
Tips To Prepare Your Home For A Summer Heatwave

Is there a heatwave on the cards for you this summer? Chances are, you’ll get a heatwave or two. While it’s wonderful to see some sunshine and get that all-important Vitamin D, it’s also important to prepare your home for this hot weather.

If you’re not maintaining your property during this time of year, you may find yourself dealing with many sleepless nights when it’s simply too warm to sleep. By making sure your home is in good condition and prepared for such hot weather, you can breeze through this period without a trickle of sweat on your forehead!

Let’s look at all of the tips that will help you prepare your home for a summer heatwave.

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Get your HVAC in good working order

First and foremost, it’s important to check that your HVAC is in good working order. Be sure to keep an eye on it throughout the year, but get an HVAC repair service out if it’s needed prior to the heatwave or warmer months. It’s something that you’ll appreciate, especially when you want the system to be working well during the hottest of days.

If your HVAC isn’t in good working order, then make sure you’ve booked a HVAC service Houston (or one wherever you're based), or consider replacing it when it’s reached the end of its shelf-life.

Stock up on ice trays

Ice trays will be best buds with you and your family when it comes to the summertime. Ice can be beneficial in many ways, whether that’s cooling down your heat-swollen feet, to popping them in your morning iced coffee.

Stocking up on ice trays is worthwhile and making sure they’re constantly being filled up and on rotation is important. If the ice trays aren’t enough, then make sure to have plenty of ice lollies and ice creams to hand in the freezer for when they’re required.

Keep your blinds closed

For ensuring your home stays cool for most of the day, keep your blinds closed. Even though this might feel a bit isolated when you’re on the property during the day, it can be helpful for keeping everywhere cool.

This is particularly important for those parts of the home that get a lot of direct sunlight through the windows themselves. You’ll certainly notice a difference if you keep your blinds closed for the majority of the day.

Change up your bedding 

Your bedding is influential to how you feel when it comes to those summer nights. Even during the evenings when it’s cooled somewhat, a heatwave can still feel hot at 1 am in the morning.

With that being said, you may find it useful to change up your bedding. Opt for cotton and lightweight duvet sheets, as well as lighter togs on the duvets themselves. 

Open your windows when it’s cooler

Finally, when it comes to opening your windows, do this once it gets cooler outside. That’s because you can then allow any hot air to expel from the home and invite the cool air in. If you’re keeping them open during the day, then there’s just going to be a lot of hot air circulating throughout your home.

These tips should hopefully keep you cool as a cucumber in your home this year.

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