We survived 27 months without catching covid...
Brooke went on vacation on June 18- three days after arrival she tested positive with covid so she spent the first 5 days being pampered by her grand parents so she was well taken care of.
On Monday (23) Andrew tested positive, but I had no symptoms not at all, I was not sick. Then on Tuesday (24)- my husbands birthday I tested positive... but I still had no symptoms that morning, as the day wore on I felt like I had a head cold but that evening I was sicker then sick.. the next morning my entire body was aching from head to toe, it even hurt to walk to the washroom and I was extremely tired... Thursday was not much better, Friday I felt like I could do some work from home but after an hour I needed to sleep and I slept all day long.
Sunday was the first day I felt like I was able to function. Andrew and I both had the same symptoms and we were both sick together so thankful for skip the dishes and my co workers and friends who brought us deliveries, extremely thankful for walmart delivery as well.
It then went thru our entire small group and all caught it except two people. One of my dear friends from small group passed away- her funeral was June 1 and it was so very sad, I miss her so much every day. RIP Jessie.
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Thanks for the blogging Love