
How to Enjoy Your Yard Whatever the Weather

 People spend a lot of money when they buy a property. Yet, oddly, most don’t end up using those properties to their full potential. While they spend a lot of time and effort ensuring that the interior parts of their properties are on point, they often overlook the exterior part. And that’s a mistake since a well-put-together yard can have a transformative impact on an individual’s lifestyle. After all, there are few things better than spending some quality time outside with your friends and family

Below, we’ll look at some handy, easy-to-enact tips that’ll have you (and your family) enjoying your yard from January through December.

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Out With The Old

Just because your yard is outside, that doesn’t mean that you’ll want to spend time in it. If it’s looking a little uninspiring, then you’ll need to do something about it. If you haven’t improved your yard for years — or even since you bought the property — then it’ll be best to begin by getting rid of all the old stuff that’s negatively affecting the yard’s aesthetic appeal. You’ll find it much easier to create an inviting space when you’re working with a blank canvas. 

Upgrade Seating

A yard might look delightful, but unless you have plenty of seating options, then it’ll remain something that you have to admire from afar. To ensure that you and your loved ones can spend long days soaking up the rays and all-around enjoying the best that the summer months have to offer, look at adding comfortable seating — GENCUSH Outdoor Furniture has a good selection of comfortable lounge-chair cushions that will keep you comfortable all day long. If you have space, then look at adding a hammock, too. You’ll find that having a variety of seating options ensures there’s a seat for whatever move you’re in. 

Add Shade

It’s nice when the sun shows its face during the summer months. But sometimes, it shows its face a little too much. If you live in a hot part of the country, then look at adding some shade to your property. That’ll allow you to stay outside without running the risk of getting burned or having to continually top up your sunscreen. A retractable shade sail will do the trick.

Rain Protection

Most people only use their yards during the summer months. But it can be great to sit out on those rainy days, too. After all, looking out at a rainy sky is more enjoyable than staring at a television screen. To do this, look at adding a rain covering between your backdoor and your yard. That’ll allow you to sit outside even when the rain is pouring. 

Winter Warmth 

And on those cold and crisp January nights? For that, you’ll need a fire pit. These are much more affordable than you might think — in fact, you can even make one yourself with a little bit of effort. Once you have one, you’ll be able to enjoy those crystal clear winter starry nights without catching a chill. 


22 years of marriage

Our 22nd Wedding anniversary found us celebrating about an hour and 10 mins away from home.

We stayed in beautiful Saint John in the delightful Chipman Hill Suites, we stayed in the Pent house.  Everything was gorgeous.

When we first entered this was waiting for us:

2 dozen roses, delicious chocolates, wine, a beautiful welcome card.  
it is a special touch that we were happy to enjoy. 

We had the Pent house suite with 2 bedroom, two bathrooms with air tubs in each one, full kitchen, family room, TV's in each room with full cable.  

I do love a good soaker tub

The living room and kitchen was an open concept
this was the second bedroom
This was the master bedroom. This bed was perfectly comfy, clean and those pillows made for a good night sleep. 
this place was fully stocked with all the things you need to make your stay pleasant. 
This Inn was so quiet at night- you did not hear anyone even walking the stairs. 
We both got some good sleep. 

This is one of the best pictures i have ever seen
We walked downtown for dinner which was a small walking distance from the suite
Night 1 dinner was at Church Street steak house which was a gift card from the hotel. It was delicious and there was so much food.  
Our actual Anniversary Day: 
We had breakfast in Saint john at a diner called " Island Girls Diner" The breakfast food was so good and Andrew could enjoy it as it was gluten free. 

Then we drove to Moncton for the day to go shopping and to the Keg for dinner. 

The restaurant gave us a free Creme Brulee for our anniversary. 


Can You Turn Your Home Into A Space That You Love?


