as you struggle with making tough decisions to ultimately benefit your child. Here are five challenging situations to anticipate if you’re pregnant or thinking about having a baby to help you understand what to expect.

1. To Breastfeed or Not to Breastfeed

Will you, or won’t you? Some mothers swear by the bond that they form with the baby when breastfeeding. It’s likely the first difficult decision after pregnancy and you’ll have to decide.
While formula is more expensive and harder for babies to digest than breast milk, it is easy to tell how much your baby has eaten rather than estimating the amount with milk. Some moms start out breastfeeding and decide to switch to bottle feeding if it’s not right for them.
Do what feels right for you and baby, taking into consideration:
  • Comfort level
  • Any medical conditions
  • Lifestyle

2. Letting Them Learn from Trial and Error

As they get older, your adolescent is likely to make decisions that you know aren’t likely the best for them. While you want to jump in and tell them what to do, it can be helpful to let your kid struggle.
Experience comes from emotional pain, whether it is breaking up with their first love or a school-related challenge. So, rather than trying to fix everything for the youngster, instead, let them know that you’re there for them when they want to talk or need advice.

3. Are They Sick or Not?

As a new parent, it can be difficult to tell when the baby is sick. You may worry that you’ll miss subtle signs and not do what’s best for the little one.
If your little one looks or acts in a way that indicates an abnormality in some way to you, reach out to dallas pediatricians for professional advice. While some conditions are normal soon after birth, others are not, and it’s best to err on the side of caution and ask your doctor when unsure.
If it is your first child, you’ll likely not know what is normal or not. So, it’s best to get medical attention quickly for the newborn as an infection can worsen quickly with their not having a strong immune system at birth.

4.  When Empty Nest Time Comes

When they want to leave the house, whether it’s to move onto a college campus or simply live on their own for the first time, this period can be stressful for everyone. As with #2, let them learn from their mistakes as they pack and move, but do make sure you’re there for them.
Rather than being pushy, instead, make gentle suggestions to your child and trust that you have raised them with values and common sense. The loss you experience will be tough, there’s no denying that.
To help you get through it, reach out to your partner and friends to help get through it. Talk about your feelings to help let go in this emotionally trying situation.

5. What to Do When They Say They Hate You

This one is tough, as you don’t imagine the child you gave birth to saying, “I hate you!” But the chances are good that it will happen at some point – likely during the angst of their teen years.
When you hear those words, it’s natural to feel like you failed them and it’s tough not to lash out back at them. But do your best to take a deep breath and say, “Let’s talk about something else.”
Alternatively, ask yourself how you can best support your son or daughter. Think about what is causing this strong emotion in them; it might not even be related to you but instead be another issue on their mind.
Explain to your child the effect that the word “hate” and other negative phrases have on other people’s emotions. You are teaching them empathy at this moment.

Final Words on Decision Making as Parents

Remember, although making decisions in the scenarios below aren’t easy, they are part of your amazing role as a guiding figure in their lives. The chances are good that your little one will see you as a role model and that this influence will continue into their adult life.
Thus, never give up on being the best parent possible for your unique and wonderful child. Most importantly, show them that unconditional love triumphs everything.


Exercise is Good For Your Health, But it Won't Help You Lose Weight

Exercise is essential for your health. But several studies have suggested that physical activity alone is not enough to burn extra calories. Physical exercise alone is not enough to lose weight since the body reaches a certain plateau- at this point, working out does not burn calories, as researchers suggest. While diet should be your primary focus on weight loss, there are additional non-exercise ways to lose weight. That is why healthcare professionals have devised other methods, including CoolSculpting, to help people gain that desired body shape.
Image via Adobe Stock by Ljupco Smokovski

Reducing the Size of your Plate

A Cornell researcher, Dr. Brain Wansink, recently highlighted the fact that individuals who frequented fast-food restaurants with softer lights and soothing music had fewer calories compared to people who had their meals in diners with loud music and bright light. He also added that there is a mindless solution for every person's life, particularly dim lights. In such situations, you are likely going to eat slower as the food cools off. This is a helpful strategy since when you rush into eating, you will consume more calories.

Eat More Protein

Foods with proteins come with several benefits, including muscle building and weight loss. Although they may be beneficial, you should also invest in eating a healthy diet combined with a few routines of physical exercises. Lean muscles play a huge role in reducing calories. Therefore, eating a meal full of protein could be one of the fastest strategies for losing weight. 

Chew Thoroughly and Slowly

Multiple people are in the habit of devouring their food. In the process, they might be careless too. This can lead to several health issues that can contribute to weight gain. Eating slowly and chewing your food thoroughly is a smart approach. It comes with several health benefits. Individuals who eat quickly weigh more than the ones who eat slowly and carefully. Notably, fast eaters are highly likely to be obese. They may also gain weight so fast.

Reduce Stress

Some people gain weight when stressed. The primary cause of weight gain is a mix of different hormonal as well as psychological factors. Your body is equipped with hormones that keep it in check. These elements can promote weight gain. The stress hormone known as cortisol is often released into the body when an individual is stressed. It is an element that fights response to a respective perceived threat. To reduce weight, you need to cut down your stressors.

