
Hard days

When I woke up this morning a cloud of sadness, negativity and dread was all over me.
I knew it was going to be one of my bad days and I did not like the way I felt at all.

I pushed through, no it was not a great day for me and there were tears as usual but it is okay to cry, some days if you could just go outside and scream you may feel better. 

It is ok to have those bad days as long as the good outweigh the bad but right now I am not sure if mine do. 

Right now I am in the recovery stage, I do think last Wednesday changed my life, shutting down and blocking out the world was very hard, I did not want anyone to talk to me, then I wondered why no one was reaching out when I was struggling, but to realize I wasnt letting them in. 

the recovery road is very hard and long but I believe with the people around me, I can push thru this. 

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