
Caring For A Senior Parent: Here's How To Do It'

 One of the easiest things to forget as you grow up and move out is your parents. Believe it or not, most people forget that their parents aren't invincible. You may have grown up looking at your parents and thinking that they would live forever, but it's not going to happen: they get older and more vulnerable, and sometimes it means more information, too. Some people get to their old age and they're perfectly capable of looking after themselves until they die. Others dont have the same luck.

If you start noticing a decline in the movement and mental capabilities of one of your parents, then you may decide that it's your turn to step up and look after them - just as they once did for you. It's a part of life, senior care, but that doesn't mean that you know where to start - or that it's easy. And that's ok!

You are likely not a trained carer, so you won't necessarily know what to do or where to begin with getting this right. Below, we've got five excellent ways you can care for your senior parents. Alongside this, if you feel you're not capable to take on this task, you can research the variety of care options such as in home senior health services to see what the next best step will be for your parents.

2 Person Holding Hands

Image Source: Pexels

Be There. Sometimes, even if you are not there to care for them in a personal manner, just your presence can be a helping hand. Senior parents can often feel like a burden to you and, depending on their condition, they can feel aggressive over the fact that they can no longer think or move as they would like.
When you take the time to talk and just be there for one of your parents who is now unable to
look after themselves, they'll see that you truly do care for them, which helps them feel
supported and they will feel more positive as a result.

Be Prepared. Preparing yourself for the rigours of being a carer is so important if you want to put your all into this endeavor to prepare yourself for this can be hard but it can be better with help. Looking into caregiving professionally can help as it will give you the right tools and knowledge to get you started!  Looking online for caregiver jobs in PA for example will bring up any caregiving jobs in your area, which will allow you to choose the most convenient one if you choose to do so. This may not be your day job, but that doesn't mean that you can't be prepared. Take a course in First Aid and any other emergency situations that allow you to be there and keep your parents comfortable should something happen. You can even train as a carer if you want to!

Be Aware. Awareness doesn't just begin and end with the comfort of your parents. You must be aware of safety issues surrounding their environment. Adding rails and ramps could mean the difference between freedom of movement and being in hospital with a broken ankle. If you know the daily habits of your parents, then you can see when something goes wrong without worrying. You'll notice any illness or forgetfulness, symptoms of isolation and more.

Be Kind. It's gruelling to be a carer for a senior parent, but you need to be kind to yourself. The heartbreak you may feel caring for someone who was once so strong can be difficult but it's not impossible and you have to have the self-belief that you can do this.

Be Creative. There are so many ways that you can entertain a senior parent stuck at home. Think about keeping their hands and minds active, from coloring and baking to knitting and playing with jigsaws. When you help your parent to get creative, you give them a little chance to be more active once more.


Church People- Movie review

A heartfelt and laugh-out-loud comedy film, #ChurchPeopleFilm is the story of real people with real struggles and their unique paths to discovering what faith in Jesus is all about. It all starts out when "America's Youth Pastor," Guy Sides, realized he's stuck in the mega church marketing machine and wants to find his passion again.

It is a good family movie.  #ChurchPeopleMIN is a great laugh out loud family movie that all ages can enjoy. 

here is the trailer for you to enjoy 

Disclosure: Many thanks to Collide Distribution for providing this product/product information for review. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.

Hashtags: Thank you to #MomentumInfluencerNetwork for allowing me the privledge of reviewing this great movie. 

I am running a giveaway on this movie, to enter, leave a comment below letting me know who you will watch it with :)  



How to Tell if a Diamond is Real or Fake


If you are interested in diamonds and wants a fool-proof way how to tell if a diamond is real or fake, you will most likely be disappointed by the following piece! This is because, while it is relatively easy to find out some fake diamonds, it is almost impossible to prove that those who pass the tests actually are diamonds! All you will have done is reduce the probability that they are fake. Read on for more information.