Take a Stretch

Your weight gain is a result of different complicated lifestyle habits. These include how much food you eat, hormone balance, and the quantity of sleep you get. For that reason, you need to work towards reaching an ideal weight. But this is not possible if you are not disciplined. So consider taking a slight stretch as it is an essential tool for reducing stress.
There are multiple ways to lose weight or keep it in check without exercising. The tips above are a significant way to begin making positive lifestyle transformations. While adding physical exercise to healthy habits may improve your results, it is not necessary. Finally, it would help if you learned to accept yourself to live a happier life.


Perfect Businesses When You're A People Person

Woman In Brown Knitted Sweater Using Cellular Phone

We all dream of being able to strike out on our own, escape the shackles of the working for someone else, and start our own business. Sadly, for a lot of people that fantasy never turns into a reality. One of the most common reasons why this happens is that a lot of people simply don't know what they'd be happy doing every day. If you want to figure out the answer to that question, then you've got to think about what you really enjoy. Different people enjoy different things, and that makes them suited to different styles of business. If you're the kind of person who loves to interact with those around them and for whom talking to other people is the best way to spend your time, then here are a few business ideas that you might want to try.

A cafe

There's a genuine charm to the idea of being able to run your own cafe. Being able to chat with customers sitting in cafe chairs while you bring them beautifully made kopi luwak coffee is absolutely fantastic for someone who likes to be able to learn about other people and be friendly with them. Running your own cafe often attracts repeat customers which means that you're going to be able to meet and get to know a lot of different people. Not only that but running a cafe is one of the few jobs where your ability to connect with people is completely tied into whether or not your business succeeds at all.

Bespoke crafts

Of course, that's not the only way that you can interact with people. If you're something of a creative or crafty type then why not run a business making bespoke items for customers. The wonderful thing about that is that you're able to provide the kind of service that few other businesses can: making something totally unique and personal. You can get to know your customers and what they really want so that you can provide them with exactly the thing that they're looking for. Not only will you be able to connect with your customers but you'll also be able to give them something that they will cherish for the rest of their lives.

Wedding planning

What could be better for someone who loves being able to connect with people than helping two people with the most important day of their lives? Planning a wedding can be incredibly stressful for a couple who already have enough on their plate so not only are you able to take that stress away from them but you're able to work alongside them in order to give them the perfect day that they've always dreamed of. There are few things more fulfilling than being able to make someone's wedding the happiest day of their life.

Of course, there are plenty of other businesses out there that allow you to interact directly with other people. It's just a matter of looking around and figuring out what you really want and what it is that you're really good at.

Eating Healthy: 5 Foods That Keep Your Family Healthy

Eating healthy means getting your nutrition right by including meals from the five broad food groups. It is even more essential for people to watch their fat and calorie intake. You may want to check out this round steak recipe and add it to your diet. Unlike marbled steaks, round steaks are more comfortable for home kitchens and are an affordable alternative to meat lovers while at the same time offers the best dietary addition.
Image via Adobe Stock by Prostock-studio
Many foods that feature in diets fail to meet the threshold for a balanced diet. As much as “junk” are often enjoyable, they should be limited, considering the health risks they pose. Some of what we enjoy eating tend to be our undoing and should be reduced, if not cut off completely. Regardless of where you want to start, it is more straightforward to make simple changes to bring your eating habits closer to the recommended dietary guidelines for a healthier living.

The Five Healthy Food Groups

To ensure robust standards in the meals you serve your family, it is crucial to consider the following five groups:
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables and legumes
  • Lean meat, poultry, and fish products
  • Whole grains or cereals rich in fibers
  • Milk products with minimal processing or any other alternative products like reduced fats.
All these foods are grouped because they consist of similar nutritional components. Eating a variety from the above group gives your family the best-balanced diet. Accordingly, choosing from each group offers exciting alternatives to ensure that your family is not bored with the food you are offering.

The X-Factor of Healthy Fats in a Diet

Your meals should always have a slight allowance for healthy fats, which should only amount for two tablespoons for adults and less than a tablespoon for children daily. Unsaturated fats are considered an excellent addition to a diet because of the help in three areas, namely:
  • The absorption of vitamins. For instance, vitamins A, D, E, and K
  • Lowering the level of cholesterol when used in place of saturated fats
  • Reducing all risks of heart failure and hypertension.
How much should you take from each group?
The amount of food to be included in a diet depends on several factors such as gender, age, level of activity, and health conditions. The same applies to the standard size of the serve. However, the following list indicates the required amount of each food for a healthy lifestyle:
  1. Up to 350 KJ of fruits (150 g).
  2. 100 kJ to 350 kJ of vegetables daily.
  3. Up to 500 kJ of whole grains and other foods rich in fibers.
  4. Between 400 kJ and 600 kJ of lean meat, fish, poultry, beans, and other related products.
  5. 500 kJ to 600 kJ of milk and related products.

Final thought

They say eat your food like medicine or else you will eat your medicine like food. For a healthy family, you require more of the foods mentioned above and less fast food. Whether you plan to eat out or have your meals at home, it’s vital to mind what you serve and have in your meal plan.

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