
Add Some Water Features To Your Home For Added Luxury!

A great asset to any home is a water fountain or some type of water feature. It can add instant beauty to your garden or backyard or even in your conservatory, there are definite ways that make a water feature look both impressive and valuable. The question is however, is it so easy to instal them? How can you have them plumbed in easily and what water supply is needed? Some are free standing however others may need to be plumbed in. With everett plumbing you can look at ways to make this a reality as well as ensuring that all your home’s water works are indeed upto scratch! Nobody wants a leak! 

Photo: Pixabay

Now your fountain is in place, how is best to actually look after it?

Choose the Best Installation Spot

The first step that must be taken to ensure your outdoor water fountain´s longevity is to choose a spot that is suitable for its placement. Find a location where it can prominently be displayed, yet at the same time be protected from any harsh wind. If the water fountain is not secured in place, strong winds could easily topple it over and cause it to be damaged. Make sure to firmly affix the base of the fountain to the ground and the basin must in turn winds. This will help make sure that even during poor weather conditions!  An important part of caring for your outdoor fountain is making it suitable for those winter months. The best option would be to dismantle it and store it indoors during the winter. However, if that is not practical, you have to empty your fountain of all water and then securely cover it with a tarp. It will look great for summer!

Use Compatible Cleaners to Clean the Fountain

Different materials such as stainless steel, concrete, and copper, just to name a few, are used to make outdoor water fountains. It is important to remember that when you clean your outdoor water fountain, the cleanser you use must be compatible with the fountain's materials. As often as possible, avoid any abrasive cleansers. 

Regularly Pick Out Leaves and Other Debris

Twigs, dead leaves, bird droppings, and algae are just a few of the many contaminants that can be found in outdoor water fountains. It is important to regularly pick out these contaminants, this will prevent the formation of impediments and blocks in the water flow. 

Clean Out Water Every Other Day

Many birds will use an outdoor water fountain as a drinking or bathing station. Remember that if the water in an outdoor water fountain is dirty or murky, its efficiency can longevity will be reduced. This is why it is important to clean the fountain and replace the water at least every other day, if not daily. If this practice is regularly kept, the amount of time spent cleaning will be minimal. Repair cracks when needed and do this by regularly inspecting the surface of your outdoor fountain and look for any signs of damage or cracks. If any are found, immediately repair then and seal them to prevent further damage.

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