So Many Tests

Popular jewelry blogs often provide lists of tests to prove a diamond's reality or not that you can do at home. The truth of the matter is that while some of these may work, the difference between results is so slight that it is hard to tell whether your stone is real or not. For example, the fog test tells you to breathe onto the stone, telling you that if the condensation clears within 'a second or two' it is real, whereas if it lingers for 'three or four seconds' then it is a fake. Well, what if it lingers for two or three seconds? What if it is an exceptionally hot and dry day, causing rapid evaporation? Or a damp and humid day, causing condensation to linger? The posts advocating these tests never give these possibilities a mention – but they could absolutely affect the outcome of the 'test'!

Some are Damaging

Some of these home tests can be destructive, not only to a potential fake stone, but to real diamonds too. Any test which involves heating the stone, especially then plunging it into icy water, or scratching it, can result in damage. Using sandpaper may seem like a clever way to see if you have a diamond or not, but if the sandpaper has diamond flecks in it, even the best quality diamond will be scratched – and devalued at the same time! Heating a real diamond can result in the stone discoloring, and dropping it into icy water while it is very hot can exacerbate fractures and feathering inside the stone, affecting the clarity and possibly weakening it to breaking point. And even if you do have a fake stone, if it is attractive it will have some value – testing it to destruction leaves you with a discolored, damaged piece of jewelry that no one will value at all!

Look for Sharp Edges

One fairly reliable way to spot a fake is by looking at the edges of the stone. A properly cut stone will have clearly incised sharp edges, while some fakes have softer blurred edges from the way they are made. Again, this does not prove you have a diamond, but it can prove that you do not.


If you have a loose diamond that you wish to verify, you can do it at home with the following: a similar verified diamond, good lighting conditions, a minimum of 10x magnification, and a lot of patience. Spend some time – at least twenty minutes – carefully examining the doubtful stone, and make careful comparisons with your real diamond. If the reflectivity, appearance of inclusions and flaws, sharpness of the cut, and every other aspect of your doubtful stone matches up, then you most likely have a real diamond. Again, it is easier to prove a fake than to prove a stone's veracity!

Finally, you can invest in a small electrical conductivity tool: diamonds, being made from pure carbon, will conduct electricity readily, while no other stone has this property, not even moissanite, which is otherwise the closest stone to diamond when it comes to fakes. But for true peace of mind: take your stone to a reputable jeweler to be tested – or consult the certificate that should have accompanied any real diamond sold within the USA within the last 90 years!

What Men Want: How To Draw The Right Crowd When Dating

What Men Want: How To Draw The Right Crowd When Dating

We all want to find our special someone. To be able to settle down and enjoy the rest of our lives knowing we made a good decision on who to share it with. However, with times as they are it can be difficult to get out there and do it. So people turn online, which has its own ups and downs. How do you even begin to attract the kind of guy who would end up being a keeper? Well, if we know what a man wants in a relationship (be it acting as a sugar daddy or something a little more committed) it becomes a little easier overall. 

Men Tend To Pick On Looks And That’s Just How It Is

There have been a lot of studies done on what men look for first in a partner, and while other factors become a major player down the line their first choices will always steer towards looks. It’s a strange thing, but also very human. We want to be around nice things, and beautiful people tend to get a bit of an easier time of things as the world goes. With this in mind, though, be sure to pick photos that show off your best sides. Keep it sharp, and work on your angles to make sure you’re looking the best you can for these times.

Put Your Personality Out There

Here comes the interesting part. In these studies that have been done, there is another factor that helps men decide if they like someone or not. Personality. If a picture comes with context, or shows a lot of the individual’s self off, then they can make a better judgement about them and decide if they would be compatible, and on what level that would be. From friends to lovers, and anywhere inbetween, this second factor is vital for dating. So make sure to put yourself out there as you are, and write a little about yourself to show them there’s more than a pretty face on offer!

