If you’re looking for neat ways to save money on the costs of everyday living, start with the food you eat. Most of us, if we put our minds to it, could cut the costs of feeding ourselves, sometimes significantly. One of the best ways to do this because it not only cuts costs but also increases fitness levels and general well-being, is by growing your own food.
If you like the idea of growing your own fruits and veggies, so that you can lower your grocery bills and become more self-sufficient, here are some tips to help you get started:
Use What You Have
A lot of people think that growing their own food is not for them simply because they don’t have a huge garden or yard in which to do so, but actually, this is not much of a hindrance. Whether you live in a huge country house with an acre of land, or you live in an apartment, you can grow at least some of your own food supply. Make use of window boxes, planting containers, vertical growing racks and anything else you can find to make the space you have work for you.
Take it Slow
If you’re a complete gardening novice, and you don’t want to end up wasting money rather than saving it, it’s probably a good idea to take it slow, learning the ropes until you're confident that you can handle a whole crop of produce.
Invest in a Greenhouse
If you like the idea of growing your own fruits and veggies, so that you can lower your grocery bills and become more self-sufficient, here are some tips to help you get started:
Use What You Have
A lot of people think that growing their own food is not for them simply because they don’t have a huge garden or yard in which to do so, but actually, this is not much of a hindrance. Whether you live in a huge country house with an acre of land, or you live in an apartment, you can grow at least some of your own food supply. Make use of window boxes, planting containers, vertical growing racks and anything else you can find to make the space you have work for you.
Take it Slow
If you’re a complete gardening novice, and you don’t want to end up wasting money rather than saving it, it’s probably a good idea to take it slow, learning the ropes until you're confident that you can handle a whole crop of produce.
Invest in a Greenhouse
Sometimes, you have to speculate to accumulate, and that is certainly true on the way to food self-sufficiency. Although not necessary, if you can afford to invest in one of the Armstrong Steel Buildings that are more glass than steel, you’ll have much more success in growing your food, and you’ll be able to grow a much wider variety too. If you can’t afford a greenhouse, then at least learn which crops will do best outdoors in your location, so you and concentrate on getting the biggest bang for your buck.
Compost Your Leftovers
If you’re aiming to save money and you want the food you grow to be as healthy as it can possibly be, then instead of paying for chemical fertilizers from the store, start your own compost heap, using your family’s leftovers to produce your future meals.
Free Seeds from Your Foods
There are lots of sources of inexpensive seeds like Johnson Garden Center, but you can’t beat free, and the seeds that you find in the fruit and veg you eat is as free as it comes. Before you compost your scraps, remove the seeds and keep them until sowing season.
Buy a Butt
Having a water butt in the garden - basically, a large container which collects rainwater - will give you access to a free source of the wet stuff with which you can keep your plants watered. If you live in an area that sees plenty of rainfall, buying one is a no-brainer.
Although the above tips will help you on your journey to producing your own food supply, it is always a good idea to enrol in a few classes or perhaps invest in some good books, so that you really know what you’re doing.
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