
Weekend Recap

Friday: It was a co workers last day so that is a hard day, we laugh a lot together so we all did lunch and had a cookie buffet, it was so much fun 

The guy in the front eating is our supervisor, the look on my face is the look I got when I looked over and saw his silly face, they are such a great group, but I am sad to see this project come to an end. I am not done yet, I am still doing a part of the project, Meagan is the first to leave- the one in the back next to me. 

After work hubby surprised me with a date- then we went for a frozen yogurt treat, I love spending time with that man. 

Our friend came to hang out and play games after we got home... it was nice. 

We went to town to get shoes an leggings for back to school- how is it my child has bigger feet then I do.. sigh. 
Stopped for ice cream, then went by the church to get some centrepieces for Sunday's friend day. 
We had family pizza night and I read some, while hubster and Brooke played minecraft. 

Friend day.. we had one service, we had a pot luck, our pot lucks are so much fun and so much food. 

Have a great week 


Review- 90 minutes in Heaven

If there is any movie you are going to see this year, you should see this one, in theatres everywhere Sept 11. 

It is a story that will stay with you for a long time, in fact I think about it daily. 

We know of three people, from Scripture, who were privileged to see heaven. All of these men, Stephen and the Apostles Paul and John, were alive when they were given a glimpse of the wonders of heaven. 
Don Piper- who was a baptist preacher also got to see heaven when he was in a car crash, he was declared dead at the scene but a pastor waiting on the scene was told to pray for him
He did so, and Piper immediately returned to life. For the 90 minutes that his body lay lifeless inside the car, Piper claims to have been in heaven. He now carries with him memories of paradise and in 90 Minutes in Heaven, a book which has sold over 500,000 copies, he seeks to encourage other Christians with a description of our eternal home. “Because I was able to experience heaven,” he says, “I was able to prepare [friends] for it. And now I am preparing you.”

S O C I A L • C O R N E R

This is one of the best books I have read and you need to read it as well. 
I have a copy of the book for you, just leave a comment and I will pick one of you with a random generator number. 


Confessional friday

Today I confess to you 

1) Yesterday was one month without Leslie who started Confessional Friday. I miss hearing from her so much, it is so hard to be without her. I cannot imagine how Stephen is feeling and her girls, i am so thankful they have their Dad and their aunties to help out. 

2) Last night we had an earthquake here in our town, I was cleaning my kitchen and I felt  a little shake… it was weird, felt like something big hit something big and it was moving fast so it took a hard hit… then in a few minutes it was on the news that we had a small earthquake go thru, I am just glad that hubby is home.

3) My sister has a surgery in one week and I am so worried about her, she has been sick for a little while and they finally decided to do some testing and they found something that has to be removed surgically quickly, so please say a prayer for her. 

4) Hard to believe in 2 weeks we are going to have a 7th grader, how did that happen, wasn’t she just that colicky baby that cried all day long;)

5) Thanks to Kelly over at Kelly's Korner last night I watched the most amazing teaching on Anxiety, you should go and watch it here 

Share your Confessions by linking up below:


Love well

This has been on my mind all day long...

Death~ so final and it feels like your family is far away and you just want that one more touch, that one last hug- that one last email, text etc..
Death takes that from us, so make sure your husband,wife,kids, parents, siblings know you love them every day.

Losing my Grandpa was the hardest thing ever, we are two days away from his birthday and the ache is still in my heart, the ache that he is no longer able to take my phone call, give me advice, listen to me ramble and cry, then look at me and say.. It isn't the end yet, you can do it.. he always made sure we all knew he loved us.

Losing Leslie was so hard on me... I cannot imagine how her family feels, she was a great friend and I will never forget her. No matter how sick she was, she always asked how I was doing, how I was feeling etc, she was cool like that

These are just two examples of how life can be taken from us, we need to live and live strong, love and love well, be there for that hurting person, give the homeless a coffee or a meal, help that senior who is not able to get out, help that single mom/dad...

Show Love to everyone you meet because you never know just how big their battle is, or how you will impact them with just a smile or a good morning etc...

I will miss grandpa and Leslie every single day, they were loved and always will be loved.


Weekend Recap

Another week has come to a close, soon be time to head back to school and back to blogging. 

Friday: I worked til 5 pm- then hubby and I went to a birthday party for an older lady at church, it was a lot of fun, delicious food and lots of laughter. 

When we got home around 10 pm, my girl was back from  camping, for the last weekend this summer before her friends grandma heads back to work on Monday. 

She had a friend over for a sleep over, same friend that she went camping with. 

Saturday:  We had a lazy Saturday where we slept in, did some house chores, some laundry, had a relaxing day, which we all need from time to time. 

We went on a date when Brooke went to youth, we went to the steak house- had steak and shrimp, I had ribs and chicken,

we went to the mall and then for milkshakes where we met up with one his co workers and we chatted and hung out until it was time to pick up Brooke.

