
10 perfect dogs for a child

How to choose a perfect dog for a house and a child? It is very easy. Give an option of choice to a child oneself. Just pare down a list of breeds to 10-20 the friendliest, smart and playful. Here are 10 of choice for your children, and you go from there narrow the list up to one puppy in accordance with parameters important for your family.

They heap praises on a golden retriever`s character. It is hard to find a person who would not enjoy communicating with these all the way through joyful animals. Moreover, it is true that they are very well natured and a human-oriented; ready to express their love and devotion. These dogs are companions and are frequently used in zootherapy. They keep golden retrievers on the payroll of schools for ill children in Europe and America. The dogs do famously in the job of psychologists and doctors, let alone help children with disabilities bringing them things they need over.
Capacity for training 10 of 10 
Intellect 10 of 10 
Shedding 9 of 10 
Size 7 of 10 
Lifetime 8-15 years 
Treatment for children 10 of 10 
Average price – 380 $ 


No matter how breeders experiment upon the way a Corgi looks, being kind is an irremovable feature of the breed. These are very sweet, devoted and unpretentious dogs, human-oriented. They feel the way their master feels like very well, and are able to support when needed. They do well with cats and other animals and are meticulous about little kids. They are perfect companions for families living in big cities. It is easy to keep them even in small apartments upon condition that a pet is going to be played with often enough. Thus, if you pick this dog, your child will always have a companion to play with. 
This dog is better for a bit older kid, who will take part in the dog`s upbringing.
Capacity for training  9 of 10 
Intellect 9 of 10 
Shedding 8 of 10 
Size 2 of 10 
Lifetime 12 – 15 years 
Treatment for children 10 of 10 
The price is from 450 $


A sheepdog is a dog you can always trust. Its intellect is enough for five fellow creatures, while balance and calmness relieve a host entirely from any kinds of a surprise. The sheepdog is a perfect family dog. It is unbelievably devoted and affectionate animal, besides with outspoken liability to take care after youngest. It is important to understand the fact that a sheepdog is an energetic creature, who lead an active lifestyle for centuries, meaning that their masters need to be ready for long hikes. Moreover, little masters usually like long hikes no less.  
Capacity for training 9 of 10 
Intellect 9 of 10 
Shedding 9 of 10 
Size 7 of 10 
Lifetime 12 – 15 years 
Treatment for children 10+ of 10 
Average price is 380 $.


A hunting temper of a setter is related to certain difficulties with its managing. It is a brave and energetic dog, and unfortunately, it does not fit for those people who like quiet and slow-paced life. This pet is going to need running and games, long hikes and going out into nature. You need to work hard in order to tame an independent Irish temper. Due to natural sociability, a setter gets on very well with troublesome children and unknown dogs. More so, the pet is perceived everyone as a friend. No exceptions. To take it as an advantage or disadvantage is up to you.

Capacity for training 7 of 10 
Intellect 7 of 10 
Shedding 5 of 10 
Size 7 of 10 
Lifetime 12 – 14 years
Treatment for children 10 of 10 
The price is from 230 $


Pug dogs enjoy easy disposition, they are not as quick, as for example many other dogs out of the list, which is why it is going to be a good choice for a calm child. At that, they love playing with children very much. A kid will enjoy greatly dressing up his or her pet in funny costumes; a pug dog bears with it. Their short wool and unpretentiousness in managing are big advantages for a kid`s parents. 
Capacity for training 3 of 10 
Intellect 3 of 10 
Shedding 10 of 10 
Size 2 of 10 
Lifetime 12 – 15 years 
Treatment for children 10 of 10 
The price is from 300 $ 


A Labrador takes 7th place in the rating of dogs on brain building. It is a communicative, friendly, patient, allows playing with it, as it was a toy, calm by nature. Labradors can remember up to 300 human phrases. Those are not the smartest dogs on the planet, however intellect when combined with a desperation to please, makes a Labrador the best dog for training.
Capacity for training 10 of 10 
Intellect 10 of 10 
Shedding 5 of 10 
Size 7 of 10 
Lifetime 12-13 years
Treatment for children 10 of 10 
The average price is from 300 to 600 $


