
What to Expect at your Hearing Doctor Visit

    So you’ve made an appointment with the audiologist, and you might be a bit nervous. Perhaps you’ve noticed your hearing has dwindled in recent weeks or months, or you’re having ear pain. Perhaps both. Whether you need a hearing aid or another issue is at play, there’s no reason to be nervous. A hearing doctor appointment is pretty straightforward and the end result will be you getting your hearing restored.  You’re done with the ringing in ears you’ve been experiencing and you’re ready to get some help. You’re not alone - it’s the smartest thing that you could have done for yourself. Now, you need to speak to an audiologist!

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    An audiologist is a professional, well trained in all the different diseases, disorders and lifestyle reasons for hearing loss - everything from degenerative disorders and good old fashioned aging to things like tinnitus and allergies. They can pinpoint exactly what is causing your hearing difficulties and prescribe the best regimen, aid or device for you.
    Generally, the first thing that will happen at your hearing appointment is a basic consultation. You’ll sit and chat with the doctor about the hearing difficulties you’re experiencing, which ear is experiencing the problem, or both, how bad the problem is and if you’re in any pain. During this time the doctor may ask other related questions and take a quick peek at your ears for any buildup or visible issues, likely with an otoscope.
    After this, a series of hearing tests may be conducted. There are special machines designed to test hearing in various ways, and three main tests that audiologists usually utilize: otoscopy, tympanometry, and audiometry. These tests for various degeneration in certain parts of the ears, fluid build-up and more. The doctor will look carefully at these results andother factors to make a diagnosis as to your hearing loss. 
    After these tests are completed, the audiologist will analyze your results and hopefully give you a diagnosis. If more tests are needed or a specialist must be conferred with, he or she will set that up for you. They’ll then go over your results, give you a diagnosis and discuss your options. Often, those with hearing loss will require some type of hearing aid or device, and if the hearing loss is related to some other condition, you may be prescribed medication, alternative therapy or a consult with a specialist. 
    All in all, the visit will be very straightforward and most hearing exams are covered by insurance, so cost is minimal. Follow up appointments may possibly be needed if you are given a hearing aid, so you can have it fitted and adjusted properly, as well as tested to make sure that it works for you. Generally speaking, though, most doctor visits for hearing loss are quick and painless and don’t require a lot of follow up; they are usually conducted in the space of an afternoon. 
    Audiologists also do many other things, other than just testing for hearing loss. They also provide ear cleaning, hearing aid repair and maintenance, tinnitus treatment, services for the deaf, and more. If you have any of the above needs, contact an audiologist today to get the care that you need. 

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