
Review Bible Belles: Abigail, The Belle of Bravery

I was so excited to do a review of this book and hope to collect the entire series.

With the help of her angel Mari, Rooney has learned that she has two real superpowers: Prayer and Patience. The adventure continues in Book Three of the Bible Belles series, as Rooney faces her toughest challenge yet.

After a tough afternoon with her brother and some neighborhood kids, Rooney is faced with a difficult choice: can she be brave enough to do the right thing?

Through the story of Abigail, Rooney learns that she can call upon the courage of God to boldly face any problem with the confidence that He will see her through it.
Join Rooney and Mari on another exciting adventure to becoming the best kind of superhero—a Bible Belle!

I have one book for one of you to win, just leave me a comment below
I recieved this book for free in exchange for my honest review


Intimacy Killers

There are “serious” intimacy killers in marriage such as ...

* Lying 
* Technology 
* Loss of trust 
* Inability to express your needs and feelings 
* Not listening 
* Daily separate lives 
* Being self-centered 
* Angry arguments 
* Lack of touch 
* Lack of time

Okay, just so you know, we do believe our children are blessings in our lives and not burdens. We love our child with all our hearts, but while raising our daughter, we've had worked extra hard to have “us” time in our marriage. Here are a few things that have helped with the “children” intimacy killers …
* We work hard to eat together by ourselves several times a week. 
* We have a lock on our bedroom door. 
* We’ve always encouraged our children to sleep in their own beds … not in ours. 
* We have always looked for "opportunities" when we had the house to ourselves.
* We strive to "make" time for one another, not "find" time. 
* After our child leaves for school, we take a little time every morning to drink a cup of coffee together.
Those are just little things … but very important things. No matter what your intimacy killers look like, work hard to over come them because intimacy is a major glue in your marriage.

We're curious … does your “intimacy killers” list resembled ours?


Baby Bible Basics. -Review

Bible Basics is the first of what will become the Baby Believer Primers, a series that formats the foundational beliefs of the Christian faith into manageable concepts small children can categorize and retain, like small numbers and letters.
Bright and beautiful color in this book, it has some great thoughts in there for example: 
1) God- I am 
2) The Nature of Jesus- Fully Man, fully God 
3) Persons of the Trinity- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
4) Gospels- Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John 
5) Books in the Pentateuch- Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy 
6) Days of creation 
7) I am Jesus- Jesus says 
8) Beatitudes 
9) Fruits of the spirit 
10) Commandments 

It shares some great points about the basics of the bible, get the word of God in them at a very young age and watch them grow spiritually in him. 

Great book for parents to partner with their children as they learn the basics of the bible and may they hide in forever in their hearts. 

This would make such a great gift for a new baby, or a dedication. 


I have a copy to give to one of you. Just simply tell me why you wanna win this book and one of you will be the lucky winner.


9 Reasons Porn will ruin your marriage

1. Porn gives a very unrealistic view of the female/male body and causes unfair comparisons.
2. Porn gives an unrealistic view and unreal expectations of sex.
3. Things like love, respect, intimacy and commitment aren’t found in pornography.
4. Porn causes lust to take place in the heart (Matthew 5:28).
5. Porn is addictive.
6. Porn causes people to no longer see their spouse as a person or partner, but as a sexual object.
7. Porn breaks trust.
8. Porn destroys intimacy.
9. Pornography NEVER satisfies, it always leaves you wanting more.
Simply put, pornography will ruin your marriage. It has destroyed FAR more marriages than it’s helped. Pornography will drive you apart from your spouse rather than bring you closer together.
Instead of pursuing porn pursue your spouse. Instead of being addicted to porn be addicted to your spouse (Proverbs 5:18-19).


Friday Date Night Idea

Go on a Mini Weekend Road Trip
We do this one a couple times a year but my favourite is the one we go in December, we do it two weeks before christmas, we go about 2 hours away, we stay at a fancy hotel, we eat delicious food, we have a good time, sometimes we hang out with friends, sometimes we just hang out with each other, we watch TV, go to bed late, sleep late, go to brunch and then go shopping. We have a great time, it is one of the highlights of my year.


