
Something to Stand For

If you love true stories, you’ll love this collection of real-life tales of American Heroes, all narrated by Mike Rowe! 

Join America’s favorite storyteller on an epic journey to the heart of Washington DC. Drawing from his blockbuster podcast “The Way I Heard It,” this cinematic tour de force will take viewers to the frontlines of the American Revolution World War II, the Civil Rights movement, and more. 

In a world often clouded by divisiveness and uncertainty, finding common ground and standing for something meaningful is more crucial than ever. Mike Rowe, known for his down-to-earth persona and commitment to promoting skilled trades and hard work, brings these themes to life in the documentary "Something to Stand For."

Directed by Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Ava Rodriguez, "Something to Stand For" delves into Mike Rowe's personal journey and his advocacy for blue-collar workers. The documentary sheds light on Rowe's belief in the dignity of work and the importance of celebrating those who keep our society running, often behind the scenes.

The documentary skillfully weaves together interviews with Rowe, testimonials from workers across various industries, and poignant anecdotes that highlight the challenges and rewards of skilled labor. Through compelling storytelling, viewers gain insight into Rowe's passion for bridging the gap between the skilled trades and mainstream appreciation.

Something to Stand For" is not just a documentary; it's a call to action. Through Mike Rowe's unwavering advocacy and the stories of workers whose contributions often go unnoticed, the film inspires viewers to reconsider the value of skilled trades and the individuals behind them. It challenges societal norms and encourages a deeper appreciation for the diversity of talents that sustain our communities.

In conclusion, "Something to Stand For" is a testament to the power of passion and purpose in driving positive change. It encourages audiences to reflect on what they stand for and how they can contribute to a more inclusive and appreciative society. For anyone seeking inspiration and a renewed perspective on the importance of work, this documentary is a must-watch.

Check out Mike Rowe’s new film, #SomethingToStandForMIN Buy tickets today to see Something to Stand For in theaters starting June 27th!

Buy tickets today to see Something to Stand For in theaters starting June 27th!



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Many thanks to TBN for providing a sample of the product for this review. Also thanks to #MomentumInfluencerNetwork for all they do on a daily basis.

Opinions are 100% my own. 


Planning Your Wedding? What to do First


Image Pexels CC0 License

Getting engaged is a huge moment in a person’s life. However, it’s the big day itself that’s the main event. You may have already started to imagine what your wedding day will be like and visualize your special day. 

Weddings are truly special days, but to make sure that getting hitched goes without a hitch it’s best to start your planning plenty of time in advance. Beginning your wedding planning with plenty of time to spare before the wedding itself is going to make your life so much easier and the planning process less stressful and more enjoyable. But the big question is, what do you need to do first? Knowing where to get started with your wedding planning can be confusing. When there’s so much to do, it can be hard to break down all the tasks you need to complete. But don’t worry; these tips should help. Keep reading to find out what you need to do first when you’re planning your special day.

Choose Your Venue

Firstly, it’s wise to choose your wedding venue. You will need to consider whether you will host the entire occasion in one place or whether you will hold the ceremony in a church or other religious building. Maybe you are planning to get married abroad and have a destination wedding. 

Whatever your dream wedding venue is, it’s best to plan it early, as many venues get booked up really far in advance. 

Decide on Your Budget

Having an open-ended budget for your wedding would be incredible. But for most people, there will need to be some restrictions in place on how much they can spend. It’s a wise idea to set your budget carefully and to monitor your spending throughout the planning process. This will ensure that you don’t run out of cash part-way through the wedding planning. Plus, you will avoid starting married life with lots of debt to pay off.

Send Out Save the Date Cards and Order Wedding Invitations

Another wedding task that should be a top priority is sending out your save the date cards and ordering your wedding invites. Ordering these as soon as you can will give you more of an opportunity to choose the perfect wedding stationery for your special day, such as custom wedding invitations

Getting these ordered once you’ve booked your wedding venue and decided on a date will make it easier for you to send them out to all your guests quickly. The sooner you send them out, the higher the chances are that your guests will be able to make it and to celebrate with you.

Research and Choose Wedding Suppliers

One final task to complete early on in the planning stages requires lots of research. Wedding celebrations typically require you to use the services of a variety of suppliers. From florists to caterers, entertainers to bakers, you will have many choices to make. So, starting your research early is a good idea to ensure you get your first choices.


5 Different Ways To Transfer Ownership Of A Home


Pixabay. CCO Licensed.