Know Your Limits And Stick To Them

So, you’ve made your profile, edited your best pictures to show your features, written all about yourself and what you’re looking for. Now the guys have come into your DMs and are messaging you all sorts of things. But then you get one asking for something that may not sit right with you. It could be benign, it could be sexual, it could be anything at all, but it doesn’t sit right with you. Still, you don’t want to lose that person as someone to talk to. It makes sense. We’re human. We all want attention, and to be a focus of said attention. That’s understandable, but don’t let it warp who you are and what you are willing to put up with and do. You need to look after yourself as you go about all of this, so if something makes you uncomfortable then disengage. You’re under no obligation (unless otherwise established) to do anything that they want, so if you don’t want to then simply do not comply. At the end of the day, you deserve better than any strange treatment like that after all.

These are a few points that guys look for when it comes to dating, be it online or offline. It is by no means an extensive list, but that’s the beauty of dating people, learning and loving about them. You never stop growing from the experience. So don’t be afraid to make some mistakes as you go about your life, and feel confident in who you are and how you put yourself out there. You’ll find the one for you, it just takes time and a little effort, but there is only one of you in the world at the end of the day!




This past Thursday my husband sent me an email and planned to take me away for the weekend as my Dr recommended, I become unplugged from social media and people for a weekend. .

So, we booked a sweet little bed and breakfast ( the big axe bed and breakfast) about an hour outside of town. I left work at 4 pm, we went to dinner at my favourite East side Mario’s, then we got a car wash and headed out. 

The room had a gorgeous sun room that over looked the river although frozen, still beautiful, I want to go back there some day and just write for a day while drinking tea.

The room had a jacuzzi tub (which I love), we watched some TV, ate some snacks and just hung out together with no other obligations or responsibilities.

I was so relaxed and peaceful.  Even though it was not a long getaway, it was what my heart needed. 

For some time, I have been very anxious and we are trying to find things that bring me Joy, and one thing we all know that brings me joy is being with my husband. 

 He is so good to me; he knows just how to fill my cup even when I feel like I am running on empty.  


Dealing With Anxiety When Life Is Uncertain

 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6 (NIV)

For weeks, I couldn’t sleep through the night.

I went to bed, woke up at 3 a.m. and stared at the ceiling.

I tried counting sheep.

I tried reading my Bible.

I tried saying my prayers.

Nothing worked.

Every night was another sleepless carbon copy of the night before.

Then I began to look for a root cause in my behavior. This led me down a familiar path. Like a slow leak on drywall, I discovered my sleepless nights were a byproduct of a larger problem.

It began with the rapid and ever-changing circumstances in our world. Then it was compounded by situations in my life and the lives of those I love. Gradually, I began to entertain unrelenting “what ifs” until I was steeped in full-blown anxiety.

What if things don’t work out?

What if the worst happens?

What if the situation never changes?

I wanted to give every difficult circumstance a happy ending, but the problems I saw were beyond my control. The outcome of these mammoth-sized issues depended on God alone. This is where I struggled: perpetually agonizing over circumstances I could not change.

As a result, I opened the door of my heart wide enough for anxiety to walk right in and get comfortable. My inability to sleep through the night directly correlated to my anxious thoughts.

This is exactly what the Apostle Paul commanded us not to do in Philippians 4:6: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

In the Greek, the word for “anxious” translates to “distracted,” further illustrating the power of anxious thoughts. Anxiety magnifies our problems and minimizes our view of God. It prevents us from seeing God’s power and sovereignty in the midst of our circumstances.

Paul, who had many things to be anxious about, was essentially waving a caution flag because he knew anxiety could take us down a dangerous path leading to fear, doubt and despair. When we are anxious, our minds are monopolized with worry instead of consumed with God and what He is able to do.

Paul tells us the way to combat anxiety is to first make a conscious choice not to be anxious. This is easier said than done. It requires us to face every uncontrollable circumstance and possible outcome with confidence that God knows what He’s doing. Here we are forced not to just read Scripture but anchor ourselves in it. This means I have a choice to believe God is sovereign and always has a plan, even if the outcome is not what I desire.