Saving with Groupon - #ad #spon

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are mine

With Christmas so close I wanted to check out Groupon and see what kinds of good deals I could find because they have everything from toys to clothing. While perusing the site I came across some wireless headphones.

A little story about me... It is a constant struggle with me and headphones, I break them all the time, I listen to podcast as I am going to sleep at night, so when I wake up in the morning I am usually sleeping on the headphones, so to find some wireless ones that were a great price, I jumped on it, I had to have them.

There are a lot of selections to choose from these are just two of my fav ones, I am adding them both to my Christmas Wishlist

No matter what is on your Christmas list this year, you can find it at Groupon, and for great prices, because we all know that money doesn't grow on trees.

Groupon is a great money-saving resource and allows you to find deals on products and services from lots of our favorite retailers. I love to save money whenever I can and Groupon makes it super easy to do so.

I also love that searching for coupons is easy and saves us money with the click of a button. Plus, there is no fees or memberships.   – it’s totally FREE!!!!

Have you ever shopped on Groupon before?
You can also find them here

Website: https://www.groupon.com

To Joey, With Love- Movie Review


Husband-and-wife singing duo Joey+Rory wanted more to life … so they chose less

What an amazing movie.  When it first started, I was in tears, thinking about how she is no longer on earth with us, she has moved on to her heavenly reward but she has left her husband and family behind to pick up the pieces and find their new normal. 
To see her prepping the nursery and know how much she loved her girls and her husband, made me ugly cry. 
From the birth of her daughter Indiana to the last struggle with cancer, this story will move ya from smiles to tears. 

"What I found most encouraging is that even when things were the bleakest, the Feeks were not about to let their trials get the best of them.

a beautiful documentary about two country music singers who lived every day to the fullest, even with the trials and tribulations and thanking God for everything and trusting him no matter what even when he doesn’t answer all of our prayers. 

Film's websitehttp://tojoeywithlove.com

I have a copy to give you as well,  Answer the following and I will randomly select one of you to win ( leave your email address as well) 
1) Have you heard of Joey and Rory?
2) Are you a country music fan? 


Blessings of Unity- Book Review

We need marriage to have unity, there are to many marriage failing in our world simply because they have no unity and when times get hard instead of sticking together and working it out, they run... 

Unity is achieved when a man and woman strive for agreement with God by processing His Will on every decision and in every issue. Through Biblically-centered discussions of discord, division, unity, discipleship, and prayer, and through exploring Biblical examples of unity, Richard Case offers husbands and wives practical and spiritual advice for working together in unity in the Spirit so that they can more perfectly present themselves to God for his divine approval.

Here is the link to a free ebook, Unshakeable (6 pgs), material that will help and support growth in Christ, from the All for Jesus ministry.  You can go here and get a copy of the ebook 

You can win a copy of this beautiful book by leaving a comment with your email and your favorite date night idea =) 

"Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the
Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post. Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway.  If you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller / FlyBy Promotions in the last 30 days, you are not eligible to win.  Or if you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. The winner is subject to eligibility verification.”



