So if you want to keep up with me, follow me here
Today's topics Pet Peeves(Oh i could write a lot for this one)
1) People who leave the tiolet seat up
it seriously doesnt take any time to put it down when yo are down using it
2) Do not leave the tiolet paper roll empty- grrrr, dont dare take it out and leave it on the counter
3) Leaving covers of the tooth paste-
When we first got married these were things that drove me crazy.
different kind of Fever..
She turns 10 next month, how can my baby be 10.
We would have a babysitter and for sure she would be a big help to us.
For the past 2 years she has been asking for sibling, i feel so sad every time it is mentioned, because i really think i would give her a baby brother or sister. I wish i could convince hubby it is ok and we need another kid, i really truly do want a baby
I loved the baby belly part, i love watching my belly grow, i loved the first flutter that sooner turn into strong kicks, i didn't enjoy the morning sickness or the aches and pains, but she was so worth it and i am so glad we got pregnant with her when we did because I am not sure we would have had a kid if we waited, but maybe i am wrong, but just after we found out I was pregnant- hubby lost his job, so that made preparing for a baby very tough, but we did it, everything worked out for us, he is in a very secure job right now( well as secure as jobs can be), I am in a secure job as well and i would love some Maternity leave.
This may sound wrong and feel like I'm going about it wrong but here is what i am doing
I am praying that if this is meant to be, it will happen, we will have another baby, yes i am on birth control ( IUD) so the chances are slim, but God can make it happen, he wont allow an IUD to stand in his way, I only want this if it is his will off course.
Maybe I'm just crazy to even think about having a baby now and going back to those new born days, and yes at times i think i am crazy to, but i cant get the feeling to leave me alone.
I don't want to keep bugging my hubby, because his pet peeve is when people nag him, so i don't want to do that, but i want a baby.
So what would you do? Am i going about this wrong and praying about it, he did say to cast all your care upon him for he cares for you, that means what things would make me happy, he cares about them.
I'd like some advice because if this happened i wouldn't want it to put a wedge in my marriage, maybe I shouldn't even post this, because i am not that evil, malicious person who would want to reek havoc on my marriage.
I appreciate some advice :)
Fun Tuesday things
I have had this on my mind for the past while and finally i need to get it out there in hopes of helping someone..
It is referred to often as
~the silent killer
~just being crazy
~ living in fear
to me it isnt just being crazy.
To me it is the silent killer, the way you let your mind allow you to live in fear of the unknown, get really stressed, have numbness come into your face etc..
It is the type of disease that leaves your doctors not wanting to diagnose you as " depressed or anxious"- they try to stay away from that, unless you bring it up first to them, it is their job after all, but it is almost like they are to ashamed of you to even admit that your dealing with anxiety...
then off course it is the trial and error with medication, which usually takes several months because most don't even work until you have "tried" for 6 weeks.
I live in fear so much, when we get in the car to drive down the road, i am always on "edge" meaning i am terrified that my hubby will fall asleep, or another vehicle will hit hubby has never fallen asleep with us in the car but i have that fear.
I am fearful that he isn gonna get into a car accident and i wont get to be held by him again...
I am fearful that Brooke will drown in the swimming pool ( she always has an adult)
I am fearful of our house catching on fire
I am fearful of not being "good enough" and losing
am i the only one who deals with this, sometimes it is suffocating, it is exhausting and i wish it could go away... I have tried all kinds of medication and so far no permeant change.
It is very hard to deal with fear
Weekend Recap
Wednesdays for Women
Rest in Peace my angel
My voice was back when i woke up, it was quiet for a day and a bit while i had no voice- ha ha. The doctor diagnosed me with strep throat and a sinus infection, now I'm on meds and def feeling better.
Friday was a pretty laid back day at work and we finally felt like we weren't over come with information, one more week left in the classroom and then we have 2 weeks with Abay- which means we are taking phone calls but we have a lot of floor support, i hope i can do this , right now i am not so confident... i feel i don't know anything, but i am sure after being on the phones it will come to me again...