Want to hand over ownership of your home to someone else? The most popular time to do this is when moving home. However, there could be other reasons you want to transfer ownership such as giving your property to kids when you die or giving property to an ex-spouse after divorcing. Understanding the different ways of transferring ownership can be important when it comes to reducing costs for you or your loved ones. This post lists 5 of the most popular ways to transfer ownership of a property and when to choose each solution.

Sell your home

Buying/selling a property is the most popular way of transferring ownership when moving home. Few people have the money to put towards a new property unless they sell their current one. Of course, you’re more likely to sell your home to a stranger than a friend or family member (although that isn’t to say you can’t sell to a family or friend). 

Leave it to someone in your will

If you want to transfer property to a specific person when you die, the best solution is to leave it to them in a will. Without a will, your estate will be divided among your next of kin according to the laws of intestacy - which may or may not be to your wishes. Having a will in place can make the probate process potentially smoother and less costly for your loved ones, however they’ll still have to pay some probate fees and possibly taxes out of your estate. It is worth always hiring a solicitor to help you write your will so that it is legally binding. 

Gift the property

Through a ‘deed of gift’ it’s possible to leave a property to a family member or friend as a gift. Gifting a property to loved ones while you are still alive can prevent them having to pay inheritance tax or certain probate fees. However, there are many rules when it comes to legally gifting a property - you will usually have to survive a certain number of years after gifting the property for full legal ownership to take place and the mortgage will need to be paid off first. 

Consider a quitclaim deed

As this Deeds.com quitclaim deed guide explains, there is another solution to transferring ownership of a property if you want to gift it to someone while you are still alive. A quitclaim deed can be used to transfer ownership of a property to a loved one while you are still alive without transferring ownership of the contents. It is a faster process than a gift deed, but can have more potential snags, so you need to do your research to make sure it’s truly the best option. 

Transfer it to a trust

Another popular way of transferring ownership of a property to someone while you are still alive is to leave it in a trust. Leaving a property in a trust to someone usually prevents it from having to go through the probate process and it is exempt from gift taxes. You also get to outline exactly who has control of the property and how they should manage it. This Bankrate.com trust guide explains more about how to pursue this option.


Embarking on a New Journey: My Exciting New Job

Starting a new job is akin to opening a new chapter in the book of your career. It’s an opportunity to learn, grow, and make meaningful contributions in a fresh environment. As I embark on this exhilarating journey with a mix of anticipation and eagerness, I can't help but reflect on the myriad of emotions and possibilities that lie ahead.

First and foremost, there's the thrill of the unknown. Every new job brings with it a sense of adventure—a chance to explore uncharted territories, meet new colleagues, and immerse oneself in a different organizational culture. It's like stepping into a new world, brimming with possibilities and opportunities for personal and professional development.

Of course, along with excitement comes a hint of nervousness. Will I be able to adapt quickly? Will I live up to the expectations of my new role? These are just some of the questions that inevitably arise as one transitions into unfamiliar territory. However, I firmly believe that it is precisely these challenges that foster growth and resilience, pushing us out of our comfort zones and propelling us towards excellence.

One of the most rewarding aspects of starting a new job is the chance to make a positive impact. Whether it's through innovative ideas, hard work, or simply lending a helping hand to colleagues, each of us has the power to effect change, no matter how small. It's about contributing to something greater than ourselves and leaving a lasting legacy that extends far beyond our tenure.

Moreover, a new job offers a fresh perspective—a chance to reevaluate our goals, aspirations, and priorities. It provides an opportunity to realign ourselves with our passions and interests, and to pursue avenues that align more closely with our values. It's a time for introspection and self-discovery, as we chart a course towards a more fulfilling and meaningful career path.

But perhaps, above all, starting a new job is a testament to our resilience and adaptability as individuals. In a world that is constantly evolving, the ability to embrace change and thrive in new environments is a valuable skill indeed. It's about embracing challenges head-on, learning from setbacks, and emerging stronger and more resilient than ever before.

As I prepare to embark on this new chapter of my career, I am the newest administrative assistant at Bayshore Home Health. I am filled with a sense of optimism and excitement for the journey that lies ahead. Yes, there will undoubtedly be challenges along the way, but I am confident that with perseverance, dedication, and a positive attitude, I will be able to navigate the twists and turns of this new path with grace and resilience.

So here's to new beginnings, fresh starts, and the endless possibilities that come with them. As I take the first steps into this new job, I do so with an open heart and a mind full of curiosity, ready to embrace whatever the future may hold. After all, the best is yet to come.


Our second grand baby


My second granddaughter arrive on April 2, 2024.

Last night I met her for the very first time and oh my, my heart melted. Introducing another beautiful baby girl 

Elianna Alora-
April 2,2024, 8:37 am,
6 lbs and 11 ounces
and absolute perfection 

I am so proud of my daughter in law and son because they are amazing parents to those precious baby girls.