It's one of the most intimate things you can do with your clothes on and will help to maintain and build up the romantic bond between you
Get a pack of sticky notes and write little messages you can leave where your loved one will find them. We're not talking about ones that say: “Remember to take out the trash.” 
Sometimes, it takes some distance and time together to remind you how much you love and enjoy each other's company. Get someone to look after the kids and get away for a weekend of even a week, where you can just relax and do things you can't usually enjoy at home.  If you find yourselves in a place like Hawaii, consider adding something special to the trip, like a maui sunset cruise near me.  Watching the sun dip below the horizon from the deck of a boat, with nothing but the ocean around you, can turn a simple getaway into an unforgettable shared experience. 
Imagine that the juice is cut off for a night. This means no TV, no phones, no computer … instead just you, your partner, some candles and see where it leads.
They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Well, maybe it's not quite that easy, but cooking his favorite food shows how much you care.
Find out about each other again - tell each other stories about when you were young. This will remind you what you used to see in each other.
Turn off the TV and have a chat. Talk about stuff that you both like - films, books, cooking, gardening, DIY, anything as long as you talk. Communication is one of the biggest parts of a relationship and not talking will cause you problems.
We show gratitude to strangers and people we work with all the time, but it's easy to forget to do the same for our partners. A small gesture of thanks, whether it's saying thank you for emptying the cat litter, cooking a nice meal or just for being there goes an awfully long way.
We all have busy lives and even evenings can be taken up with lots of chores or work. So try to spend just 10 minutes alone together every day to find out what each of you have been up to.
Communication doesn't necessarily have to mean talking. Write down some heartfelt words in a card and then mail it the old fashion way. We all know how much we like getting cards or letters, rather than bills.
Remind yourselves what you used to enjoy doing before you got bogged down in the humdrum nature of life together. Play games together, go out walking - do whatever it was that used to make you feel alive and happy.
Talking is obviously important, but listening is just as vital. If one of you has something they need to say (no matter how trivial it seems), then the other really needs to listen to them properly and, if necessary, do something to change.
Knowing that you have a special date coming up (even months ahead) can be good for both of you. These dates can be specific events, such as birthdays, anniversaries, or simply evenings you set aside.
Those three words are often forgotten as relationships progress, but said properly, they mean so much. In fact, you don't even need to say them … send a text, email, etc.
Tell the other one how good they look, how nice a shirt or top looks, or guys, tell her you like her shoes. Compliments make everyone feel better.
Humor is good for your health anyway, and sharing jokes with each other makes for a better bond. Rent a favorite comedy DVD, look at old photos of yourselves... anything that will tickle your funny bones.
The more time you spend together in the bedroom, the better it will be for your relationship.
This means silly arguments or things where one of you may have done or said something they now regret. Move forward and concentrate on your future together. By harboring resentment, you will never be able to move on with your relationship.
Don't blame each other for things that may have gone wrong. Admit to mucking up and try to use it as a positive thing and move on. No one is at fault for everything, and no one can do everything perfectly, either. Once you realize this, you will hopefully begin to work together as a team. ~Unknown


This week.

I just realized while sitting here drinking my candy cane hot chocolate that I scheduled no posts for this week, that's likely because I have been so taken up with planning our Christmas banquet that is happening on Saturday night at 6 pm, that I am in charge of. The decor will be so amazin

Today I took a vacation day for a dr appointment and a massage- I am having a me day and making dinner for a friend who just had surgery.

It was a super great weekend with some super great people, did a lot of yard work and preparing for winter because it is arriving very soon

I am working on a post that is coming right from  my heart and it will be very real and raw and how my momma heart is hurting and I cannot fix it.

That about does it for now for me I think.  I will pop back in on Friday with m y regular date night but the post will be few this week.

Cheers and Peace,



Studying the Bible does not have to be an intimidating or overwhelming experience. The study of God’s Word can be easy and rewarding if you break down the Bible into easy-to-understand segments. The NKJV Know The Word Study Bible offers three easy ways to begin studying Scripture and helps individuals transition from being a casual reader of the Bible to becoming a regular student of the Word. 

The NKJV Know The Word Study Bible provides three different approaches to studying the Bible. Book by Book, Verse by Verse and topic by topic. 

I like to do a combination of all three, by using the notes and the guides and when i find a topic of interest, I will study it thoroughly. This bible helps me do that. 

