Bringing a new baby home is a great joy, but a big challenge for the parents too. Not
only do you need to take care of the newborn, but you’ll also have to accustom your
firstborn to their new sibling. The process of accepting the younger sister or brother
will be easier for some kids, but it may also be a struggle for others. That’s why you
need to prepare your toddlers for the new baby sibling, and this is how.
Talk to them about the new sibling
It’s important that you inform your child on time, that there will be a new baby in
the house soon. Make sure you do so before your baby bump starts to grow, and let
them know that your body is about to start changing. Try to explain anything that
they’re curious about, and make the responses as clear and as detailed as possible.
They should know why the new baby will require your undivided attention, and
don’t forget to mention that you used to carry them around when they were little
too. Let them know that babies can’t communicate in any other way but with fussing
and crying, and that your older one needs to get used to more noise around the
Play with them when possible
Considering all babies tend to sleep a lot, try to use those quiet times to play with
your older child, whenever you’re not feeling too tired. They say that the mom
should sleep whenever the new baby is sleeping, but when you have an older child,
you can cut back on the naps a little. So, explain to your older child that you can have
fun together, but quietly, while the newborn is resting. This is the best way to make
them cooperative, and more patient about the new baby’s sleeping habits. Think
about installing the handy Kiindred app for your phone and look for some fun
articles that can illustrate and explain everything your toddler is curious about. This
way, you can spend time together, and have fun exploring all the new information
about infants.
Let them be your little helper
Little ones love to be treated as adults, because that makes them feel important. Therefore, let them help you change the newborn, and even allow them to be around while you’re breastfeeding. They can hand you over a new diaper, or a cushion for your back to make you comfortable while you’re feeding the baby. Also, if they want to be a part of other baby-related chores, allow them to participate in bathing, passing you wipes while you’re changing the little one, or have a pacifier at hand whenever the baby starts to cry. If you have a full feature stroller like those from Mixx, they could even come for walks and push the baby along whilst safe to do so. Getting them a special doll that can act as their little baby will help them accept the fact that they can’t feed or rock the baby yet, but they can still have their own baby to take care of until they’re more grown up.
Get them a gift too
Newborns are always showered with gifts, which can cause plenty of jealousy with
your toddler. Therefore, make sure you have a gift ready for them after the baby
arrives. Explain to them that all the gifts are there to celebrate the new baby’s
arrival, and that they’ve also received a bunch of presents when they were born.
Make sure you show them which presents those were, and after the new baby is
home, you can hand them over a present saying it was from the new baby. This will
help them accept the sibling much faster, and won’t make them hostile.
Welcoming a new baby to your home will cause a lot of change, but the biggest one
will be with your older child. That’s why you need to do your best to prepare them
for the arrival of their little sibling, so they don’t act out or make too much trouble
when the baby is home. You can also check out a fun baby predictor here:
Get them a gift too
Newborns are always showered with gifts, which can cause plenty of jealousy with
your toddler. Therefore, make sure you have a gift ready for them after the baby
arrives. Explain to them that all the gifts are there to celebrate the new baby’s
arrival, and that they’ve also received a bunch of presents when they were born.
Make sure you show them which presents those were, and after the new baby is
home, you can hand them over a present saying it was from the new baby. This will
help them accept the sibling much faster, and won’t make them hostile.
Welcoming a new baby to your home will cause a lot of change, but the biggest one
will be with your older child. That’s why you need to do your best to prepare them
for the arrival of their little sibling, so they don’t act out or make too much trouble
when the baby is home. You can also check out a fun baby predictor here:
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