A poodle is a wonderful family dog in general with an excellent temper. They deal with children and other members of a family well. They like being in a company. One of the main features of a poodle is to keep good relations with people. Poodles like long hikes; they are very and like to fool around. It is the only breed, which has four size options. A big or a standard (45-60 cm height), small or average (from 35 tо 45 cm height) miniature or dwarf poodle (height is from 28 to 35 sm) and a toy poodle (24-28 sm) 
Capacity for training 10 of 10 
Intellect 10 of 10 
Shedding 1 of 10 
Size different 
Lifetime 12 – 18 years (depends upon a size) 
treatment for children 10 of 10 
A price is from 150 $


A Bichon Frise is a little dog with silky curly wool who just loves attention. Few people in the world are able to withstand the charm of these dogs. They are excellent companions, active, funny and joyful. Besides, they do not shed and has almost no smell. Their wool is hypoallergic, which is perfect for children who are allergic. However, at that bichon fries requires a constant care, particularly, wool is to cut every 6-8 weeks and to comb out daily. This is expensive, unfortunately.
Capacity for training 5 of 10 
Intellect 5 of 10 
Shedding 1 of 10 
Size 2 of 10 
Lifetime 12-15 years
Treatment for children 10 of 10 
A price is from 230 to 600 $


For more than 100 years, a beagle happens to be on the list of the most prestigious breeds. There is a reason for that. Those dogs are kind, active and joyful. Those are true activities managers of a child`s play, they adore the company of children able to play with them for hours, allowing them basically everything. However, it was essential to recall that a beagle is, to begin with, a hound, who requires physical exercise as long running. A beagle who did not have enough walk will take it out of your apartment. 
Capacity for training 1 of 10 
Intellect 1 of 10 
Shedding 5 of 10 
Size 2 of 10 
Lifetime 12 – 16 years
Treatment for children 10 of 10 
Average price – 300 $


A Boston terrier is very playful, who loves its masters. It copes with children well, fast learning and pretty smart. However, without a proper upbringing and training, a Boston terrier can easily become stubborn and disobedient. This breed of dogs is meant for patrolling, however, they are able to bark loudly at strangers at the same time.  
Capacity for training 5 of 10 
Intellect 10 of 10 
Shedding 5 of 10 
Size 2 of 10 
Lifetime 15 – 16 years
Treatment for children 10 of 10 
A price is from 380 $

Now make your choice!

About the author: Melisa Marzett Melisa Marzett is an editor, copywriter, blogger who currently works for http://livecustomwriting.com/  She has read thousands of books, which makes her a bit of an expert, however, she remains an alien, a child admiring things adults got used to and likes to ask questions as much as hates to make lists:)


Tips for Getting a Second Mortgage



Taking a second mortgage on your property is a relatively common way to get a loan. It is a risky financial decision to make, but in the end, you may not have options. Also, if you’re able to pay off the mortgage, it’s perfectly fine to use your tohome to obtain one.
It’s also a good idea to use your credit history and equity to make sure you know ofhow much you can get on the house and plan your financial affairs accordingly.

Understanding the risk

There are a few risks when you take out a second mortgage and you need to
consider them before making a call. The first and most obvious one is the fact that
your monthly expenses will increase significantly. Make sure that you can handle it
before making the call to take up a mortgage.
Have in mind that there are long-term risks as well. Your home is on the line if you
can’t make the payments and if you‘re able to pay them at the moment, there’s really
no guarantee that you could do so in the years to come.

What kind of mortgage?

It’s important to choose the 2nd mortgage that best suits your needs . This depends
on why you need the money and how you plan to use it. One of the ways to go about
it is to get a home equity line of credit. That means that you don’t withdraw all the
money right away, but use it only when you need to and repay the money you’ve
Another option is to simply take out a loan based on home equity. That’s a traditional loan where you use all the assets right away. 
There are many financial options when it comes to mortgages depending on where you live - for example, check out this great article from Simon Conn on mortgage calculator spain for information about that area. 

Determine the equity
The next step is to determine the equity you have in your home because that will
determine the value of the mortgage. The equity is the difference between the value
of the home and the debt you already have tied to it.
The first part of it is rather easy. You already know how much you owe and there’s
no way of lowering that number, but by paying what you owe. The second part,
determining the value of the home takes a while and it needs to be done by the
bank-approved appraiser.

