
What Happens When You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

Wisdom teeth usually come through as the last of your adult set of teeth, growing at the back of your gums. They usually grow through the gums during late teens or early 20s. Typically, the other 28 teeth are in place, meaning that there isn't always enough room for wisdom teeth to grow correctly. 

The lack of space in the mouth can cause wisdom teeth to get stuck and only partially emerge through the gum. This is known as having 'impacted' wisdom teeth. 

The growth of wisdom teeth can cause severe pain. As with any dental problems, it is important to see a boulder dentist or a dentist in your area as soon as possible to avoid any further issues.

During your dental appointment, your dentist will check your teeth to see if your wisdom teeth are causing issues to the rest of your teeth. They will likely do an X-ray of your mouth to check the position of the teeth and advise whether it is appropriate to undergo the removal procedure. 

If your wisdom teeth are impacted but not causing you any issues, you will not likely need to have them taken out. There are no proven benefits of having your wisdom teeth removed, and the procedure can often bring with it complications.

However, wisdom teeth that have become impacted or haven't broken the gums can cause dental problems. Bacteria from food trapped in your gums can form plaque around the edge of your wisdom teeth, which help with developing cavities. Wisdom teeth can also cause damage to other teeth. This additional set of molars can push against other teeth creating crowding and cause problems with the alignment of the other teeth. 

Removing the wisdom teeth is usually recommended when treatments of dental ailments have previously not worked. Speak with a lansdowne dentist or a dentist in your area, about what you should do. They will conduct a thorough check of your mouth and teeth, determining the best result.

How They Are Removed

Having assessed you, your dentist will either remove your wisdom teeth themselves or refer you to a specialist surgeon in a hospital. 

Before the procedure, the dentist or surgeon will explain the operation to you and explain any potential complications- you may have to sign a consent form. You will have an injection of a local anaesthetic to numb the area around the tooth that is being removed.  The dentist or surgeon will need to make your mouth as wide as possible, allowing for easy access to remove the tooth-this might be uncomfortable, along with the pressure of your tooth pulling.

After the wisdom tooth removal, you may experience discomfort and swelling around the gums, occasionally with some visible mild bruising around the mouth. These effects are worse for the first few days following the procedure but can get better in the weeks following. 

Self-Care Recovery

As with any procedure, allowing time for recovery is essential. Eat soft or liquid funds for the few days following and use over-the-counter painkillers or anti-inflammatory tablets to aid recovery. Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol and strenuous activity for 24 hours afterwards. 

Follow up with a checkup appointments a week after the removal to check on your progress.

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