
Not Managing to Get around to That House Redesign Goal of Yours? Here Are Some Tips

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It's not exactly a secret that the state of your home has a lot to do with your own mental state, and sense of well-being.

It's unlikely that many people – if in fact anyone at all – would be able to feel good and content if their home was completely run down, dusty, and looked something like a mediaeval dungeon. On the other hand, if you happen to be fortunate enough to live in your "dream home," it's probable that you actually feel pretty good when lounging around on evenings and weekends.

Since our homes, and their decor, are such a big deal, many of us have various home redesign, reorganisation, and management goals that we accumulate, and know we should really get around to pursuing.

Of course, the trick is actually getting around to those home redesign projects that we keep putting off.

If you know that you need to work to finally achieve a home redesign goal of yours, but keep struggling to actually get the ball rolling, here are some tips that may be helpful.

  1. Write down just what it is you need to achieve in order to get the project finished

It's one thing to have a "goal" in the broadest, and most abstract possible sense. "I want my home to be less messy," and "I want to change the colour palette that the walls are painted in," are examples of those "broad" and "vague" sorts of goals.

It's another thing, altogether, however, to actually manage to specify and figure out an action plan for accomplishing those goals.

This requires some careful thinking and planning, as well as a good deal of reflection, in order to identify what specifically you actually want to get done.

One of the best ways of gaining the clarity and motivation you need in order to achieve your home redesign project, is to spend some time sitting down at a desk or table with a notepad and pen, and to just write down, systematically, what steps you will need to take in order to achieve your overall goal.

This could include things such as getting in touch with a contractor in your area, or going shopping for different paints. The important thing is to set specific targets that you can cross off a checklist, one by one.

  1. Bring the experts in, if DIY isn't working out for you

It's entirely possible that, if you're not managing to actually execute on your home redesign plans, you're just trying to bite off more than you can chew, and are demotivated, nervous, and distracted, as a result of that.

If the DIY route isn't working out for you, and you're struggling to make things happen on your own, it can be a good idea to bring the experts in. Not only will this mean that the task will get done more quickly, but it will likely also be done to a significantly higher standard, as well.

It's not unlikely that you would be able to paint your home, by yourself, for example. But hiring a home interior painting company would allow you many more options, and would make the process a lot more versatile. It will also allow you to take a step back, and continue living the rest of your life, while the company gets the job done on your behalf.

Of course, hiring experts to redesign your home will generally cost a good deal more than if you were going to do it yourself. There is a trade off to be made here, but it's definitely not the case that you should always err on the side of doing everything solo. In some cases, this can even be extremely dangerous.

  1. Clarify your vision for the home, in detail

It might be that you are struggling to achieve your home redesign goal, because you haven't clarified and specified your vision for the home, in sufficient detail.

Vague goals tend not to lead to productive action, and results. Among other things, it is much harder figuring out what the ideal first step is to take, unless you've been very specific about what it is you want to achieve.

Spend some time sitting down and clarifying your vision for the home in detail, and then work backwards to identify some smaller-scale actions you can take to getting started.

  1. Set aside a significant amount of time for the project, and do things to make it more enjoyable

It's difficult to embark on an ambitious redesign project when you don't have a lot of time at your disposal, and you know the whole thing would drag on for ages.

It can also be difficult to motivate yourself to go through with the redesign project, if you fundamentally don't enjoy the work.

Get around these issues by setting a significant amount of time aside for the project – a weekend, or even a week off work – and then do things to make it more enjoyable. You could listen to audiobooks or music while working, for example.


  1. Vague goals tend not to lead to productive action, and results. Among other things, it is much harder figuring out what the ideal first step is to take, 2048 Cupcake
    unless you've been very specific about what it is you want to achieve.

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