
3 Tips for Keeping Allergies Under Control

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Around 100 million people in the U.S. suffer from one or more allergies that impact their lives. From seasonal allergies that cause massive discomfort during the warmer seasons to life-threatening allergies that can kill you, there are various degrees of severity and, quite literally, hundreds of things you can be allergic to.

In children, the most common allergy is to milk; in adults, it is shellfish, followed by nut allergies. No two people will experience their allergy symptoms exactly the same as you can have varying levels or reactions depending on how your body reacts and, if you are allergic to airborne allergies or particles, or if it is in contact with your body or digestion only.

This post looks at some of the best ways to help you reduce the risk of allergic reactions.


Most people with allergies know to avoid triggers and anything that can trigger an allergic reaction. This means avoiding places that sell foods you are allergic to prevent cross-contamination, staying away from green spaces if you have hay fever, not wearing latex or touching items with latex in for latex allergies avoiding household products, and so on. It's easier said than done, but it is also one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of coming into contact with anything that makes you ill.


The more people who are aware of your allergy, the better. This means telling family, friends, contacts, work colleagues, and staff at venues of your allergy so they can help you avoid a reaction and ensure no one is bringing anything near you that you are allergic to. While this isn't necessary for all allergies, for those with life-threatening allergies such as shellfish or nuts, especially if airborne particles trigger your allergy, you need to tell people so they know what might happen should you be put in this situation.


For seasonal allergies, you can work with a medical provider in New Jersey and elsewhere to manage your symptoms.  Allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to a usually harmless substance, such as pollen, insect stings or specific proteins in food.  As symptoms can range from mild to life threatening, it is important to see advise from a medical professional. 

OTC medication to help you control your symptoms and reduce discomfort. There isn't always a suitable treatment plan for other allergies past avoiding the trigger, but you can click here to learn more about medical treatment for allergies. But you can ensure you have an Epi-pen to use in case of exposure and you need emergency treatment. Always ensure it is in good working order, and you replace the device once it has been used so you always have some form of protection with you. Know how to use it and ensure others know you have one so if the worst does happen, they can administer it for you to help you recover faster.

Living with allergies isn't easy, and as such, you need to take the responsibility of making others aware of your allergy and ensure you remain at a safe distance from your triggers wherever possible. This can help you to avoid any symptoms and hospitalizations from coming into contact with them. Never be afraid to share details of your allergy with others, as this can save your life. No one can remove your allergens from your presence if they are unaware they need to do so. 

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