Shop around

Finding the best deal on your mortgage, works just like finding the best deal on
everything else. If you shop around with a few banks, you’ll probably be able to get a
better deal than you’ve initially planned to. Start with the bank you already have a
relationship with because that’s probably where you’ll get a good rate.
Have in mind that a bank with the best rate isn’t always the best way to go. There
are others fees and considerations to be made beyond the amount you need to pay.

The type of rates
The type of the rate is often more important than the scale of the rate. There are two
main types of rates to consider. There are fixed and adjustable rates and they both
have their advantages as well as drawbacks. An adjustable rate fluctuates based on
the market, while fixed one doesn’t.

When it comes to adjustable rates, it’s best to investigate how the market fluctuated
in the last couple of years so you know what to expect in the years to come.
Getting a second mortgage can be a good financial decision. However, as is the case
with any other loan, it’s a long-term commitment and it needs to be planned.

How to Throw the Best Halloween Party This Year

Despite its gruesome origins, Halloween is often considered to be a children’s holiday. After all, dressing up as a superhero and asking strangers for candy only makes sense when you’re a kid. However, there’s been a shift in this cultural stigma lately, as more and more people in their twenties, thirties, and even forties are celebrating Halloween. But instead of cheap costumes and chocolate, these celebrations are chic and elaborate. If you are one of those people who are planning to organize a Halloween bash this year, here are some tips to help you throw the best spooky and stylish Halloween party.

Choose a specific theme
You can always choose a traditional approach and let your guests have complete creative freedom when it comes to their costumes and opt for classic Halloween music and decorations. However, if you want to get creative, you can choose a specific theme for your Halloween party. Whether you choose standard costumes, like zombies and vampires, or something more unconventional, such as Disney characters, just think about what kind of a party you want it to be, and you will figure out your theme more easily. Costume themes are a great way to unify a party, as most people can put together a simple, fun outfit that fits, whether it’s a scary movie everyone loves, or something more interpretative, like abstract ideas, puns or unrelated combinations. This takes the pressure off of having the perfect Halloween costume and gives everyone the option to choose a fun, silly one.

Find the perfect costume

Depending on the chosen party theme, there are countless costume options you can choose from. The
best advice would be to plan ahead and, instead of just buying a ready-made costume, look through old clothes in your basement or dig through a flea market in order to find something unusual. Don’t think that only a costume is enough; always spend some time on your hair and makeup to match the theme completely and pay attention to details. You can add spooky novelty contact lenses to your look or paint some scars and scabs on your skin, to make sure you’re completely transformed into your chosen character.

Go for more interesting versions of classic activities
You can hold a costume contest at your party, but this time up the stakes and have an incentive, such as a gift card to your favorite restaurant as a prize. People will be more likely to go all out with their
costumes if there is a prize to be won. If bobbing for apples might seem overdone, eating gummy worms or gummy spiders without your hands might be a fun take on this classic game. You can also hold a mummifying contest to see who can wrap each other in toilet paper first. The great thing about
throwing a party is that it’s your own, so don’t be afraid to improvise and come up with your own
Halloween activities.

Set the mood with decorations

Black and orange plates, cups, and streamers are a must for any Halloween party. Don’t forget to add a few carved pumpkins, of course, and set the mood light using only candles. Eyeball erasers and tiny
pumpkins also make great table décor, but skeleton string lights and cobwebs will take your party
decoration to a whole new level. If you really want to commit to the Halloween themed décor, a great
idea would be to scribble a spooky message on your bathroom mirror with some red lipstick, then
discretely visit the bathroom a couple of times during the night to change the message into something
even more terrifying, until one of your guests nervously remarks that it’s not funny anymore.

A killer playlist for a killer party
If you chose a specific theme, a scary movie for example, then your playlist should definitely consist of some memorable tracks from the soundtrack, mixed up with some classic Halloween songs. You can always go for Halloween hits, such as ‘Thriller’, ‘Monster Mash’ and the Ghostbusters’ theme, but don’t be afraid to think outside the box. There are many ‘80s and ‘90s songs that can be interpreted as Halloween hits and, honestly, the cheesier they are, the better.

