
Ordinary Angels

This is the type of movie that I did not want to stop watching, the end came to fast, it is incredible.  I want to share this movie with everyone in my small group and beyond, this movie has changed my life. 

Buy tickets today to see #OrdinaryAngelsmovie in theaters starting February 23rd! 

Ordinary Angels" offers a heartwarming and inspiring tale based on a remarkable true story. The film centers on Sharon, portrayed by the talented Hilary Swank, a fierce yet struggling hairdresser living in small-town Kentucky. Sharon's life takes a profound turn when she encounters Ed, played by Alan Ritchson, a widower who is tirelessly working to support his two daughters, particularly his youngest who is in need of a liver transplant

Driven by compassion and a newfound sense of purpose, Sharon becomes determined to assist Ed's family in any way she can. Despite facing numerous obstacles and challenges, Sharon refuses to give up, demonstrating unwavering determination and resilience as she endeavors to make a difference in the lives of those around her.

"Ordinary Angels" shines not only in its compelling narrative but also in its portrayal of the strength of the human spirit and the power of community support. The performances by Swank and Ritchson are captivating, bringing depth and authenticity to their respective roles. The film's exploration of themes such as empathy, selflessness, and the bonds that unite us is both moving and thought-provoking.

Credit is due to #KingdomstoryCompany for their remarkable work in bringing this touching story to the screen. Through their skillful storytelling and attention to detail, they have crafted a film that resonates deeply with audiences, leaving a lasting impression long after the credits roll.

Overall, #OrdinaryAngelsMIN is a testament to the extraordinary impact that ordinary individuals can have when they choose to lend a helping hand and make a difference in the lives of others. It is a touching and uplifting cinematic experience that reminds us of the inherent goodness that exists within humanity and the transformative power of compassion.

Don't miss this powerful film, based on a true story! You’ll leave feeling inspired to be an angel to people in your own community! 

Help us make the impossible possible. Every $1 you donate eliminates $100 in medical debt. Together with RIP Medical Debt, we aim to erase $10,000,000 in medical debt relief.  The gift of debt relief is life-changing—and every dollar makes a difference. 

What unfolds is the inspiring tale of faith, everyday miracles, and ordinary angels. 

Medical Debt video of Alan Richtson (to share): 



Link to make a donation 

Buy tickets today to see Ordinary Angels in theaters starting February 23rd!

Many thanks to Kingdom Faith Marketing Services, LLC for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.

Navigating Through Sadness: A Journey Towards Healing

Sadness is an emotion we all encounter at some point in our lives. It's a feeling that can creep in quietly or hit us like a tidal wave, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and lost in its depths. Despite its universal nature, sadness is often misunderstood and stigmatized. However, it's essential to recognize that sadness is a natural and necessary part of the human experience.

Understanding Sadness

Sadness can manifest for various reasons – from the loss of a loved one to disappointment, failure, or even just a general sense of unease. It's a complex emotion that can be triggered by both external events and internal thoughts and perceptions. While experiencing sadness is inevitable, how we respond to it is what truly matters.

Embracing Sadness

Contrary to popular belief, sadness isn't something to be feared or suppressed. Instead, it's an opportunity for introspection and growth. By allowing ourselves to fully experience sadness, we open the door to understanding ourselves on a deeper level. It's through moments of sadness that we can reflect on our values, priorities, and relationships, gaining valuable insights into our own psyche.

Navigating Through Sadness

Navigating through sadness can feel like traversing a stormy sea with no land in sight. However, there are ways to find solace and peace amidst the turmoil:

1. Acceptance: Acknowledge your feelings without judgment. Understand that it's okay to feel sad and that these emotions are temporary.

2. Self-Compassion: Be gentle with yourself. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a friend in need.

3. Reach Out: Don't be afraid to lean on your support system. Whether it's friends, family, or a therapist, sharing your feelings can provide immense relief.

4. Express Yourself: Find healthy outlets for your emotions, whether it's through journaling, art, music, or physical activity. Expressing yourself creatively can be incredibly cathartic.