Features Include:
• New King James Version Bible text 
• Three easy approaches to study the Bible: Book by Book, Verse by Verse, Topic by Topic
 • Book introductions 
• Words of Jesus in red 
• Two-color interior page design 
• Comprehensive list of theological notes 
• Concordance
I review for BookLook Bloggers


What a beautiful book, it is a delight to wake up in the morning and do my devotion starting with this book. My body craves rest, I am a busy mom and wife who works outside of the home and I get tired, in the madness of the day to day rush, we can find Rest in him. 365 Devotions for finding rest will guide you in finding that rest, let his peace and restoration transform you all year long. 
The day begins with a Bible verse, then a brief devotion, then a one or two-sentence long prayer.  Ideal for my mornings, lunch breaks, or evening prayer time.  This book will be a treasure for building my faith walk.
I thumbed through other sections and I appreciate how the content is seasonal, such as Christmas themes in December.  I also like relevant titles for today’s culture, such as March 2nd’s “Turn Off Technology, Tune Into Dinnertime.”  This book also contains a helpful Scripture Index at the back, so you can quickly find devotions based on specific Bible passages.  What a great resource this promises to be for me!

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
—Matthew 11:28

I review for BookLook Bloggers


Friday Date Night Idea

Go get a ice cream and go for a walk down town ( if it is safe where you live, if not then walk somewhere else), It really gives you time to reconnect, we love to eat ice cream, try new ones, then explore your town. 


Say and pray devotions- Review

Say & Pray Devotions - First Words, Devotions, and Prayers feature short devotions and lots of labeled illustrations so your little one can practice identifying objects and words on their own! This book is a great tool to start a devotional time with little ones, as it will help you teach them about God, and the labeled pictures will help start a life of faith.  Amazon's description suggests 4-8 years old for this, or preschool through third grade.

I think this colorful board book would be perfect for the short attention spans of the 1-3-year-olds.  It has a theme, title, and one or two sentences on the left-hand page, and short verse and short prayer on the right.  Each page has bright illustrations by Sarah Ward with the objects named for learning purposes. 

You need to pick this book up- it would be perfect as a gift for a baby shower , a first or 2nd birthday :) 

I have one book to giveaway to one of you, just leave a comment with who would you gift this book to for Christmas or if you would keep it for yourself or your grandkids :) 

“Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255:  “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”):  Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway.  Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation.  I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.



1. Forgiving means not bringing that old infraction up every time you have a new fight. Let it go.
2. When you’re having an argument, listen to understand, don’t listen to find loopholes so you can win. Marriage is either a win/win or a lose/lose. You never win by beating someone else down.
3. Agree to disagree. Sometimes you just won't agree 100% on everything in marriage. Choose to agree to disagree without holding it against your spouse.
4. You've heard it said that the three keys to being successful in real estate, is "location, location, location." The three keys to being successful when there's conflict in your marriage are, "forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness."



I have noticed we do a couple of these like: 4, 6( i am bad at that, I am a night owl from working nights), 
1. You opt for sleep over sex 
2. You stop kissing each other hello or goodbye
3. Lack of ‘date nights’ or you don’t go on dates at all
4. You don’t cuddle up on the sofa
5. You forget to say ‘I love you’
6. You go to bed at different times
7. You spend the evening sitting in different rooms
8. Watch TV in separate rooms
9. Not letting each other know about plans that have been made
10. Not excited at the prospect of one-on-one time
11. You stop celebrating anniversaries
12. You don’t talk about your day to each other
13. One of you is on their phone while the other is talking
14. The little phone calls at work stop
15. No little notes or silly texts
16. Little or no flirting
17. You dress down when you are together, never up.
18. You eat at different times in the evening


Where Jesus Slept Hardcover – Book Review

I love all kinds of Christmas theme books and this one did not disappoint me in the least.  I plan to use this one as part of my nativity display this Christmas

The structure of the traditional poem “This Is the House that Jack Built” is used as the premise for this Nativity story.
The opening pages show Joseph leading Mary and their donkey toward the town of Bethlehem, with a verse from Luke about the birth of Jesus as the text. The following pages begin the repeating pattern with the refrain, “This is the bed where Jesus slept,” followed by “the straw that lined the bed,” “the cow that shared the straw,” and so on. All the phrases repeat with each new character, including Mary, the baby, a lamb, an angel, the shepherds, and the wise men, and a final page includes a picture of a smiling baby Jesus and another Bible verse. The double-page spreads have a greeting-card prettiness, with static poses; the character of Mary looks somewhat unfinished. 