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Can you turn your home into a space that you love? Yes, of course you can. We’re not saying that it’s going to be easy, and we’re not saying that you’re going to have this happen overnight, but it can be made to happen. That’s the good news. The even better news is that you can get the ball rolling on this right now if you want to, and we’re going to help. Keep reading if you’re interested in learning more.

Think About What You Want

The first thing that you’re going to need to do is think about what you want. There is absolutely no point in starting anything if you don’t know what you want the outcome of the changes to be. For example, do you want tinted windows? Because if you do your best bet is going to be looking into a service that provides residential and commercial window tint, because at least you know they know what they are doing. Also, do you want new pieces of tech in your home? Do you want a decor theme? Do you want new doors or windows? These are all things that need to be considered before you can move forward.

Work Out How Much It Will Cost

When you know what you want, you can then start working out how much it’s going to cost. You need to think about how much it’s going to cost in terms of contractors, if there is any work that you can do yourself, and where you are going to get the materials from. Sometimes you just need to look around online to get some cheaper deals than you originally thought, and that’s great for you as you will be saving money.

Put together a budget. Think about how much you want to spend, and then look at how much the changes you want to make are going to cost. See if you can bring it down a little if needed, or decide on certain parts that you’re going to do now, and others that you’re going to complete later. Nobody said it all had to be done at once!

Start Making Some Changes Asap

The final thing that we’re going to put in here is that you can start making some of the changes asap. If you’re going to be completing some of the work yourself and it’s not going to interfere with anything else, there’s no reason that you cannot get started right now.

At the end of the day, it comes down to you. You need to turn your home into a space that you love, and you are the only one who has the power to do that. We know that it can be tough, and it might take some time to achieve the results that you’re looking for, but it’s worth it in the end. We wish you the very best of luck going forward, and hope that everything works out the way that you want it to!

It’s time for the protests to stop and for us to support Israel!

President Biden continues to jump between approving and disapproving of anti-Israel protests depending on his audience. We need to stand up for our brothers and sisters in Is-
rael, we need to #HelpIsraelMIN.  It's time for the protests to stop and for us to support Israel!

Stop the media’s lies about the attacks on Israel! See real headlines about what’s
actually going on in the world below, and then sign the petition to end anti-Israel

Anti-Israel protester blocks traffic using her baby: This video captures an anti-
Israel protester holding her baby while standing in front of a car to block traf-
fic. Another protester can be heard asking for a replacement for the mother,noting her willingness to risk her child’s life. Additionally, another parent with
a small child and dog are seen standing in the path of traffic. See video: LINK

George Washington U grads storm out of graduation ceremony in anti-Israel
protest: Dozens of George Washington University graduates walked out of
commencement ceremonies on Sunday, disrupting university President Ellen
Granberg's speech, in protest over the ongoing war in Gaza and last week's
clearing of an on-campus protest encampment that involved police use of pep-
per spray and dozens of arrests. See more: LINK

Harvard Prevents Twelve Anti-Israel Protesters from Graduating at Commence-
ment: The Harvard College Administrative Board will be preventing twelve seniors from graduating at commencement and at least one senior will be required to withdraw for three semesters, the Harvard Crimson reported. Two of the twelve seniors were among the five suspended students who were forced to withdraw from Harvard College, the university’s undergraduate liberal arts school. See more: LINK

Philadelphia university president reacts after at least 75 anti-Israel protestors
descend on campus: A group of at least 75 anti-Israel agitators staged an en-
campment at Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Saturday
evening. The president said that encampment raised “understandable con-
cerns” about safety on campus. See more: LINK

Seeking Peace: Israel has repeatedly expressed its willingness to engage in dia-
logue and negotiate for a lasting peace with the Palestinians. However, achiev-
ing peace requires a genuine commitment from both sides to recognize each
other’s right to exist and to engage in constructive negotiations without vio-
lence or terrorism.

Complexity of the Conflict: The situation in the Middle East is complex, with historical, religious, and geopolitical dimensions. It’s crucial to understand the multifaceted nature of the conflict and avoid oversimplification or one-sided
narratives that ignore the broader context.