The next thing Paul says to do is pray, petition and thank God for the things we are anxious about. Although I did resort to prayer, my prayers were simply reworded worries. After I presented my request to God in prayer, my fears continued to weigh on my heart and mind. The type of praying, petitioning and thanking Paul refers to involves relinquishing our will for God’s.

I believe God wants us to ask for what we desire while trusting He ultimately knows best. Paul could pray in thanksgiving because he learned how to surrender to God’s perfect will over his desires.

When we choose to do this, we can experience the peace Paul describes in Philippians 4:7: “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (NIV).

As we pray, petition and thank God, we are able to close the door on anxiety and open the door to peace. This peace allows us to focus on God rather than worry about the future. By choosing not to be anxious, we discover peace that is not dependent on controlled outcomes but comes from the God who controls all things.

This is the peace I am learning to intentionally embrace. Although the world, my circumstances and the lives of those I love may not change, I am learning to trust God with what I cannot control, challenge my “what ifs” and sleep through the night.

Dear God, when I am overwhelmed by things I cannot control, help me place my trust in You. Remind me You are sovereign and in control of all things. Help me to believe Your ways are good and You have a plan, even if it is not the outcome I desire. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Financial Tips for Millennials

Financial literacy is vital for individuals of all ages, but it becomes a must-learn thing for millennials. As a millennial, I tend to receive endless financial advice from older people. However, most of those counsels don’t appreciate the unique position and generation we are in.

Our financial problems are distinct because we’re currently living in the digital age. Most of us are crammed in cities, a lot of us are educated, and we tend to stick too long under our parent’s paycheck. Financial management can be a daunting task, particularly when hunting for a job, studying in school, or starting life from scratch. Below are smart financial tips that guide my financial journey as a millennial.

A Roommate or Head Home

The financial impact of renting an apartment is well-known. Luckily, my first job was in my home town, where I lived with my parents. Unlike my friends who had rented luxury apartments, I never needed to pay rental bills. With that said, I occasionally chipped in to offset other bills. Come to each end of the month, I had more cash at my disposal. After moving out of my parent’s home, I hunted for a house together with my life-long pal. We had resources available to us, from the best buy to let mortgages to the money we had saved beforehand, and it served us well. We moved in together and co-shared every bill, including rent and utility bills. This arrangement enabled each of us to save some cash.

Save Early

During our 20s, retirement might seem like a distant memory, but it’s inevitable. And the best way of planning for our sunset years is by saving today. The earlier we save, the more time we have to grow this money.

When we cease to work, or during emergencies, we will have enough backup cash to tackle these unexpected occurrences. We don’t need to save lump sums. As new entrants in the workforce, most of our salaries are at minimum wage. We can set a small percentage (about 10%) for savings and the rest on other things.


Some of us get jobs or errands to run after college or during summers. What’s interesting is that the Internet has brought and nurtured the freelance culture. We can now work several jobs in the comforts of our homes. With employment comes weekly or monthly compensation. We sometimes feel overloaded with cash, and the feeling of overspending kicks in.

When working, it’s important to set financial priorities. It might mean identifying the most pressing financial needs and solving them first. When I first started working, I used most of my salary to offset my student debt, pay car bills, and rent. By prioritizing these needs, I had little cash at hand that I rarely misused.

Be Cautious of Credit

When I got my first credit card, the feeling was a financial breakthrough and a quick solution to my early financial troubles. Were it not for my dad’s intervention, I would have been deep into money issues. This is because my credit card debts, together with my student loan debt, were piling up at an astonishing rate. I also had friends that wanted to borrow money from friends and family members, which got me thinking can i lend money and charge interest? The answer is "yes", it isn't just the bank that can loan money, you can lend money and charge interest to anyone. Though it is best to have a contract of some sort to ensure everyone knows where they stand. 

