Hi Friends,
Today I want to share one of the most awesome people I have had the pleasure to find because of blogging, and social media.. I have fallen in love with this family and they also Periscope, we can ask them questions, they will answer, it gives you a feeling of being right there with them.
This family can be found here
Addie has multiple issues that contribute to the health problems she is currently facing. For starters, when we first had our 20 week ultrasound and found out that Addie had a Sacrococcygeal Teratoma. Not only that, but we were told Addie had a translocation of chromosomes 1 and 5 (one from each pair swapped with each other). Her translocation is imbalanced and chromosome 1 has a duplication (so a little extra of some) and chromosome 5 has a deletion (part of it is missing).
Adie is now home from the PICU for the last three weeks, she spent the first 10 months in the hospital, she went from the NICU to home, then back in to the PICU, she has the most amazing parents though, her mom has not left her side at all, she was a teacher and they decided for her to stay home and take care of Addie.
This family has a special place in my heart and I want to do whatever I can to help them out, so this go fund me account right here- http://www.gofundme.com/zhjy58 is because We want to get Addie and Stephanie a Tula baby carrier so they can be closer and experience all the benefits that baby wearing has to offer.
Please help me get this item for them, this would help with Addie's head balance, allow her to be close to her mom for shopping etc. Having a sick baby is tough, you never know how it is until you go thru it, which I hope you never do. I went thru it with Brooke ( she had a health scare while my hubby was away and I could not reach him, so I am in the ICU with Brooke who is on oxygen because of the H1N1 virus that she had caught, talk about scary), my sister's 3 year old was born with a hole in her throat, she has gone thru many surgeries, now she is in speech therapy, and finally at 3 years old, she can speak some, she isn't clear yet but it is hard and very expensive.)
I want to do what ever I can to make Addison and Stephanie and Mathew out, they are an amazing family and I love them so much.
So please give towards this gift.
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