
Truthful Thursday-- Who is your Idol


I was browsing blogs and Pinterest one day when I came across these questions to answer for other bloggers to get to know you.

1) Who is your idol
2) How did you get into blogging?
3) If you could have one Super Power, what would it be?
4) Favourite TV show?
5) What would be your dream job?
6) If you could go back in time and do something differently,what would it be?
7) Favourite Social Media Platform?
8) Cats, dogs or Neither? 
9)Your top blogs that you must visit every day?
10) Any Hidden Talents?
11) Would you rather be blind or deaf?

So every Thursday for the next few weeks I am going to share some answers to some questions, if you want to know something, leave it in the newest Truthful Thursday and it will be featured with a link to you

Today, I am sharing the answer to question 1

1) Who is your Idol: as a christian I obey the commandment- have no other Gods/ idols before me, but as a person I would look up to would be my Grandma- who despite her circumstances she had a positive outlook and a smile on her face, she had LOTS of patience and she loved when people came over to visit, she would have tea parties with us grand daughters, she would keep her house spotless, she would have dinner made every single night for her husband and sons who still lived at home.

Who is someone you look up to?


  1. your devotion is so so admirable! Wishing you all the best. xo

  2. This may sounds weird, but I really look up to my almost 4 year old son.
    He wakes up so enthusiastically and is incredibly polite for his age.
    I wish I'd know my grandmothers the way you did, but they passed away right before and right after I was born.

  3. That sounds like a great idea! I look up to my dad, he's such a great role model!

  4. I will go with your 1st question -- my idol is Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. No One loves me like Him who paid the ultimate price for me to have eternal life! I have my dream job - I am a homeschool mama who gets to stay home with her 5 kids!

  5. My idol is my mom! Amazing, beautiful, strong, and patient - 9 kids - she is a superhero

  6. Gloria Estefan! You knew that already...but I still wanted to answer. :)


Thanks for the blogging Love

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