
Weekend Recap

After all the snow we got thursday evening and into the night, it was a beautiful spring like temps and I went for a nice long walk with Jaradene, we just needed fresh air and a chat and we got both. Love her so much.
Hubby wanted to take us to dinner, so he came home to get us and we went back in town around 5:30 or so, we weren't sure what we wanted so instead of a sit down restaurant, we all went to the mall food court, never even did a bit of shopping but it was ok, I wasn't in the mood.  We took J to the bible school to hang out with some friends for the weekend and we went grocery shopping, I am so glad for the sales we got, i got my final cheque from my old job and it was so big, I'll never spend it all, it was $63.01, too funny- I was expecting a much bigger check and a bonus but they are not giving me my bonus because I am no longer employed there, but that is ok because I am moving on to a new career, new and better things I say.  Off course I was upset over the bonus, but I am keeping the peace and who knows what may happen.
Watched some hockey- bruins and they won off course, why would i expect anything different!!

We had to be up and on the go for 8:15 am, Brooke had her first quizzing tournament, good thing it was only 15 mins from here, hubby had to go into work for over time ( vacation is in exactly 2 months),  we stopped for coffee and went for the tournament.
Pictures will tell the take further

Here they are with the first team they were up against and their coaches- Fonda and Jen, we love those ladies, they are incredible. 

Waiting for the results of the first quiz which moved them up to 2nd place over all.

My sister is a coach for the senior team so we got to see them as well, Brooke and her cousin Olivia

This pretty girlie turns 3 on Thursday, we missed her birthday party today though, that made me sad

Here they are with their 2nd place trophy 

The highest scoring quizzers. 
I am so so proud of my girl, she amazes me beyond what i ever imagined, we always get compliments how incredible she is, I am proud of her.  
We took her to piano and hubby and i had a wal mart date ;) I got a new dress but its to small.. so I need to return it :(, i have to buy some more dress clothes, its a dress up job and I am so excited. 
We came home and both took a nap, then we had the Saturday night regular nachos, Brooke has a friend over for a sleep over and now I'm curled up with some tea and watching heart land 

We had morning service, I had asked for a meeting with the ladies after service so I could get some food ready for the big community dinner we have coming up, we came home had lunch, we napped, went back to pm service, we had our grand opening of our cafe tonight, it was nice. We got home and had no power so we went back into town and ate, then when we got home, the power was back. 
We take our electricity for granted, so thankful that we have it.
New job begins tomorrow morning ( Monday) I am excited for new things :) 

Have a great week 


  1. So glad that you had a taste of Spring! Wishing you all the best in your new career and congrats to your daughter!

  2. We had beautiful spring weather all week long and then we had a freaking blizzard on wednesday. It was the most random thing. Your weekend sounded pretty awesome.

  3. So glad that the spring weather has reached you--still waiting for it here in NY--can't wait to talk walks outside and enjoy the sunshine. Good luck with your new career--wishing you all the best

  4. Sounds like a fun event.

  5. Sounds like you had a nice weekend. I'm in MI and we had a crazy storm come out of nowhere after several spring-like days. Thankfully it's back to being warmer than freezing now, haha.

  6. We had a wonderful break of spring weather on Saturday, too. It was so nice, I spent the day out shopping and having lunch with my teenage daughter. Sounds like you had a nice family-time weekend. Good luck with your new job.

  7. sounds like a wonderful weekend, and a great experience!


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