I have 1 book to give to one of you, just comment below with your favorite Christmas memory, a winner will be announced in 3 days. Also leave your emails so I can email you if you win.

"Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the
Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post. Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway.  If you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller / FlyBy Promotions in the last 30 days, you are not eligible to win.  Or if you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.”

SoundPEATS Portable Bluetooth Speakers- Review

These speakers are a great budget choice for your portable music listening needs.
 It is easy to pair with any android or iOS device with Bluetooth connectivity.
 Just push the power button and simply pair.

You can choose between nice light blue coloured accented finish or a neon green accent. I personally love the light blue variant. and has some pretty impressive build quality, and is quite sturdy, durable, and has that rugged outdoor design. 
The physical music player buttons are on top for easy accessibility and the buttons are very tactile and satisfying to push.

The sound quality of the speaker is good in general. It performs pretty well when I play most types of music, such as pops, piano, but it does have a bit blunt and sometimes broken sound when playing strong bass music in close-to-maximum volume. 
That is normal for the size of the speaker. Although the speaker small, it is very powerful.
 I used the speaker in a 1000 sq ft room and I have no problem to hear clear sound from the speaker anywhere in the room even I put the speaker in the far end.

Connecting the speaker to your mobile device is easy and straightforward. The Bluetooth connection is stable within 8 meters distance but it has broken sound sometimes when the speaker is 12 meters from the sound source. The speaker can play around 8~9 hours at ¾ volume without interruption in my testing. Note that the speaker also has an aux-in port, which is a plus.

P2 comes fully charged so we were able to use right away and gave 8 hours of play time. It comes with a 3.5mm audio jack, a micro SD cable to charge the device and a strap that can hook onto the side of the speaker.

This is one amazing speaker for the price and size I would recommend it. Two thumbs up

Please note, I was given this product, however, all views expressed here are my own, honest impressions of the product.


Friday Night Date Night Idea

Cook Dinner together
Put the kids to bed earlier, have a late dinner and dessert could be good ;) It is really fun to cook together, we always end up having the best time, we might even throw in a water fight in the midst.  You can do the cooking, then clean up together, it is so much fun, I promise. 


Finding Quietness in a Noisy world

Silence. They say it's golden, but it is also rare. We are bombarded with noise nearly everywhere we go- blaring music, slamming doors, and revving engines and the softer but still intrusive, chirps and dings of technology. Is there anywhere in the world to find peace and quiet.

We have become so accustomed to noise that true silence can make us very uncomfortable. Can we sit quietly in a room with a friend without talking- and without feeling awkward? Can we sit contentedly alone in total silence? Our bodies and our souls need silence for health and refreshing.

Through out his ministry, Jesus consistently spent time alone. After his baptism and as his public ministry was about to begin, he spent 40 days alone in prayer and preparation ( Matthew 4:1-2) Again and again, we find Jesus separated himself from the crowds and even his disciples to spend time alone in prayer, " and when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into the mountain apart to pray and when the evening has come, he was there alone" ( Matthew 14:23)

We may not think that the Lord had stress or overload but I suspect he did. His human body felt the same fatigue, hunger, and demands as we do today. This is evident in his word to his disciples in Mark 6:31: And he said to them "Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while. For there were many coming and coming, and they did not have time to eat"

Our inclination is to say" I just don't have the time to get away from everyone and everything, but there are ways to build silence into our day. If the Lord felt it was essential to fulfill his mission on earth, it is also essential for us to separate ourselves from the distractions of daily life. We can:

  • Rise up early before others in the household, or if not a morning person, stay up later
  • Find a peaceful place to walk such as a park trail or by water
  • Take an early morning prayer walk thru your neighborhood
  • Disconnect from all technology and media for part of each day, Ideally from 9:00 pm til after your morning prayer.
  • Designate a quiet nook in your home to read or study or journal.
  • Sit in silence and listen for the voice of God.
    As we learn to build time for silence and solitude into our schedule, we will find ourselves strengthened and refreshed in our daily life and into our spiritual life.