Addressing Root Causes: To achieve long-term peace, it’s necessary to address
the root causes of the conflict, such as incitement to violence, terrorism, and
the refusal to recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state. Encouraging a
shift towards education for coexistence and mutual respect is crucial for fos-tering lasting peace.

Combatting Terrorism: Hamas, a designated terrorist organization, exploits civilian areas in Gaza, using them as launch sites for rocket attacks on Israeli civilians. The international community must condemn terrorism in all its forms and hold accountable those who use violence against civilians for political gain.

Fetterman: Biden Is Trying to ‘Have Both Sides’ on Israel-Hamas War: Senator
John Fetterman (D-PA) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that President Joe Biden 
was tryin to have “both sides” on the Israel-Hamas war. See more: LINK

• Sign the anti-rioting petition and support Israel today!
Petition: LINK 

 I would like this petition shared, please leave a comment and I will pick a name to win a $10 Amazon giftcard

Many thanks to Influenceable and # MomentumInfluencerNetwork for providing a sample of the product for this review.
Opinions are 100% my own.



It’s been twenty two years today since we stood in front of our family, our friends, and God, to say “I do” to one another. 

Looking back, I’m proud of those twenty-something babies, and the way they were so determined to create a life together. 

But nothing, and I mean nothing, makes me as proud, my love, as the people we are today. 

You see, we’ve come to learn that love doesn’t stay ‘new’ for long. Newly wed life is like a new car, whereas a marriage with miles? 

Well, that takes maintenance , upkeep, work. 

We’ve sat back and watched marriages around us fall apart. We’ve witnessed hardship in our own marriage. We have saw with our own eyes and our own hearts how easy it is to just stop. 

But, Baby - I’m so proud of us for keeping goin’. 

There has been moments where this marriage has been hard on you; there have been moments where this marriage has been hard on me. But how fortunate have we been that our moments? They never coincide. When one of us has been feeling heavy in this marriage, we have been given the blessing of the other one picking us back up; reminding the other of how beautiful our life is together, and refusing to allow the other to just give in to the hard. We’ve both put ego to one side time and time again, and have been willing to put everything on the line, just to keep what we have. 

And it’s working, cause Husband? I am completely, utterly, head over heels obsessed with you, and this life that we have created. I’ll never not be grateful for the hard conversations and the difficult emotions, for they have brought us to where we are now. 

A place where I can confidently say that you are my home. 

I’m truly excited for what’s to come. I’m eager to see what joy life has yet to bring us. And I’m comforted by the fact that no matter what - You will be there by my side, hand in hand, living it all out with me. 

Grey hairs and rocking chairs, Baby. That is the goal. 

Happy Anniversary, Husband 🤍

Thank you for being my greatest love. 

Love Always, Terri Lynn


My Dearest Andrew,

As we celebrate another year of our journey together, I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude for the incredible blessing of having you as my partner in life. Today marks not just another passing year, but a beautiful milestone of love, growth, and shared experiences that have shaped us into the couple we are today.

Reflecting on the moments we've shared; I am reminded of the countless memories that fill my heart with joy. From the laughter that echoes through our home to the quiet moments of understanding and support, each memory serves as a testament to the depth of our connection and the strength of our love.

In you, I have found not just a husband, but a true companion and confidant who stands by me through every twist and turn that life brings our way. Your unwavering love, patience, and kindness continue to inspire me each day, and I am endlessly grateful for the warmth and comfort you bring to my life.

Together, we have weathered storms and celebrated triumphs, always standing hand in hand, united in our commitment to each other. As we embark on another year of adventures and discoveries, I am filled with excitement for the memories we have yet to create and the love that will continue to grow between us.

On this special day, I want to express my deepest love and appreciation for everything you are and everything you do. You are my rock, my partner, and my best friend, and I am eternally grateful to share this journey of love and companionship with you.

Happy Anniversary, my love. Here's to us, to our past, our present, and our future together.

With all my love

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