Big Sister is so proud of her and loves to help 


Keep Your Trees Extra Healthy With These Tips

 If you want to be able to enjoy summer in your garden, then you need to make sure that you take good care of it. There’s nothing like being able to relax under a tree in your yard, enjoy its shade, and watch the sky go by. That’s not as easy to do if your tree is overgrown, sick, or otherwise not very well cared for. Here, we’re going to look at what you need to do to ensure that your garden only has healthy, happy trees.

Picture Source - CC0 License

Keep it well-watered

Trees, like all plants, require adequate water. Even though they might seem sturdy with all that bark, if they don’t get hydrated, their leaves can start to dry and wither. Ensure trees receive adequate water, especially during dry spells, to promote deep root growth and overall health. Use smart technology such as automated sprinklers to kick in when it hasn’t rained in a while. If you want to be able to enjoy your yard whatever the weather, keeping it hydrated is vital.

Prune it once in a while

Just like any other plant, trees can start to become a little overgrown. When they do, you want to be careful, as there are good reasons to prune it, but you don’t want to take too much off. With the help of professional tree services, you can keep branches from becoming overgrown and heavy. You can also remove any portions that are showing signs of disease and decay.

Maintain good soil health

Apply mulch around the base of trees to retain moisture, regulate soil temperature, and reduce weed competition. You might also want to use the right fertilizers to supply your tree with the essential nutrients it needs. However, first, you might want to carry out a soil test, as the soil may already have all the nutrients it needs. Fertilizer is only really necessary when there are any deficiencies to worry about.

Keeping the pests out

Trees can make for a wonderful habitat for birds, and sources of shelter and food for creatures of all kinds. However, they can also become infested by pests that do more harm than good. Sometimes, you have to sacrifice biodiversity for the health of your tree, as pests can damage leaves, bark, and can cause growths on the trees that may even make them sick. Get to know the tree-borne pests in your area and how you can prevent them from infesting your tree.

Get it inspected once in a while

Trees are complex living things that have a wide host of their own health concerns that most of us simply aren’t qualified to know about. You might want to have a certified arborist inspect your trees now and then to identify and address any health or structural concerns. This is especially true if you have multiple trees in your garden, as taking steps to treat and prevent disease early can be vital to stop it from spreading.

A lot of people make the assumption that trees don’t need that much care, and then find themselves surprised when problems pop up. Be sure to keep the above in mind so that doesn’t happen to you.


Top Tips To Take The Stress out of House Hunting.


Moving is often ranked highly in lists of the “most stressful life events,” and for a good reason. Each time you move to a new home, whether it be in a new city or just a few minutes down the road, you’re essentially uprooting your entire life. This means endless piles of boxes, complicated contracts, and often, considerable financial investment. 

Photo by Tierra Mallorca on Unsplash

For this reason, it's important that you are on the lookout for ways to simplify the process. One way in which you can achieve this goal is by taking the stress out of house hunting - and here are some tips that you can use to do exactly that! 

Know your budget before you start looking. As mentioned above, moving house can quickly get expensive. However, it's important that you nail your budget down before you start viewing properties. Otherwise, you risk falling in love with a space that is simply out of your price range. In addition to your budget, you should also consider your loan options and credit score when prepping for your home purchase. 

Have a clear understanding of what you need or want. Another way in which you can simplify the process of finding the perfect home is by ensuring that you have a deep understanding of your vision. For example, are you on the lookout for a property with an ADU studio on the grounds so that have extra space to play around with? Or, are you looking for an inner-city apartment with excellent transport links, making your daily commute a breeze?

The more you can refine your vision, the easier it will be to find a property that meets your needs. If you are buying or moving with another person, you should also ensure that your vision aligns as closely as possible! 

Understand that your dream home may not exist. Unfortunately, the chances of finding a property that looks as though it was lifted directly from your own mind and dreams are slim. This means that you may need to lower your expectations slightly when house hunting. In doing so, try to remember that you can always carry out renovation work at a later date in order to elevate the way a space looks or feels. For example, you’d be surprised about how much a simple kitchen renovation can transform a home. 

Ask a realtor for help and advice. While you do not have to work with a realtor when moving home, the services they offer are often invaluable during this time. After all, not only do they ensure your best interests are protected during the buying process, but they can also arrange viewings on your behalf - taking your needs and expectations into account. This means that you do not have to waste time scrolling through endless property listings or visiting properties that arne’t quite right. Ideally, you should opt to work with a realtor who has a strong understanding of the local market, as this will make it easier than ever for them to help you find a property you love

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