I didn't make morning service as I wasn't feeling the best when I woke up.. had a lazy day and went to the evening service, as we are driving for ice cream after church, the sky was saying hello to us

Have a great week 


Confessional Friday

Today I am Confessing 

1) I am recovering  from my 2nd part of my jaw surgery- this one is much easier then my first one was 

2) I love that my husband tells me instead of going to work early in the mornings, I should relax and write a blog post { one that don't involve him he says } 

3) My job contract is ending very very soon, I have had a couple really good interviews for full time jobs.. so here is hoping 

4) How is it possible that Leslie has been in heaven for almost a month already. 

5) I submitted my first Norwex party tonight, I am so excited to be selling Norwex, want more info- Email: terrigrothe@gmail.com


Baby Boy Toner Gender Reveal

 Proud Big Sister 

Momma, Grandma and Uncle Jimmy 

Proud Dad 


Review- Bridge Builder

Today I have a fun review and giveaway for you to enjoy as much as I did

This book really showed you into their life.. 
On a bleak Chicago Saturday in the winter of 1989, Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein and his wife, Bonnie, rose early and put on their Sabbath finery. That morning their firstborn, Tamar, was to celebrate her bat mitzvah, the coming-of-age party that marks the twelfth birthday of Orthodox Jewish girls.

They had moved from New York to Chicago eleven years earlier, once he had finished up school for rabbi’s 
To make ends meet, he held down weekend pulpits in small Orthodox congregations around the city, performed concerts, and sang at weddings with a band he put together.

Bonnie, his wife, saw this work as  emotional neediness, and she didn’t like it. She had fallen in love with a rabbi’s son, who had played basketball for the Yeshiva University High School team and performed Hebrew folk music for adoring audiences on the kosher college music circuit. Now he seemed different, a driven and exhausted man with a dream she neither understood nor shared. Bonnie had nothing against Christians. She had known some at Barnard. It was the sort of Christians Yechiel was working with, and sometimes dragging home for Sabbath dinner—Republican Christians, Reaganites, full of Jesus talk and pious curiosity about the Shabbat rituals. Yechiel, thank God, was still a Democrat. 

Family tensions were put aside that Shabbat morning, as they headed for the small Chabad shul in a strip mall near their home in Skokie. Yechiel’s downtown synagogue was too far for their friends and neighbors to reach on foot (Orthodox Jews are not allowed to travel by car on the Sabbath) 
He did not want a repetition of his own bar mitzvah, when the stress of performing in front of his father’s congregation gave him an unstoppable nosebleed that forced him to scratch his sermonic “D’var Torah” speech.

Tamar wouldn’t be commenting on the weekly Torah portion during the service—Orthodox girls don’t do that—but she would be the centre of attention that morning, asked to speak at the party afterward. Yechiel wanted to make sure that she would be relaxed and happy. 

They had decorated the hall in white and blue, for the occasion, they even replaced the stained table cloths with the theme color of blue. 
A large cake inscribed with the words “Mazel Tov Tamar” was placed at the head of the tables. 
Covered under his prayer shawl, Yechiel Eckstein felt something else: a sense of defiance. He was a seeker and a self-examiner, a chronic critic of his own motives. But at this moment he trusted his vision. A bridge uniting Christians and Jews could be built, and he felt destined to be the engineer. 

He had no idea how hard the work would be, the price it would exact. He only knew, with a certainty he had never before felt, that he had no choice but to go ahead.

Now thirty years later, Eckstein recalls that certainty. “I felt humiliated and alone. It was the worst day of my life. But I never thought I was wrong. It didn’t even occur to me to quit. I have a personal relationship with God and I felt at the time that it was a divine mission, what is known in Hebrew as shlichut. 

Sitting in the back of the shul that day, I thought about Abraham and Isaac. In the book of Genesis, God commands Abraham to take his son ‘to the land I will show you.’ He doesn’t tell Abraham where it is. He simply expects Abraham to obey. I had a moral certainty that came from God. And I still feel it. That’s what has guided my work and my life, from the beginning until today.”

I have a book that you could win today and I know you will enjoy this book- he really shares his heart and I truly enjoyed reading it.

If you do not win though, you can buy from right over here 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

"Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.
 Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller / FlyBy Promotions in the last 30 days, you are not eligible to win. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.”


Weekend Recap- Gender Reveal Edition


Ever have a day where you cannot focus on anything... That was me on Friday.... 
I usually do not go far at lunch time but I decided to find a quaint coffee shop and got chicken nachos just to try and refocus. 

We drove to my sisters after work because she was having her gender reveal party... I wasn't sure what side I was going with... I wanted it to be a boy because Olivia the big sister wanted but a niece would be fun to. 
We played games and ate delicious food... Then it was time for the big reveal...... 