I had my 6th Treatment at 3 pm- MY LAST ONE at least for a while...
It was one of the easiest i have had so far..
I came home and took a nap because it always leaves me exhausted.
at 7 pm, we had to go look at a house we were offered to take care of for friends of friends... I fell in love, it is gorgeous.... has a big pool out back, a jacuzzi bath room, we took it off course, it feels like truly a blessing from God. It is cheaper then the mini home and much more room and cuter.
I was feeling under the weather, i was in bed before 9 pm..
Saturday: I slept in a little bit, then my mother called me at 11 am and told me my Poppa was being rushed to the hospital via ambulance, his heart rate was very high and he wasn't feeling the greatest, this man never gets sick and would never go to the hospital via ambulance if he could do other wise, so we knew he must be sick when they took him, then i also found out my cousin ( Marcie- with cancer) is in the hospital as well, she is so sick and in much pain, we need a miracle in her life. After all that bad news, i tried to decide if i wanted to go home to Newfoundland or wait and see what happens, i decided i would wait and see what happens.
Brooke and i went Yard Sailing- we didn't buy much, just a board game, then i had an apt at 2 pm to learn about my new iPhone- it was so helpful, i am so glad i took it.
While there i went and got a Coconut Creme Frappe- so delicious, would recommend it for a good cool drink
I browsed around Bit at the mall while i waited to be picked up, ran into one of the girls from work and chatted a bit, love her so much.
We came home and put groceries away- i hate that chore... then i popped on line for a few mins, we went to visit my sister for dinner, it was so much fun, i haven't seen her since my parents were here, such a long time ago it felt like, she had other friends over as well and we had a lot of fun. I didnt take any pictures though.
Brooke did have a mini photo shoot this weekend- my baby is almost 10!!!!!!!!!
I need to desperately loose weight.... hate how i look
Once we got back from my sisters we hung out and watched the hockey game while i did some laundry.
Sunday: Happy Fathers Day to the most amazing Men in my life-
My Husband, my Dad and my father in law, off course my Bro in laws are pretty awesome as well.
We had Sunday school where we had pretty decorative coffee cups for the Dad's, the kids were able to write on them, it was so cute, then we filled them with chocolate bars and other types of chocolate, it is hard to buy for men, but they all enjoyed that.
The church gave all the men, BBQ sauce- perfect for my hubby because he is a pretty avid bbq'er and it will be put to good use for sure.
he had requested steak, eggs and bacon for lunch, so that's what we did, i hate going out to eat on popular occasions because every place is crowded and filled and the line ups are soooo long..
So we stayed home and it was a tasty meal.
I napped and i was supposed to be going for a driving test and i slept and missed it, oppps ( NOPE I DON'T DRIVE), had sunday evening service and wow, what a powerful one it was, we had 3 healing's and 2 filled with the holy spirit , God is up to good things here.
This is my last week in the classroom, i write my final exam on Wednesday, very very nervous, i accept all good luck :)
Have a great week
Wednesdays for Women
Today's Topic
I can do all things through Christ Who gives me Strength
That don't mean some things, or if i feel like it
It means I can Do ALL things if i let Christ be the center of my life.
That means i can do anything that i want
I can become a writer
i can be a full time blogger
I can finish my book and have it published
I can do all things thru Christ because he gives me strength.
He can and will help us if we ASK him and not go against what he wants us to do
THis verse has been on my mind all day and i hope you let him give you the strength you need today

Our friendship started back in Grade 7 when we decided to be locker partners, from that day forward we were inseparable, we laughed together, we cried together, we had heart to heart talks
You have been there thru the smiles, the tears, the scary times, the times when i should have been paying attention to Mr Harvey's Biology class, yet we were passing notes back and forth about silly things,(black, sack, betty crocker, polar bears etc) {only you will get this :p} he would always catch us though, you and I- we were never apart.
I hope this day is the Best Birthday you ever had. I love you. Thank you for always being you, for always making me feel special, for making me laugh and smile.
For showing me a Godly example, for keeping me "in line", you are the greatest friend and no matter where we may end up, our friendship will never change.
