Howdy friends and Family,
This is a long weekend here in Canada( some provinces anyway)
Brooke had no school on Friday so we were lazy for the day or the morning really
She didn't wake me up but i didn't sleep long...was up by 11,, we did have to go to her school to pick up her saxophone that was left there, we also stopped by the book fair that was going on- her dad took her the night before but she didn't get all she 'wanted' so we went again, she got a Taylor Swift Notebook for $11, that's one expensive note book #spoiled
When we got home, i got to work cleaning, felt like my house was cleaned for week
i did floors, bathrooms, laundry, dusted, tidied Brooke's drawers, counter tops and microwave. My house was so clean after, Brooke spent most of the day outside with the neighbors kids, they play well and she enjoys it.
We invited "Poppy and Nanny" over for dinner, been trying to get them over since we moved in, but because of our busy schedule, just now 3 mths later. They are the family we stayed with for the frist 10 days here, they are so good to us.
I made a Jig's dinner ( some people may know it as Hodge podge
(This is'nt my table btw)
it is veggies cooked in Salt Beef ( corn beef in the US) all cooked together and then served with lots of gravy and a pastry, for dessert i had apple pie/ice cream, and she brought a pumpkin roll, i was stuffed, we visited til almost 11 pm, sure was nice for us and them to be together, Brooke loves them and they love her, not officially Nanny and Poppy to Brooke but they adopted that name when we lived there and it stuck.
I may or may not have slept in til 11:30 #never
Brooke needed Mommy time so her and i decided to go see a movie and go shopping, we watched
such a funny movie, we both enjoyed it. Then we went to Chapters so i could buy a new book- been waiting for it to be released, so i told hubby it would be a late birthday present...
did some window shopping, had to get Brooke some boots for Fall/Winter- have i mentioned how hard she is to buy for lately, so particular, can only imagine what the teen years will be like :p
Got her some boots at Payless- they wont work for Winter in the Snow- but they are cute with Leggings and jean skirt for the Fall- and were only $17- so it was a deal. We also went to Children's Place and i found several things to get her for Christmas, i need to go on a day that she isn't with me and get it.
Had to go to Wal Mart to pick up some necessities as well- for once i didn't buy anything that wasn't on my list..thanks to Dave Ramsey- i no longer buy because i "want" to- its either I need it or don't buy it. (More to come on that later) needed some flat shoes to wear, so found an adorable pair, they are yellow and blue plaid- i didnt pay the price you see, im frugal so i got them for $3 .
Came home made dinner which was so amazing- fish baked in salsa with a side of Basmati rice- so delish
I had Brooke take a bath after that to wash her hair....normally Saturday night plans.
Pastor text me just before 8 pm and reminded me it was my week to clean the church ( we take turns here)- i couldn't believe i forgot, so we were cleaning the church til 9 pm or so, glad i had my hubby with me to Vacuum Ran into the corner store for milk and i also been craving Chocolate milk got that and all set for the night. Relaxed after with a good book:p that kept me up until 2:30 am reading, i love a good book especially Karen Kingsbury.
Sunday School at 10:30 am- i was asked to speak to the youth this morning, but they didn't make it, so i was all prepared and very nervous for nothing, we had a guy from our church speak today, he is so good. I feel so blessed to be part of a church that is in Motion. Pastor has officially put me in charge of Hospitality at our church, he says i do an awesome job and we are going to sit down in a bit and discuss what all is in the job etc, I'm excited. We have an amazing Pastor and wife and we love them
Had a roast beef dinner with my huney hubby and baby girl. Then talked to my friend for a bit, then took the Sunday nap- am i the only person who takes a Sunday Nap? I love them, i feel so refreshed and ready for the evening service.
Around 4 i started getting ready for service, did a new hair do and it was cute, it was all pulled to the side and had curls, i think it was cute.
We have our evening services in a theater because we are starting a new church, been going so well.
After Service we went to Wendy's. I had the Baja Salad and visited with Faith, Morgan, Calhouns, Lintons and had a good time. Such an awesome time with awesome people.
Monday- Holiday we get for Remembrance Day
I am so thankful for the men and woman who died for us- they gave their lives for us. We need to be thankful every day.
We spent the day as a family:
~raking leaves
~hanging out in the beautiful weather
~ i did some laundry, little tidying up
~then felt like i was coming down with a cold so laid down for a bit- feel better now, made nachos for dinner
now we relaxing and doing nothing.
Have a great week