Even if you’re a keep fit fanatic, you probably find it much harder to stay on top of your fitness regimes in the winter time. And, if you’re not, it can seem almost impossible. Who wants to go out for a run in the cold or head to the gym after work when it’s dark outside? You may, however, want to curl up on the sofa with a massive box of chocolates and a bottle of wine.
That’s even before the holiday period hits. Most of us gain a little weight over winter time as we spend more time indoors, eating warming comfort food and overindulging on treats. In some ways, this is a good thing. A little extra weight will at the very least help you to keep warm when it’s freezing outside.
However, even if you let yourself indulge and don’t mind the weight gain, it’s a good idea to keep your fitness levels up. This will boost your immunity, making you less likely to pick up winter bugs, help you sleep, improve your confidence and make it much easier to lose any weight once the holidays are over. Take a look at some other benefits here, http://www.terri-grothe.com/2017/11/embracing-active-lifestyle-many.html.
Wrap Up
If you do decide to brave going out for a run, make sure you wrap up. As you pick up speed and start to sweat, you’ll warm up naturally, but those first few minutes can be heart-stoppingly cold. Light, thin layers that can be easily removed, as well as waterproof shoes and a hat can make outdoor winter exercise much nicer.
Warm Up
When it’s cold outside it can take much longer to warm your muscles up. Fail to warm up properly, and you could easily pull a muscle. Start with a gentle walk and make sure you thoroughly stretch every major muscle group before you start your workout. Then, cool down when you finish.
Eat Well
Eating well helps you to maintain your fitness levels even when you aren’t working out as much as usual. Stick to a healthy diet, look at https://canabidol.com/ for natural ways to boost your health.
Look After Yourself
Eating well is just the start of looking after yourself. Get plenty of sleep, drink lots of water and relax when you can. This will all boost your immunity and help you to feel happier and more alert. This will make your more likely to want to go out and do some exercise.
Exercise at Home
If you simply can’t stand the idea of going out to exercise, do it at home. Check out some exercise videos. There are so many available nowadays, and you don’t even need a DVD. Whether you’ve got 10 minutes or hours to spare, you’ll be able to find a workout video online. Try to find something that you enjoy doing so that you are more likely to stick to it. You can also build your own work out routines
Most of now do all of our Christmas shopping online. If you want to burn off some calories, don’t. Get out there and have a proper look around the shops. A day of Christmas shopping could burn up to 1500 calories. Well worth tackling the queues for.
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