Don’t forget about the snacks

The best way to complete a Halloween party is with some themed snacks. Whether you opt for a
pumpkin pie, a dirt pudding or bat and cat cookies decorated with licorice and candy corn, just don’t
forget to set aside some Halloween candy, along with the classic punch bowl, to make sure you have a variety of colors and options on your table.

Have a spooktacular Halloween!

Being simply more then green fingered

There are gardeners all over the world who claim that they love nature. Spending dozens of hours each week in their garden, in the great outdoors, and performing other tasks related to this area, they certainly aren’t lying. Unfortunately, though, when it comes to doing their part of the environmental side of things, they are nowhere to be seen. Being more than green fingered is very important to the planet on the whole, and too few people make an effort to improve this part of their life. To help you out, this post will be exploring some of the best ways to take your passion for your garden and turn it into something good for Earth.

black wheelbarrow near tree during daytime

Composting: There are a lot of products which can be used to make your plants grow big and strong, usually using chemicals to help them along the way. While there is nothing wrong with this, there could be an option which works even better for you, improving your environmental impact at the same time; compost. Food waste, some litter, and your trips to the toilet can all provide much-needed sustenance for your plants. There are loads of products out there which can be used to create this material, and the main component is simply time.

Alternative Power: If you have a large garden or some spare roof space, you could have the chance to start limiting your reliance on the normal power supplies which everyone else is feeding from. Companies like Sun-Wind Solutions have a long history when it comes to solar power, helping people like you to change the way that they fuel their home. By using a system like this, you could drastically lower your carbon footprint.

The Right Plants: Of course, not all of the measures which can be taken to achieve these goals have to be big ones. In fact, making a big impact on this part of life can be as simple as changing one or two of the plants in your garden. Some trees, bushes, and flowers will absorb a lot of carbon dioxide than others, in turn producing much greater quantities of oxygen, making it easy to have an impact on this part of life.

Growing Food: The types of plant you grow will have much more of an impact than just the gasses they pull in and push out, though. Along with this, by growing your own food, you can also reduce the amount of packaging you have to buy. Modern superstores will package their fruits and vegetables in such a way that they are extremely wasteful. The single best way to overcome this will be avoiding it altogether, and this can be achieved by providing for yourself.

Hopefully, this post will inspire you to start working harder on the time you put into being more than green fingered in your approach to your garden. While you may already care deeply about nature, taking these steps is a great way to show your love for all things green, especially as environmental problems become more of a concern.


Pro tips: Turn Your Basement into a Kids Playroom

Having your kids run around the kitchen and leave their toys in the middle of the living room is very dangerous. But kids will be kids, so you better provide them with a fun and safe space where they can play their little hearts out! Take your unused basement, give it a little remodel and voila! You have a fun playroom for your kids. 
If you're looking to remodel your basement for your children, here are the must-have elements! 

Give your kids a grand entrance
Playrooms are all about fun, so why not spice up those boring stairs and turn them into something much more interesting. Build a little slide along your staircase and let the fun begin! This addition will not set you back by a lot, but it will certainly make a huge impression. Invest in something sturdy and even parents can have some fun!

Get some carpeting

If you want to make your basement comfy and soft enough for little knees and palms, you need to add some softness to the space with carpets. Even though most parents opt for wall-to-wall carpets, those are actually not the best solution. Basements often get moisture and mold, plus you can expect your kids to cause many spills and damage to certain high-traffic places. That’s why your best option is square carpet tiles. They are easy to install, come in many colors and each tile can be replaced individually!

Make it nice and toasty
If you want to have a functional playroom even during the coldest of winters, your basement needs proper heating. If you can’t run ductwork through your basement, space heaters are where’s it’s at!
They are cheap, practical and effective, plus they can be moved from room to room and from corner to corner! And don’t worry about scolds. Some new heaters have a cool touch edge which means they will not be too hot to the touch! Moreover, if you already have a fire place, you can also consider a fireplace remodel to improve the aesthetics of your space.  This can turn your basement into a cozy and stylish play area.  It can provide warmth while adding a charming central point to the room, making it a perfect gathering spot for family activities. 

Air it out

Basements can often get stuffy and hot during the summer play dates, and all those electronic devices
don’t actually help keep your basement cool. So, especially if you live somewhere hot like Australia,
cooling is just as important as heating! Luckily, there are many Experts in air conditioning installation in Sydneywho can solve that problem in the blink of an eye. Just find an appropriate spot for your unit (don’t point it directly into the play area or couch) and your installers will do the rest. They can also conduct your regular maintenance, so you’ll not stay unconditioned in the middle of summer!

