
A little life update

It has been some time since I have updated everyone on life on the Grothe Homestead. 

Summertime sure is busy and it seems to fly and winter lasts forever. We have not taken a vacation this summer for any length of time, Andrew was off for two weeks and he did some things that he needed to do and some yard work, woodwork etc, Brooke was gone to St Louis for NAYC for a week and I was so lost without her, had no idea what to do to keep myself busy. She had a great time though and it was a good week with my honey. 

We went to the beach and just had fun together, it is so important to take time and work on your relationships- not meaning only if there is something wrong, it is important to have a weekly date night, even if it means snuggled on the couch watching your favorite shows or sports. 
I honestly love being married and I wouldn't change the hard times because you grow as a couple just make sure to make up 😏

Today marks 2 months at my job and I have honestly never been happier or content, my anxiety is actually under control and I am doing so good. Of course, I am still taking my medications and not sure if I will ever be without those, I tried to do that once before and it did not work out so well so I will stay behaved until my Dr gives me the ok to stop them.

Looking after your mental health is important, which is why it’s worth considering options like embracing a homesteader’s life.

I am still in University and not sure how that is going, to be honest, accounting is not for the faint of heart and I am honestly struggling with it.  Online courses are not easy and I need the support of a teacher and classmates so I have gotten a tutor and my first session was ok, let's see how this goes. 

My best friend is coming tomorrow for 4 days and I am so excited to have some girl time with her, she is going through a separation and she needs all the support and prayers she can get currently.  So if you wouldn't mind, just pray for Melissa. 

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