Every young person needs to build their credit responsibly. We can start by getting a credit line that doesn’t supersede our income streams. The interest rates charged should also be insignificant. We can gradually increase the credit line once we are capable of meeting our credit payment. This is the only way we can build our credit scores and increase our chances of getting credit for future investments.

Seek Help

Transitioning from being under our parent’s care to our survival is in no way straightforward. Handling financial decisions is particularly tricky at a young age. However, when we face difficulties, it’s necessary to seek help from parents, friends, or coworkers. The support doesn’t necessarily translate to monetary aid, but it could be how we can navigate a financial situation.


It's OK If Your Relationship Isn't Always A Bed Of Roses'


Pixabay (CC0 Licence)

Of all the many things that the world of fiction has taught us - and there is an endless list of things that movies and TV routinely get wrong - perhaps one of the most pernicious is that real love is all hearts and butterflies. There are generally two settings for couples in drama - “blissfully happy”, and “having screaming rows every day”. This can create unrealistic expectations with regard to what love is really like. You may end up feeling that, if you’re not gazing into one another’s eyes for most of the day, then your relationship is falling short.

In truth, most relationships are neither one thing nor the other, and two people can love each other very much without spontaneously breaking into song about it. It’s hard to accurately portray what real love is like and also make it entertaining, but you should rest assured that even if you don’t have a special song that defines you as a couple, it’s not a problem. If you’re worried that your partnership isn’t meeting the standards that it’s meant to, then maybe the standards are the problem. If you’re meeting the standards below, you’re good.

Do you prioritize each other’s happiness?

Both parts of a couple should be able to say that their significant other’s happiness means the world to them. Sometimes on TV, this is portrayed as one part of that couple being so invested that they’ll exact vengeance on anyone who gets in the way of that happiness. But white knights on a steed only exist in period drama. Prioritizing your true love’s happiness is about compromise, sacrifice and communication. If you’d delay your own priorities to see that theirs are met, then you get what love is.

Do you know what to do after an argument?

Real couples disagree sometimes, and even argue about things. When you spend a lot of time with someone, it’s inevitable that there are going to be moments when things get heated. Two people with their own personalities, views and needs are never going to be 100% on the same page. Occasional arguments are not a sign you need to call in divorce solicitors. What is important is that afterwards, you can sit down and talk honestly without recrimination and resolve the issue that led to the argument. It’s actually more worrying if you never exchange tough words - because clearing the air after ten years can be more explosive than doing it after ten weeks.

Are you pulling in the same direction?

Most importantly of all in a relationship, two people have to feel like they have the same general destination in mind. You may well disagree on how to get there, but you’ve got the rest of your lives to deal with those questions. However, if one partner really wants kids and the other doesn’t, you can’t both have what you want. If one of you wants to save for a house, or the kids’ college fund, and the other keeps borrowing from a joint account because they haven’t budgeted, then you’re pulling apart. If, however, you both put your back into reaching the same goals, disagreement over the small print is resolvable.

You don’t need to worry if your relationship isn’t all fireworks and love hearts. There is much more to being a happy couple than the poetry of life, and if you agree on the important stuff then you’ve got something to work with.


Why You Should Take Care Of Your Health And Body'

 Even minor health issues can interfere with your life and the way you feel. Thing such as pains, aches, indigestion and problems that can be treated with the use of Hormone Replacement Therapy are just a few of the most common but regularly occurring health problems. All of them can have an impact on your mental health and stress levels. One way you can tackle these is to make sure you start living with healthier habits. 

Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay 

Let’s have a look at some of the healthy habits that can have a big impact: 

Eating A Healthy Diet

Rather than focusing on eating healthy because you want to lose weight, or cut down on bloating, try doing it because you know it’s part of a healthy lifestyle.