It is a boy!!!! 20 weeks to go before I meet the newest member and my new nephew....

I got up early and cleaned the house- then went back to bed for a little nap... We went out for brunch and then went back to school shopping- I cannot believe how costly supplies are now , compared to when I went to school... well off course my parents bought my supplies so that is a plus off course :p We got some groceries and had our friends that we lived with when we moved here come for dinner, we grilled and it was a fun time, played some cards and it was a fun night.

We had church and after PM service we went out for Italian food with my bestie- We got a super cool shot and a close up of a butterfly.

This was a low key weekend besides for the new nephew news!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great week 


Believe- Book review

I really think it is so important for their to be adult books to be made into kids books like this one is... 

I am really impressed! This is a really amazing book/ devotional that breaks things down in a readable and easily understood method. It is divided into three sections which are 1. Think - What Do I Believe? 2. Act - What Should I do? 3. Be - Who Am I Becoming?
The Think section has ten chapters dealing with the foundations of belief from a scriptural perspective. It speaks of God, the Church, Humanity and Eternity for example in different chapters. The chapters all end with Discussion Questions too.

I plan to share it with my sunday school class in the fall, The Act section talks about how we live our faith, praying, worshipping, tithing and giving for example. And finally the Be section covers the fruit of the spirit.

The chapters will bring in relevant scriptures from the Old and New Testament as relevant also.

I was gifted this book for my honest review- all opinions are my own. 


Argument free marriage-Book review

The Argument-Free Marriage: 28 Days to Creating the Marriage You’ve Always Wanted with the Spouse You Already Have.’ This title recently caught my attention. But wait…..is an argument-free marriage even possible? Fawn Weaver, the best-selling author, award-winning marriage blogger and founder of the ‘Happy Wives Club’ certainly thinks so. In ‘An Argument-Free Marriage’, she invites readers to consider investing twenty-eight days in learning how to live together without arguing.

Weaver asserts that there are 3 things that are essential in creating an argument-free marriage, and that these can be replicated in any relationship one desire’s to last a lifetime (marriage, siblings, parents, children):
  • ‘Understand and obey the law of acceleration’.
  • ‘Stick to the original emotion’.
  • ‘Keep at the forefront of your mind this indisputable fact: that tomorrow may never come’.
The author’s tips are basic—things we know but too often don’t follow: don’t go to bed angry, for instance.

Weaver believes that argument free marriages are rare. When her husband read her first draft and asked why they were mentioned so much, she replied: “The book is about an argument-free marriage. There’s certainly not much other data available for this concept.” But I don’t agree. There are many argument free marriages—both happy and unhappy ones.

I was gifted this book for my honest review- all opinions are my own

Confessional Friday

I have been meaning to do this for 2 weeks since she passed- she loved confessional Fridays and I wanted to keep it going in her honor. 

Today I confess to you 

1) I am so ready for my baby girl to be back home- she is away with friends and this momma is missing her baby girl.. I need to brag on her for a minute... this summer I have noticed such a change in my girl.. she helps around the house, does laundry, makes cookies and helps to make dinner, I have been working long hours and when I come home, she has the house all tidied so this momma can relax. Thank you Brooke( I know you read here) and hurry home. 

2) I am going to a gender reveal tonight for the first time ever- my sister is having her second baby, I cannot wait ti find out.. off course I will post it so you can see, I secretly am hoping for a boy. 

3) I am now a Norwex consultant- I am so excited that I can work from home in the evenings, wanna know more email me- terrigrothe(at)gmail(dot)com

4) my blog has really been slacking this summer- I feel like I needed the break to come back refreshed and ready to chat with you all on Sept 1... 

Link up below in memory of Leslie


Weekend Recap

I felt like it was a very long week, I didn't even work all week because of vacation, I couldn't wait for 5 pm. 
Hubby took me on a date for Thai food, I crave Thai food, I love it so much. 
Brooke got back around 7 or 7:30.... We were both happy to have her home... We just relaxed and I did clean a bit. 

I love sleeping in on Saturdays. Watching some Netflix or some periscopers( my new addiction) , then we went town because we needed groceries and I wanted to find a good set of headphones... Went to a geeky store and found some.  
Moses came over for wings and nachos and it was delicious 

It was really good. I made a birthday cake for Moses because it is his birthday tomorrow. 

Happy Birthday Moses- we are glad you are in our life. 
We had a special baptism today- Jen who got married last weekend, also got baptized today- our old Pastor was around and she had him come by and do it, it was so special 

Moses came for dinner- I made him pulled pork, coleslaw and a garden salad.. it was so yummy. We had chocolate cake for dessert. 

I got a package from my parents today- my mom made me a new quilt and pillow shams for my bed 

It was a good day. 

Have a good week friends. 
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