
3 shocking reasons your lawn is in bad shape

When you think about a beautiful garden, you think about a gorgeous green lawn. We all want a lawn that’s evenly cut looks a deep green and is free from any issues. When problems occur with our lawn, then the whole garden suffers as a consequence.

If you’re reading this, then your lawn is probably in bad shape - and you don’t know why! So, here are a few common reasons behind this predicament:

A Buzz Cut

Those of you familiar with hairdressing will understand that a buzz cut is when someone has their hair shaved very short and close to their scalp. This is also a lawn mowing method that too many people choose to do. Cutting your grass really close to the surface is a terrible idea. You end up creating the perfect conditions for things like crabgrass and weeds to grow. Not only that, but you can actually rip up the surface and cause muddy patches that turn the grass brown and pale. These lawn mowing tips from diynetwork.com will come in very handy and teach you how to cut the grass accurately and avoid these issues. You can also check out Top rated leaf Top rated leaf blower

Insect Infestations

Believe it or not but insects could be the reason behind your lawns poor performance. There are loads of different insects and bugs that infest your lawn and make little nests in it. This damages the soil and creates patches in your lawn because the grass can’t grow in these areas. As the lawn care service from Myrtle-Beach-Landscaping.com shows, you mainly get insect problems in the summer. So, if you notice your lawn is patchy, and some dusty mounds are popping up everywhere, then it’s mostly due to these insects. Get rid of them, and you can get back to work ensuring the grass is always greener.

Summer Weather

Every keen gardener loves the summer because it means we can go out and enjoy our yards in the lovely sun. However, this weather could also be the reason behind your lawns problems. Too much sun will scorch your lawn and almost burn it. It will severely dry it up, meaning you’re left with a pale green, almost yellow, lawn. It will pretty much look and feel as though your lawn is made of straw! This issue will probably happen to all homeowners during heatwaves or periods of sunny weather where there’s never any rain. You should consider redoing the lawn with more plants that thrive in hot weather or perhaps looking into Colorado Sod Farms to get drought- tolerant turf which can recover quickly after the summer. Another way to counter this issue, is you have to continually water your lawn. I suggest a lawn sprinkler to do this job, as you will ensure it keeps getting watered even with the sun beating down on it.

So, there you go; three shocking reasons your lawn is in bad shape. Don’t let these things get you down, as they can all be fixed! Take care of your lawn, and it will have a positive impact on your garden as a whole. The visual appearance will be vastly improved, which is excellent news for you!


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