Boost storage
It’s very important to provide your kids with plenty of storage for toys, pens, books and their other prized possessions. Think open cubbies, drawers, baskets and chests. Go to Ikea and search for functional, cheap and age- and gender-neutral storage. And don’t eliminate tall pieces either! You can use upper cabinets for storing linen, out-of-season clothes and office things you can’t fit in your living area.

Don’t overdo it with color
Sure, little kids love all things colorful and shiny, but unless you’re ready to repaint and refurnish your basement every few years, better take it easy with color! Pick a neutral shade as a base and spice things up with fun and colorful details, toys and decorative accessories. These are much cheaper and easier to replace than pink sofas, purple cupboards and bright blue carpets!

Balance the space

Kids’ furniture is often shorter than normal, plus kids love to play on the floor and keep their things where they can easily reach them. That’s why playrooms often become too bottom heavy with very little happening on walls. But, to achieve a visual balance, hang some photos, drawings, posters, and memorabilia on the walls or even paint a mural. Blackboards are also super practical!

Don’t forget about parents
Small kids feel the safest when they are surrounded by their parents, so don’t forget to dedicate one corner of your playroom to adult entertainment. Plus, when you’re downstairs, you can easily keep an eye on your little ones and ensure they are safe and in good behavior. Get a cozy sofa for parents, a TV or a few books or even create a little home office in the basement! However, if you want to have a usable playroom even when your kids grow up a bit, make sure to have some sort of separation between kids’ and adults’ spaces. Sliding doors, folding screens, and drapery panels are all very cheap and effective.

Once you see the smile on your kids’ faces and hear their excited laughter, all this renovation will be worth it! So, go ahead, tackle your ugly basement and turn it into a magical playroom!


3 ways to make home improvements last longer

Home improvements can be costly and time consuming but sometimes, they’re unavoidable. You’re never going to be able to get away with not doing them at all, but that doesn’t mean you need to be making changes to the house all of the time. If you find that you are having to do repairs or decorate the house every year or two, you’re probably making some mistakes somewhere along the way. If you get it right, you shouldn’t need to make home improvements anywhere near that often. Here are some tips to help you make those improvements last a lot longer.

Practical Improvements

When you’re doing work on the house, your aim is to make it a better place to live and improve your quality of life, but if you lose sight of that, you might end up having to do work more often. For example, if you decide that you don’t like your kitchen and you want to do something about it, but you just paint the walls and nothing else, that probably won’t work. You won’t get to the root cause of your dislike of that room. You’ll end up constantly making small changes and doing projects in the hope that something will change. But if you make meaningful changes to the room that improve its function and help you to enjoy it more, you won’t have to do anything else in there for a long while. As a general rule, you should always ask yourself whether you’re making practical improvements and whether it’s going to make you happier in the house when you’re done. If the answer is no, you’re wasting your time and you’ll end up doing more work further down the line.

Good Quality Materials

The cost of home improvements can easily spiral out of control, so you might think that it’s a good idea to save money by getting cheaper materials. But even though you’re going to save money now, you’ll spend a lot more when you have to keep doing the same job over and over because you’ve got bad quality materials. But if you spend a bit more on good quality materials now, you won’t have to do the work again for years to come. For example, if you buy fiberglass windows instead of wooden ones, they’ll last you so much longer. But if you go with the cheaper option, you’ll be repairing damage to the frames and may even have to replace the windows entirely in a couple of years.

Don’t Skip Preparation

Preparation is key when you’re doing any home improvement but people often think they can save themselves a bit of time and skip that step and it’ll just be fine. You might get lucky, but in most cases, you won’t. For example, when you’re painting a wall, it’s important that you sand off any lumps and bumps and clean the wall properly before you start painting. If you skip that step, the paint will start peeling after a couple of years and you’ll have to do the whole thing again. Spending a little bit more time cleaning the walls will make it last for so much longer and save you time in the long run.

If you follow these simple rules, your home improvement projects will last a lot longer and you won’t have to keep spending time and money doing the same job over and over.
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