
Should You Buy From A Carp Farm For Your Pond?'



Carp farms proliferate these days. In fact, you may be surprised to learn that the history of carp fish farms dates back many thousands of years. In China, around 3500BC, carp and other fish were retained in artificial ponds created by flooding rivers. Now, fish farming encompasses many different species, notably salmon and trout amongst others.

When you are looking for carp for sale, whether you’ve recently invested in a large scale pond construction for your home or you run a local fishing lake, one of your concerns may be whether the management of such farms is ethical. After all, it is now widely known that fish can feel pain. They can be affected by stress in their environments and even become afraid when faced with threats. You’ll know yourself if you are an angler that they are clever enough to learn to avoid areas of water where they have been caught by rod and line before. So isn’t intensive fish farming harmful? 

The truth is that it all depends on which farm you choose when looking for carp fish farms from which to source fish for your pond or lake. Use your common sense: look for companies that think less about profit and more about the welfare of the fish they breed. These are ones that limit the numbers they hold to manageable proportions, allowing sufficient water volume for each individual fish. Search out farms registered with the appropriate authority, CEFAS, as this body imposes and maintains high standards in fish management, with regular routine inspections to check on fish welfare. 

Types Of Carp On Offer

Carp suppliers vary differently in size, and also in the methods they use to hatch and develop fish. All suppliers have had their own journey to where they are today, although many will be experienced anglers in their own right and have a love of the species and strains they care for and bring to market. But what about the fish they supply? What kinds of carp are available today?

A carp farm will typically concentrate on one or more types of carp. Some of the most common species you’ll find available for sale are the common, the mirror, and the leather. But, how do you tell the difference between these? Well, the common carp for sale is easy to pick out of a crowd because it has a regular scale pattern that is spread all over its body. If you compared it with the original strain of carp introduced around 500 years ago, few of which now remain in the wild, you would notice its body shape is more rotund. This is as a result of breeding with other species. The mirror carp has an even fuller, more rounded shape. Its irregular mirror-like scales are distributed in patches across its body. The mirror’s colour is generally determined by the waters it has grown up in. If it’s been raised in a clay pond, for example, its colour will be a light brown or grey; in contrast, one that lives in a gravel pit converted into a pond will be much darker in colour. Finally, the leather carp will largely have no scales at all, except perhaps around the wrist of its tail and/ or along its dorsal line.

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