    A little Wednesday humor ... :)
    1. NEVER tell your wife you're bringing her a surprise and then show up with a broom or cleaning supplies as the gift. 
    2. NEVER refer to watching your own kids as “babysitting.” When a 15 year old girl from church does it, it’s called babysitting. When you do it, it’s called being a dad and taking care of your own children.
    3. NEVER say, “It must be that time of the month, eh?” EVEN IF IT IS … don’t say that. It means T.R.O.U.B.L.E.
    4. NEVER suggest that your job is harder than hers, even if you feel it is. Duh!
    5. NEVER say, “You are just like your mother.” If you do, she’ll probably go spend some time with her mother and leave you sleeping in your bed … alone.
    6. NEVER suggest that your driving is superior to hers ... EVEN if you feel it really is.
    7. NEVER say, “Are you REALLY going to wear that?” Unless of course you are wanting a black eye.
    8. NEVER be critical about your wife’s new haircut. Husbands, please reread this one, because this one might get you in more trouble than all the rest … combined. Although husbands don't care one way or another, I've learned that "Bangs" or "No Bangs" can be a life or death decision to a woman. So always compliment ... don't criticize.
    9. NEVER expect a medal for doing a little housework. It's easy for us men to get the crazy idea that we should get a reward if we help around the house a little bit. Guys, it’s your house too … help pick it up.
    10. NEVER ask, “Have you put on a little weight lately?” Even if she’s knocking over lamps in the living-room, there is NEVER a time to ask it that way.
    11. NEVER compare your wife’s cooking to your own mother’s. And saying anything like, “Well, that’s not the way my Mom did it,” will only cause you to have to spend a lot of time with your Mom.
    :) :)
    Laugh, enjoy your marriage, and have a great day.


    KJV The Beginner's Bible Holy Bible- Review

    We are a King James Version bible family mostly, I do have some study bibles in NKJV as it is easier to understand at times, so when I saw  this little bible was a KJV I knew I wanted to have it in my house for my nieces, they love to have little bible to take to church with them and the bright vibrant pictures will keep them quiet during the sermon.  When I saw that The Beginner's Bible came in a KJV version I was excited to see what this would mean. Would it be just pictures and stories? Would it be paraphrased? I was over the moon when I saw that this is the complete bible! It includes all the books from Genesis to Revelation in full. There are some pictures in the bible as well.

    Features include:

    • Presentation page so you can make this Bible your own.
    • Complete text of the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible.
    • Large print (11.5-point) type is easy to read.
    • 20 full-color pages of The Beginner’s Bible illustrations help you better understand the stories.
    • 66 book introductions and outlines explain who wrote each book of the Bible and what you will discover as you read.
    • Concordance will help you when you come to a word you don’t know.
    • Words of Christ in red to easily see where in the Bible Jesus speaks
    • Brand new vibrant, three-dimensional art.
    I review for BookLook Bloggers

    Girl Talk 52 Weekly Devotions- Book review

    Girl Talk 52 Weekly Devotions

    By Lois Walfrid Johnson

    This is a great book for  my 13 year old daughter, the devotions are great and thought provoking. 

    From facing your fears to how following Jesus can change your life for the better, to being accepted and accepting yourself just the way you are, this book has most situations that a young girl would face as she grows up in this world as well as ways the characters have resolved the situation in a loving, Christian way. After each situation, it gives response questions to be answered, thought about, contemplated, and space to write down their answers. Fifty-two different scenarios, all with Godly examples of how to face scary situations, also showing how God works in different ways to bring us closer to Him.

    I really liked the look of this devotional. I liked how it was set up as a story plus questions to do throughout the week to help girls think about the particular point the lesson was trying to get across. 
    I review for BookLook Bloggers
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