5. Practice Mindfulness: Stay present in the moment and cultivate mindfulness through practices such as meditation or deep breathing exercises. This can help you observe your thoughts and emotions without getting caught up in them.

Finding Hope

While sadness may feel all-encompassing at times, it's essential to remember that it's not permanent. Just as storms eventually pass, so too will your feelings of sadness. By embracing your emotions and actively working through them, you can emerge from the darkness with a newfound sense of strength and resilience.

In conclusion, sadness is a natural part of the human experience, and it's okay to feel sad. By embracing our emotions, practicing self-compassion, and reaching out for support when needed, we can navigate through sadness with grace and emerge on the other side stronger than before. Remember, you are not alone, and there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow.






A small word with so much meaning.

Different meanings for different people and for different people.

I love my husband with a different love than I have for my kids and grandchild.

I have friends that I say “love ya” to but it is not an attractive type of love, it is a friendly love to let them know I am thinking of them.

I have been married to my husband for 22 years this year and I can tell you what I think real love feels like?

You don't worry about what they're doing or who they're with, you both trust each other and respect that you have very significant mutual feelings. True love is comfort and happiness. True love is the most amazing feeling in the world. It's like this overwhelming sense of purpose and warmth. I can talk to him about anything, I am not scared he will judge etc. He has seen me at my darkest days and lowest lows yet each day he is still here- to me this is real love.

What love feels like

1.It's more than lust

It's important to recognize the difference between lust and love. While lust is one stage on the way to love, you're going to need more than physical attraction to make it last. In time, the deeper you get to know them and the more you bond, the more you'll grow to care for who they really are—and the more they'll care for who you really are, too.

2. You're not concerned with the risk

If anything, risk is what makes it exciting. Love pushes you to open yourself up completely to another person, to really be seen and understood. Love is a huge risk, but it seems to be the one we're all willing to take.

3.You feel calm and content around this person

Eventually, as the honeymoon phase dissipates and you and your partner really begin to see who the other is, there's a sense of calm familiarity. You feel grounded and content in their presence. 

4.It just feels right

Love doesn't always have "good reasons," which is where the idea of unconditional love comes from. It doesn't always feel easy or even necessarily positive, but it always feels like I'm right where I need to be.

5.You feel like a complete individual

Your partner shouldn't "complete" you; in fact, feeling that way is a good sign that you're more in the infatuation phase than true love. Love happens between two whole people,

Both people are free to be their whole selves. Couples experience "true individuation and self-discovery" when they're truly in love, In this way, you don't feel incomplete without them but rather that you're two whole people who work well as a team.

6.You accept the good with the bad

Before getting to the wholehearted stage, couples must go through disillusionment (the end of the honeymoon phase when faults start showing up) and ultimately, a decision about whether to stay together. There's really no way around it. "Loving is realizing all the ways you're not perfect together and making it work anyway.

7.You actively choose them

Once you've accepted those things about your partner that aren't exactly your favorite—congratulations! —you've actively decided your love for them is more important. Long-term love is very much a choice. I think there's more than one right person—I think you can make a choice to spend your life with someone.

8. You trust your love will last

Despite the risk and any other difficulties, there's a deep knowing that you want this person in your life, and trust they'll be around for the long haul. And building this trust is no easy feat,  it's a process that takes time.

9.You've overcome obstacles and challenges

Developing true love takes going through rough seasons and finding out all the ways you're not compatible.( The first 7 years of our marriage, I did not expect to last, now here we are year 22)  But the more your relationship is put to the test, the stronger you become as a pair. Of course, every relationship still takes effort, but once you reach wholehearted love, you've really sharpened your communication and conflict-resolution skills.

10.You could live without them‚ but you don't want to

Going back to the idea of being a complete individual with and without a partner, there's the part of you that knows you would be OK without your great love. But with that said, you know this isn't what you want because you simply, genuinely love having this person in your life.

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