I wish we could celebrate with each other, but that is impossible right now, please know how much i love you. You are my best friend as long as i live. <3
Happy Birthday my Beautiful friend.
Weekend Recap
Saturday: had to be at a hotel here in town for 9:30 am- we were having a prayer time there because Sunday night something exciting is happening( will share), so we prayed for an hour, then we went to market to pass out invitations for Sunday Night, we got back home just before 1 pm, at 1:15 our Daddy came home, Brooke was so excited, time flew while he was gone though, i kept super busy. I really missed him though. i took a nap around 2 pm, and i woke just before 5, with chills, sore throat etc, i was feeling gross...we had some company stop in for a bit, i went back to bed when they left around 7, and slept til 8 am sunday morning, i woke up feeling fine.
Sunday: Sunday school, we had a fun time there.
We have to soon start working on our Fruit of the Spirit theme- it is going to be so much fun.
Came home, ate lunch, took a hour nap with hubby and then we had to go get groceries, i hate grocery shopping.
Had to leave by 4:30 to help set up for our Gospel Concert Giveaway- it began at 6:30 and wow, what an amazing time we had, we gave away bicycles, gift cards, decor stuff, toys etc, we had a great turn out.
Here are some pictures of my pretty girl
Even though we have been married for 12 years, together for 15 years, i miss him so much when he travels..
This week he is travelling back to Newfoundland, meaning he gets to see all our friends and family there.. so not fair :p
He gets to see these little people:
my heart is there with him.
I have some projects that i wanted to get done while he was gone.. i wanted to get the guest room tidied up and quit throwing everything everywhere in there- i have completed that
I also have to work late tomorrow night, and not sure what i am doing after, Brooke will be staying with her sitter for the night because she is awesome like that, so i don't have to figure out how to get home and get her etc.
It seems the ants decided to come out while he has been gone, i am terrified of little ants, so me having to deal with this isn't going so well.... freaks me out to see the ants so close to my bed etc... i don't think ill sleep tonight
Hope we can become friends and "hang" out often.
I Wednesdays i host "Wednesdays for Women" which is a post where i encourage other women, up lift and make them smile, normally it is a quick little blurb, other days it can be longer, i hope you visit it tomorrow
I work full time so i dont blog every day, but several days out of the week I do, so check back often, leave some love and will be around to follow all of you as well.
Link up Survey
1. What is a challenging thing that you deal with in every day life? i work in a customer contact centre, to hear people being negative and yelling at me for problems i didn't cause( they are not mad with me, but they only have me to yell at), i try to turn everything positive for them
It's Here!
Enter for a chance to win
- 1 pair of Hadyn Merino Wool Longies in your color of choice.
- 1 pair of Arlo Merino Wool Shorties in your size and color of choice.
- 1 pair of Alice Bamboo Longies in your size and color of choice.
- 1 pair of Isla Bamboo Shorites in your size and color of choice.
- 2 Sonnet Meriono Soakers in your color and size of choice
- 4 Merino wool diaper liners
- A set of 10 bamboo wipes
- And more!
This prize is valued at over $150.00
This prize package is perfect whether you are, or are not, cloth diapering! Longies and shorties can be worn as regular pants. Substitute the diaper liners and soakers for extra bamboo goodness.
The super soft and squishy Merino Wool longies/shorties works perfectly as a cloth diaper cover!
The soft Merino Wool diaper liners make nighttime diapering a breeze. They make diapers bullet proof, and they can be washed on hot right along with your diapers!
Don't let this perfect opportunity pass you by! Visit The Squishable Baby to view the wool and bamboo pant styles and colors. A special thanks to all of my sponsors for this giveawaySponsors for this Giveaway
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Anne @ Zypher Hill Blog
Keisha @ Unschooling Momma
Leanna @ All Done Monkey
Angie @ Trying to Go Green
Teri @ Rambling Momma
Amanda @ Modern Hippie Momma
This giveaway is open to US and Canadian Residents 18 years and older.
Enter the giveaway
Weekend Recap