Committing to eating more foods with amino acids and omega fatty acids, such as those sold on the Gold Bee Nutrition website, will naturally boost your energy and prevent you from running low on the nutrients you need. There are many options to choose from when it comes to organic products on the website - so make sure to take a look! Both undereating and overeating can have a major impact on your health as well as overindulging in food that should only be consumed in moderation such as processed or heavy in calories.  

Sleep Should Be A Priority 

You may hear about sleep is important, but don’t realise how important it is for your health. It can have a huge impact on your overall well-being and health. This means it is essential for you to commit to making sure you are getting enough sleep. If you don’t it can lead to you being less productive, feeling tired, and reaching for quick fixes in energy instead of making good food and drink choices. 

Some of the things you can try that could help include: 

Having eight hours of sleep each night

Avoiding caffeine after 2 pm 

Don’t eat too much in the evening

Go to bed at the same time every night

Get up at the same time every day

Create a positive environment

Find A Fitness Habit You Enjoy 

Eating right and exercising go hand in hand, but it can be easier said than done. If you are in your adult life and are like most, and haven’t found a routine or exercise that you enjoy then the chances are you hardly ever exercise. One of the nuggets reasons people don’t exercise is because they haven’t found the right exercise they enjoy doing. The more you enjoy it the more likely you are to turn it into a habit and make the time to do it. Whether it’s taking a walk while you listen to an audiobook instead of sitting and reading, or listening to your favourite music while you cycle or run, mixing things you enjoy with an exercise plan can help you to find enjoyment in it. 

This short guide should help you to see why it is important to take care of your mind and body aswel as some of the things you can do to help you on your path. Is there anything else that you that could help with being healthier? Please share them in the comments below. 


Dolphin Island- movie review

 Dolphin Island  great family feel good movie.

After Annabel Coleridge, a happy 14-year-old girl living with her endearing grandfather on the island of the Grand Bahamas, whose best friend is a dolphin named Mitzy, is caught between a custody battle between her grandparents. Now, Annabel and Mateo, her new 13-year-old friend, must figure out how to save the day and prove that love conquers all with the help of Mitzy!

The love between the grandfather and grand daughter is beautiful.  The dolphin Mitzy is so adorable and mischevious.  The love interest keeps you wanting the next scene to see how it unfolds. 

 #DolphinIslandMIN is a beautiful  movie for all ages.

Disclosure: Many thanks to Entertainment Squad for providing this product/product information for review.  Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation.  I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.

Thank you to #MomentumInfluencerNetwork for the opportunity.

We are giving away one copy to someone.  The draw will be done Tuesday, Feb 16.

5 Things to Consider When Decorating Your Cafe


Ensuring a superb cafe experience is essential in this day and age. In the era of social media, coming up with an Instagrammable cafe design is key to ensuring a positive customer experience, and consequently, positive reviews.

When it comes to decorating your cafe, there are a number of factors to consider, from colors and lighting to furniture and layout. All of them are equally essential regardless of whether you’re working with ample space or a small room. To help you come up with a design that will not only draw customers in but also keep them coming time and time again, we’re listing five things you’ll need to keep in mind when decorating your cafe.

Define your design concept and target audience

First things first, when it comes to decorating a cafe, you want to know exactly what type of customer you’re looking to attract. Your target audience will be the deciding factor when it comes to your cafe’s design concept, so start by determining who you want to appeal to.

The process of decorating a cafe to attract millennial professionals will be significantly different from the one that aims to appeal to retirees, so keep that in mind. Millennials may prefer a more casual set up, for example, so this Plymold restaurant bar furniture might be more appropriate. Retirees on the other hand might prefer big arm chairs they can sink in and relax. Think about your target audience’s expectations and taste first, and then move on to defining your design concept. Whether you opt for a design that’s modern, sophisticated, relaxing, or old-fashioned, having a clear concept will help your business remain consistent across all aspects.

