
What to Expect with an Hearing Aid

So you’ve made your appointment with the audiologist, got all the hearing testing done, received a diagnosis...and now it’s time for a hearing aid. You may have already gone through all the different types of hearing aids (everything from invisible versions that nestle in the ear canal to outside-the-ear types, and more) and chosen the one that works best for you. So now what? 

Photo Credit: Monica Silvestre

    You may be a bit nervous about adjusting to life with a hearing aid. Will people notice? Will they ask about it? How does it work? Will it restore your hearing totally or just help a little? These are all questions that will become clear in time, but we’ve taken the time to outline a few small facts about hearing aids to help you ease into the process. 

Most People Don’t Notice Them
A lot of people worry that their hearing aid is the only thing people will see. Most hearing aids, however, are hardly visible at all, with some types that are worn deep inside the ear, completely undetectable. For those types that are slightly visible, a simple change in hairstyle or hat can easily cover them if you’re worried about it. 

You’ll Hear More than You Expect
Technology is moving fast, and hearing aids are one of the devices that has benefited most from that technology. Today’s hearing aids are mostly digital, and the sound quality when you use these OTC Hearing Aids, for example, is amazing. Depending on what type of hearing loss you have, you may not get all of your hearing restored, but you’ll likely be pleasantly surprised at just how much you do get back.

They are Adaptable and Accessible
These days, pretty much anywhere - both movies and live theaters, concert halls, auditoriums, libraries and even some stores - are hearing aid compatible. You’ll be able to enjoy the fantastic hearing from your device literally anywhere. 

They Won’t Conflict with your Cell
A lot of people worry about their hearing aids interfering with their smartphone or other devices. These days, though, most are designed to not interfere with our smartphone technology, so you won’t have to worry about messing up your phone, missing class or tearing up your hearing aid when you use the phone. 

They Charge Easily
Most hearing aids come with chargers, much like a smartphone, that can charge anywhere. They keep a charge for a long time, as they have a long battery life, and you can charge it with convenience no matter where you are. 

They are Surprisingly Affordable
In many cases, insurance will cover the cost of your hearing aid, though for those whose insurance doesn’t cover hearing, you’ll be delighted to find that most hearing aids like these best otc hearing aids aren’t ungodly expensive. Payment plans exist in some cases, as well as options like Care Credit and government funded programs. Be sure to talk to your doctor to discuss payment options and the most affordable devices for you. 

    These are just a few interesting facts about hearing aids and how they work. If you’ve got a new device, you’re well on your way to wonderful restored hearing and living life to the fullest. Enjoy your new device!

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