Decorate with color psychology in mind

Once you’re clear on your design concept, you can move on to choosing the color palette for your cafe design. This is where color psychology can be of major help. Given how different colors evoke different emotions, your first step should be determining the atmosphere you’re looking to create.

Colors such as greens, blues, and neutrals have a calming effect, purple looks very sophisticated and luxurious, while brighter hues such as orange and red stimulate conversations. Subtle interior colors are your safest bet as they’re not overpowering nor are they overly stimulative. Make sure to factor in your design concept as well, and consider introducing colors through plants if you’re aiming for a more natural, minimalist cafe design.

Aim for balance between layout, aesthetics, and function

When it comes to furnishing your cafe, you want to design your space in a way that is aesthetically pleasing without sacrificing comfort or function. Part of achieving a chic look is utilizing your space properly, so you want to leave enough space between seating arrangements.

Generally speaking, the aisle space between furnishings should be neither too narrow nor too wide. You want your customers and cafe staff to be able to move around freely and pass through the aisles easily while at the same time keeping the layout aesthetically pleasing.

Retain a degree of homeyness with comfortable furniture

Other than creating balance between layout, aesthetics, and function, another important factor to consider are the furnishings themselves. Now, many cafe owners think they need to splurge on expensive, high-end design furniture pieces.

In reality, comfortable furnishings are a much better option as they help retain a degree of homeyness. Even then, you don’t have to blow your budget. Instead, you can look for cheap furniture for sale and find pieces that will fit perfectly with your cafe design, theme, and decor. After all, you want your customers to feel comfortable and at home when they visit your place, right? And the higher the degree of comfort, the more likely they are to stay.

Create the desired ambiance with the right lighting

This is one of the factors that often gets overlooked by cafe owners, yet it can make or break a design of a cafe (or any other interior for that matter). When coming up with an interior lighting design, you want to take a strategic approach. This will often mean introducing several layers of lighting in different areas of the cafe, with each of them serving a specific purpose.

From lamps to sconces to pendants, aim to include several lighting fixtures while paying special attention to light color temperature. Cold and warm light will produce different effects, with warmer light feeling more cozy and intimate, and colder light acting more energizing.

Wrapping up

Opening a cafe is a dream of many, but when it comes to actually designing and decorating one, things can get a bit tricky. You want to offer a memorable experience to your customers, something they can remember you by and something that will help stand out from other cafes in your area.

If you stick with these tips and include all of the elements listed above, you’ll manage to create a unique, stylish place your customers will love coming back to. 


That sounds fun- Annie F Downs


Back in March when the pandemic first struck, someone introduced me to “that sounds fun” podcast, then I somehow found “Annie and Eddie keep talking” and they are now my fav podcasts but this past week Annie F Downs has released a book called “That sounds fun” and as someone who has been struggling to find things that are fun and things that bring joy lately, when I received this book- something in my clicked and I realized, Fun is what ever we want it to be. 

 Fun is walking hand n hand with my husband, fun is sitting around a table playing games with my kids, fun is a beautiful summer night with the grill fired up and friends laughing together. Fun is sitting inside while a winter storm rages outside, fun is travel, fun is a day with my nieces and nephews, fun is a spontaneous get away with my husband, Fun is watching a movie on a Friday night at a movie theater with girl friends.

 Fun is going to a concert of your fav country music star, fun is going to a ballet, fun is a long country drive with your love, by yourself or friends.  Fun is a random act of kindness, Fun is writing a letter, Fun is Whatever you want to be FUN!

 Fun is what you make it!

In a world where life is heavy and crazy, you need this book. Dig deeper into finding your joy and fun life! Annie has an amazing way of making you feel like your best friends just out for coffee while she unfolds her stories.  This book made me laugh my guts out and cry my face off! Annie F Downs brings so much light and life to everyday life. Her journey inspires me to be more and pursue God more. This book is full of fun, but it's not like you expect. Yes, it's about fun... But it is SO much more than that! It's about reclaiming what God had planned for your life all along.


You can buy this book here

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